Do you know the law of Rim?

Do you know the law of Rim?

Do you know the law of Rim?
Among the ranking of the countries where one lives the best established by the World Happiness Report, Denmark always arrives on the podium. After winning 1st place in 2016, it ended up in second in 2017, dethroned by Norway.

So what is the secret to the happiness of the Scandinavian countries? How do they differ from Latin countries? The answer may lie in the law of Rim. Does that mean nothing to you? Here are some answers.

Rim Law: a code of conduct

Author of 20st century, Aksel Sandemose is a Danish writer who notably wrote in 1933 A fugitive cuts his tracks (In flygtning krydser sit spor). This novel describes, implicitly, the rules that govern his hometown. It is these last which would allow the inhabitants to live happily and were designated under the term of law of Jante.

It would be a form of code of conduct to achieve happiness. Thus, values ​​like humility, equality and respect seem to be primordial in Scandinavian society, which applies them more or less unconsciously and thereby experiences a form of bliss.

10 rules to follow

With its 10 rules of conduct all set out on the same model, the law of Jante will not fail to make one think of the Decalogue, better known under the name of ten commandments. But the comparison stops there, since‘there is no question of religion, prophet or table of the law :

1 You must not believe that you are someone special! (Du skal ikke tro du er noget!)

2 You must not believe that you are worth as much as us! (Du skal ikke tro du er lige meget som os!)

3 You must not believe that you are smarter / wiser than us! (From the skal ikke tro of the er kloger in bone!)

4 You must not imagine that you are better than us! (Some skal ikke innbille dig and some er belly in bone!)

5 You must not believe that you know better than us! (From the skal ikke tro of the ved mere en os!)

6 You must not believe that you are more than us! (Du skal ikke tro from the first mother in bone!)

7 You must not believe that you are capable of anything! (Du skal ikke tro at duger til noget!)

8 You must not laugh at us! (Do not laugh at us!)

9 You must not believe that someone is interested / worried about you! (Du skal ikke tro at nogen kan lige dig!)

10 You must not believe that you can teach us something! (From the skal ikke tro of the kan lære os noget!).

The recipe for happiness?

But is this rim law really so positive? Would it not have perverse effects that would prevent each individual from surpassing themselves or giving the best of themselves? Would she not enclose them in a mold? This is a question that can be debated, especially since although Scandinavian countries show a real propensity for happiness, their suicide rate remains high.

The paradox of countries where a feeling of happiness and a high suicide rate coexist has often been noted. A study on suicide rates published by the magazine Forbes ranked Norway, Denmark, Finland and Sweden at the top of the list. There is therefore no miracle recipe for being happy …

Read also: What is it to be happy?

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