How to wear Baby?
You might never have really thought about it before you got ready for your baby’s arrival. And then while surfing the forums, you realized that if you had to choose a camp between that of the “pushers” and that of the “carriers”, your heart would rather swing for the second. The advantages: having Baby against you, feeling good, feeling good and being able to walk from Montmartre to the Dune du Pilat with ease.
A baby carrier, it is also used indoors
Sophie, mother of two children aged 10 months and 3 and a half years, completes the list of benefits: “Having a child snuggled up against you in a sling or in a good physio baby carrier also means calming evening tears by a blink of an eye and finally being able to eat hot! ” A great tool for preventing parents’ burnout. This mother’s testimony also makes it possible to underline that baby carriers are not reserved for outings, even if they are sometimes presented under the “Promenade” tab of major childcare brands. When you understand the interest of the baby carrier for yourself and for the child, you use it at home half the time. No need to go around the block in a stroller or around your town by car to calm your infant. And when he does not need to sleep or be soothed, the baby carrier quite simply allows him to be associated with your activities, to his greatest pleasure.. Do you want to garden, vacuum or go out in the forest? Belly to stomach, astride your hip or from 6 months on your back, your little one will not miss a beat! So depending on his age, your desires and his, locate the baby carrier (s) of your dreams on a site such as: slings with or without knots (slings), so-called preformed baby carriers, nets or Asian mei tai , you will have the choice.
A baby carried to the height of kisses
In your womb, he used to experience your every move: when you walked slowly or in a hurry, when you bend down to pick something up, when you dance or when you lie down, he was not. the least bit disturbed. Continue when you have the chance: it’s good for his spatial cues, good for his awakening, even if he ends up falling asleep at one point or another.. Deceptively inactive, your baby internalizes and feeds on your movements. Thanks to you, he perfects his sense of balance and his taste for walking. Whether or not you opt for 100% babywearing, do not ignore the purchase of a baby carrier that will free your hands without moving away from your chick. A baby carried and at the height of kisses close to you, it is a serene baby … but also parents reassured to hear his breath, to meet his gaze, to control his body temperature. Some brands of baby carriers will unfortunately still suggest that you carry your child in an upright position, body extended, legs straight and dangling. Bad idea: a child should not “dangle” in the seat of a baby carrier. If that was the case, he wouldn’t be comfortable. Can you imagine yourself suspended in a sturdy bib brief for 10 minutes, 15 minutes or more, the crotch compressed, your back straight or even a little arched and your legs floating? Not really. So don’t put your treasure through this little ordeal. The best position for a child, from around 4-5 months, is not to be suspended but really seated – in a sling, in a baby carrier or other -, in a so-called “M” position: legs bent apart, knees slightly above hip level. A bit like when we sit on the ground, in a hammock chair or on a stool particularly close to the ground: our buttocks are low, our legs bend and find a certain comfort if we place them apart, our back is seated. ’rounds slightly and our arms come together towards the front of our body. We are good! Baby also needs to make a round back to preserve and spare his spine. The seat of his baby carrier must be wide to support his thighs. From his knees on the other hand, his legs should be able to move freely.
Before 4 months, install it in the fetal position
You may be suggested, wrongly, to place your child in this “M” position from 3,5 kg and around fifty centimeters. Not so early! At this stage of development, your little one’s hips, spine, and sacrum are not ready for this. For this position, wait until he is about 4 months old, or more exactly until he is able to roll over on his own, when he is on the floor on a firm mat or mattress. Before this step, your shrimp needs to be “gathered”, curled up a bit like in your belly. It is enough to observe it: any baby, when you take it in your arms, it is the fetal position that it will adopt naturally. An excellent quality brand such as Manduca has provided a panty system integrated into its baby carriers in order to keep your little kangaroo’s legs crossed, in a fetal position, for the first few months. In the same spirit, Ergobaby has designed a cocoon – the “baby cushion” – compatible with all the models in the range to allow parents to be able to carry their child from birth tummy to tummy. At this age, you can also place it in a fetal sitting position in profile, still against your belly. The scarf with or without a knot, as in the opening photo of this file, will then be a first choice means of transport and hugs!
Workshops and videos to train
If this option appeals to you, register for babywearing workshops, watch tutorial videos on the web or on the DVD support sometimes supplied with the purchased scarf. Alone or as a couple, take advantage of your pregnancy to train, and continue after birth. In the workshop, you will familiarize yourself with weighted infants weighing 3, 5 or 8 kg. Goal: acquire the right movements, get used to the weight and positions, master knots or the adjustment of a sling ring. Gain trust.
Watch out for his neck!
Last important advice: never lay your infant in a sling, even if an instruction manual guarantees that this is possible. It would be difficult for you to feel your baby breathing. In addition, he might get too hot. At such a young age, also take care of her neck and head, which still need to be properly supported.