Do you hide your shopping in such a bag? It is a habitat for bacteria

Cloth bags have become an excellent alternative to foil bags. Unfortunately, what helps to protect the environment, according to researchers, may be dangerous to health. Tests by scientists from the UK’s government’s nutrition standards agency have shown that bacteria from raw food can be transferred to cloth bags and cause stomach problems. That’s why experts advise changing bags or washing them frequently.

The greatest threat are bacteria of the genus Campylobacter, which are found in the digestive tract of animals, and can enter the human system through contact with an animal or eating raw or poorly prepared meat. The bacterium can also be transferred on the packaging of raw products.

The same pathogens are the most common cause of food poisoning. They can cause campylobacteriosis, which is primarily characterized by severe abdominal pain. The infection is very often accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting.

Dirty bags are to blame

Even if there are no visible traces of food on the bags, they should be washed regularly, especially if you hide raw meat or fish in foil packaging. According to the researchers, detergents, raw food and other products need to be transported separately in different bags.

Scientists from the University of Arizona are also calling for caution when packing purchases. The researchers examined over 80 fabric bags, and found bacteria that are dangerous to our digestive system in more than half. Out of ten, they detected e.coli, which can cause very serious food poisoning.

The best and most effective way to get rid of bacteria is to wash your bags regularly. Unfortunately, over 90 percent. the people who use them have never done so.

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