Do you hear “swan singing”? You will know the impending death by these sounds

Disturbed consciousness, bluish skin, shortness of breath these are a few changes that take place in the human body before death. However, the list of symptoms is longer, and one of the more mysterious is the so-called swan singing.

  1. The approaching death can be predicted – it is indicated by specific symptoms
  2. One of them is “swan song”, that is, the specific scratching of the lungs
  3. The list also includes, among others change in facial features
  4. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

“Swan song” is an expression that signifies the artist’s last work or the end of an activity. Its origin comes from the belief that swans remain mute throughout their lives, and make their only sounds just before they die. It’s just a myth. Swans emit various sounds, incl. foraging. The term also has a specific, medical meaning.

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As the palliative care nurse Katarzyna Szubert explains in an interview with Gazeta Wyborcza, swan singing is a specific sound that resembles a crunch. It is released while you breathe when your lungs stop working properly.

Peculiar scratching is not the only symptom that means life is almost over. Symptoms of impending death may appear hours, days, or even weeks before death. It all depends on the disease the patient is struggling with.

Death the most common end symptoms

The most common symptoms of impending death include:

  1. tightening of facial features. It appears tight and the skin around the mouth turns gray;
  2. a bluish skin on the arms or legs as a result of worsening heart performance;
  3. progressive weakening and the associated increasing need for support from the environment;
  4. excessive sleepiness and confusion, no response to stimuli;
  5. agitation, anxiety, disturbance of consciousness;
  6. shortness of breath, apnea, i.e. moments when the patient stops breathing and suddenly begins to breathe again, shortness of breath;
  7. problem with taking food, fluids and medications;
  8. intensification of pain related to the disease, but also due to the patient’s serious condition;

“Most are begging for her”

Patients just before death can behave in a variety of ways.

Most beg for it first, and when it is very close, they ask for a little more time. It also depends on the disease. Usually, cancer patients are fully aware. Alzheimer’s nie he will point out in an interview with «Wyborcza» Szubert.

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