Do you have something in common? Test for HIV during European Testing Week

It is estimated that 30-35 thousand Poles are infected with HIV, and 50% of them do not know about it and may infect it unknowingly

The European HIV Testing Week is a good opportunity to answer the question, has anything happened in my life that could have caused an infection?

On November 20-27, many consultation and diagnostic points where you can perform HIV testing anonymously and free of charge and take advantage of HIV / AIDS counseling will work more frequently and longer. The addresses and opening hours of the test points are available on the website of the National AIDS Center,

The National AIDS Center, an agency of the Minister of Health, inaugurated the educational campaign “Something connects you? Get an HIV test ”, which encourages people to learn about their serological status and disseminates information about HIV / AIDS and ways to reduce the risk of infection. As part of the campaign, a website will be launched with information about HIV and AIDS worth knowing A number of non-governmental organizations and national portals will join the campaign, which on the World AIDS Day (December 1) will publish the Red Bow – an international symbol of solidarity with people living with HIV / AIDS on their websites.

The main goal of the project and the accompanying campaign “Do you have something in common? Get an HIV test ”is to allow as many people as possible to have an HIV diagnostic test performed anonymously and free of charge. It is better to get tested and find out about your serological status than to live with HIV without knowing it. With regular medications, infected people can have a good quality of life and healthy children. A person who knows that he is infected with HIV has a chance to take care of himself and his loved ones.

The European Testing Week offers an opportunity for all of Europe to unite to raise awareness of the benefits of HIV testing, the campaign organizers write on their website The idea of ​​the European HIV Testing Week is supported by many international organizations and institutions, including UNAIDS and the European Commission.

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