Do you have high cholesterol? Here are the unsightly effects you can expect from it

We’ve all heard about being careful with cholesterol, but the truth is, most have a vague idea of ​​what this substance is all about. Its high blood levels can have very dire consequences for our health. In extreme cases, it leads to heart attacks and strokes, but not only that. Nutritionists warn.

  1. Cholesterol is a waxy, fatty substance that is present in every cell of the human body, but also in food
  2. It occurs in the body mainly in two forms: “good” and “bad”. Both are necessary for the functioning of the body, but the most important thing is to keep the right proportions
  3. Excess cholesterol is deposited in the walls of arteries and can lead to very serious consequences, not only of strokes and heart attacks. They can even be seen with the naked eye – on the skin
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Cholesterol – what is it?

As he explains to Eat This, Not That! Dr. John Burdeos cholesterol is a waxy substance produced in the liver. Cholesterol helps protect the nerves, produce cell tissue and some hormones. It is also found in food – dairy products, eggs and meat.

It is important to note two types of cholesterol – low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol – “bad” and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol – “good”.

LDL cholesterol builds up in the arteries and can cause a variety of problems, while HDL cholesterol simply breaks down and is removed in the liver.

Not keeping the right balance between good and bad cholesterol can cause many problems. Nutritionists warn of the consequences of high cholesterol in the body. They can be serious.

Consequences of high cholesterol

Myocardial infarction

When cholesterol levels are high, excess cholesterol builds up in the arteries. Over time, deposits build up there that simply obstruct blood flow.

«It could result in a heart attack or stroke. It is possible that they will not experience such high cholesterol side effects, and some may even be unaware that they have high cholesterol until a life-threatening event occurs, ”warns Dr. Burdeos. Therefore, he or she recommends a routine checkup that includes blood cholesterol testing.

Jaundice – lumps on the skin

While LDL cholesterol can have a myriad of side effects inside the body, some are also visible to the naked eye. They are mainly found on the eyelids. These are yellowish papular changes, the so-called Yellow lumpy tufts associated with the deposition of cholesterol in the skin.

“Unfortunately, most people won’t know they have high cholesterol without having a blood test. However, there are some symptoms that are visible. One of them is yellowish. They are soft and yellow bumps on the skin, ”explains Dr. Dana Ellis Hunnes, nutritionist and author of Recipe For Survival.

Male impotence

Men with high cholesterol need to be extra vigilant as too much LDL cholesterol can prevent you from starting a family.

“Another potential symptom is male impotence, as the blood vessels leading to the penis may become clogged (blocked) due to high cholesterol levels,” Dr Ellis Hunnes lists further effects.

Fortunately, men can help prevent this by following a healthy diet that helps lower cholesterol. It is about a wholesome, plant-based diet rich in fiber and the elimination of animal proteins that are inflammatory. All of this, Dr. Ellis Hunnes says, helps lower total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, and exercise, especially vigorous exercise, helps increase healthy HDL cholesterol.

Atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease

Another serious effect of high cholesterol is atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and coronary artery disease.

«Atherosclerosis is caused by a build-up of plaque in the arteries that constricts them and reduces blood flow. This causes symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath and irregular heartbeat »warns Reda Elmardi, owner of The Gym Goat blog.


Keeping your cholesterol levels high destroys your arteries, and this can increase your risk of a stroke.

«Strokes occur when a blood clot forms in the brain that cuts off the oxygen supply. Symptoms of a stroke include sudden numbness or weakness on one side of the body, trouble speaking, trouble seeing, and loss of vision, balance or coordination, ”Elmardi lists.

As before, your diet can play a key role in preventing stroke.


If you don’t control your bad cholesterol levels, you may develop diabetes. Diabetes is caused by a decline in the function of the pancreas that is unable to produce insulin at all (type 1 diabetes) or produces insufficient insulin (type 2 diabetes). This protein hormone helps control blood sugar levels.

«Type 2 diabetes usually results from being overweight or having too much belly fat. People with type 2 diabetes often have high cholesterol, ”recalls Elmardi, noting that high cholesterol is not always harmful.

It also sums up that some people have higher-than-average cholesterol levels and no symptoms. Others may have them. It’s chest pain, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat and swelling in the legs.

Check if your cholesterol is normal. Perform lipid metabolism tests. The package is available in Medonet Market.

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