Do you have dry, cracked heels? The body is trying to tell you something important

Cracked heels are a problem for many of us. Our feet are exposed to constant pressure associated with carrying the weight of the whole body. No wonder that as a result of slight neglect (e.g. wearing too tight shoes, improper care or being overweight), corns appear on the legs and the skin begins to crack. Whatever the cause of the problem, dry and cracked heels are not to be taken lightly. They can alarm about diseases and improper functioning of the body.

  1. Dry skin of the feet is neither aesthetic nor comfortable
  2. The problem becomes acute especially in summer, when high temperatures encourage us to display our feet in sandals or flip-flops.
  3. The truth is, cracked heels need to be looked after all year round, not only during the holiday season. Callous skin is quite a threat to health – then it is easy to create painful wounds, which are an easy target for bacteria and the development of infection. However, this is not the only threat we may face
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Where does the problem of cracked heels come from?

Despite the fact that the skin on the loops is twice as thick as that on other parts of the body, cracking heels is not uncommon. The main causes of dry feet include:

  1. improperly selected shoes that are crimped or made of synthetic materials, 
  2. overweight,
  3. foot defects and anomalies in terms of their structure,
  4. frequent wearing of high heels,
  5. pregnancy,
  6. lack of care for hygiene, neglect,
  7. a diet low in vitamins (especially vitamin A),
  8. malnutrition,
  9. incorrectly performed cosmetic procedures,
  10. genetic disposition,
  11. reaching for certain medications, e.g. blood thinning pills. 

Cracked heels are also common in older people, whose skin is no longer as elastic and firm as it used to be. Age also contributes to less care for the care and nourishment of the skin of the feet, which often results from the inability to independently take care of one’s own needs and hygiene.

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Cracked heels can be a signal of a disease

In addition to the aesthetic issue, cracked heels can tell us a lot about the condition of our body. This phenomenon is common in people struggling with rheumatism, as well as skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema or atopic dermatitis (AD). Diabetics are quite a large group of people struggling with dry feet. Diabetes contributes to excessive drying and cracking of the skin.

Another condition that cracked heels may indicate is hypothyroidism. Dry skin on the feet in this case is due to the slowing of blood flow, which leads to roughness and the formation of calluses.

Sometimes cracked heels are directly caused by foot deformities, such as flat feet, which contribute to inappropriate pressure on the foot. The same is true of the plantar fasciitis, commonly known as the heel spur.

Kidney disease, Down syndrome, and even lymphoma, one of the most commonly diagnosed blood cancers, are other examples of diseases that cause troublesome cracking and dry heels.

How to deal with cracked heels?

The feet are an extremely sensitive part of the body that requires special attention and care. As we use them all the time, going for walks, moving, playing sports or working physically, they are exposed to constant pressure and pressure. For this reason, you should take care of their comfort by choosing comfortable footwear, appropriately suited to the size and shape of the foot.

It is also worth paying attention to the daily care, without which the regeneration of dry, cracked heels is impossible. For this purpose, you should obtain moisturizing creams with urea. It is worth buying Urea for cleansing the skin, which moisturizes and tones the skin, preventing it from cracking and drying out.

A recommended treatment is also baths in which the feet are subjected to thermal shock. Soaking dry heels alternately in hot and then cold water allows for better innervation and stimulates the tissues to rebuild damaged epidermis.

For daily heel skin care, we recommend foot care products available on Medonet Market. The products of the FLOSLEK brand deserve special attention, for example: SOS Ballerina heel care stick, Dr Stopa intensively moisturizing foot cream or Peeling foot care kit + Ballerina mask.

People struggling with dry, cracked heels should take care of changes in the daily menu. It is especially important to include foods rich in vitamin A and fresh vegetables that will enrich the diet with essential minerals and nutrients. Healthy nutrition will translate into an improvement in the condition of the skin and its better nourishment.

Contrary to appearances, specialists advise against using a pumice stone and exfoliating the callous epidermis on your own. The reason is simple – pumice is a habitat of bacteria that easily penetrate the surface of dry skin, leading to the development of dangerous infections. A wise choice will be to go to a professional, i.e. a podiatrist or an experienced beautician for help. However, it should be borne in mind that the fight to regenerate neglected heels may take some time. However, with professional help and the implementation of the recommended cosmetic procedures, restoring your feet to their former glory can become a reality.

For cracked heels, you can also use Dr Stopa FLOSLEK Cracked Heel Cream available at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

Do you dream about healthy and well-groomed feet? Go for a treatment at a podiatrist.

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