There are many diets available for people who want to lose a few extra pounds. It is important that the right one is selected individually for our body – only then will it bring effect. By choosing a diet compatible with our blood type, you can:
- increase immunity
- eliminate: ailments from the digestive system, digestive disorders, slow metabolism, hormonal imbalance and weakening of insulin secretion
- To lose weight
Eat to lose weightThe most important rule for people with group A: to lose weight you must eat. Losing weight through starvation is absolutely not recommended, because it brings the opposite effect to the intended one.
Give up these products – they are unfriendly
- Pepper, vinegar, ketchup – they interfere with digestion and irritate the stomach
- Wheat – affects muscle acidification and increases the amount of mucus
- Oranges, mangoes, bananas, papaya – they slow down digestion and irritate the stomach
- Peppers and tomatoes – these vegetables are not beneficial for the work of the digestive tract
- Dairy – its consumption leads to problems with the respiratory system due to increased secretion of mucus. It also promotes infections and allergies. In addition, dairy slows down metabolism, impairs heart function and can lead to overweight and diabetes.
- Meat – people with blood type A poorly digest meat, which is stored in adipose tissue. The long process of digestion of eaten meat promotes the secretion of toxins, which leads to putrefactive processes in the intestines
Include these products in your diet – friendly products
- olive oil – accelerates metabolism and excretion, has a positive effect on the heart, prevents fluid retention.
- Soya and its products (including milk and cheese) – these products are quickly digested, they additionally support the digestion process itself as a substitute for hard-to-digest cow’s milk products.
- green tea – protects the digestive tract, has an antioxidant effect.
- Ananas – increases the use of calories, accelerates intestinal peristalsis.
- Water with lemon – cleanses and supports the removal of excess mucus from the digestive tract.
- Plums and blueberries – have an alkaline reaction, they are helpful in neutralizing the acidification of the body, which can be caused by, for example, eating wheat.
- Carrots, yellow zucchini, spinach, pumpkin – these vegetables are a rich source of vitamin A, additionally support the digestion of meat and deacidify the body.
- Garlic – strengthens immunity and disinfects.
- Gfejpfrut – is very beneficial for the stomach, supports the work of the heart and circulation, prevents cancer.
*A detailed list of products recommended and those not recommended can be found on many websites dedicated to diets.
Sample menuBreakfast: 4 tablespoons of corn flakes with soy milk and 1 tablespoon of fruit (e.g. blueberries, blueberries) + fruit teaDinner: salad of lettuce, red onion, celery, cucumber, feta cheese, fresh mint, a bit of soy sauce and lemon juice, 1 slice of crisp bread + green teaSupper: 150-500 g of baked fish, a slice of bread made of rye flour