Do you have a sore neck? These exercises will help you solve the problem

Back pain can occur at any time and may affect any section. What to do when it accumulates in the neck area and how to effectively get rid of it?

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1/ 8 The head turns with the chin close to the neck

Sit on the edge of the chair, straighten your figure, bring your chin closer to your neck. Keeping your chin close to your neck, turn your head to the left, then to the right. Do 6 repetitions on each side. Perform 2 series.

2/ 8 Straighten with a twist

Sit on the edge of the chair, straighten your figure, rest your hands on the seat of the chair. Tilt your head back, then turn your head left and right. Do 6 repetitions on each side. Perform 2 series.

3/ 8 Strengthening the back muscles while maintaining a stable neck position

In the standing position, the exercise band is in front. Stretch the gum while moving your hands apart. Straight silhouette, eyes straight ahead, chin close to the neck. Do 12 repetitions. Perform 2 series.

4/ 8 Torso and neck twists with rubber resistance

In the cross-legged position, the exercise gum is positioned under the front of the front leg. Grasp the rubber with the opposite hand. Stretch the gum by twisting your torso. Follow the hand that is stretching the rubber. Do 10 repetitions on each side. Perform 2 series.

5/ 8 Strengthening the muscles of the neck

In a standing position against a wall, put the ball behind your head. Tighten the ball at about 50 percent. strength. You can make it difficult to exercise by standing on one leg. Maintain a steady position throughout your body. Time: 10 seconds. Do 2 repetitions for each leg. Do 1-2 series.

6/ 8 Kneeling with his back on his hands

Before exercising, do a short warm-up (e.g. swinging your arms). On the mat / mattress, move from the starting position to a kneeling with your back on your arms and hold the position for 5-10 seconds. Make sure the chin is close to the neck. Do 3-5 repetitions. Perform 2 series.

7/ 8 Stretching the muscles that lift the shoulders

Sit on the edge of the chair, straighten your figure, rest your hand on the seat of the chair under your buttock. Take your head with your other hand. Stretch the muscle by bending your head to the side and slightly pressing it forward with a slight force of the hand on the seat. Stretching time: 30-60 seconds.

8/ 8 Stretching the muscles of the neck

Sit on the edge of the chair, straighten your body, rest 1 hand on the seat of the chair under your buttock. With the other hand, grasp the head on the front side. Stretch the muscle by tilting your head back and to the side. Stretching time: 30-60 seconds. Exercises should not be performed in the case of diagnosed back problems without prior consultation with an orthopedist or physiotherapist. Neither exercise should be painful. In case of pain, consult an orthopedist. Exercise can be done daily.

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