The cabbage diet is considered by many people to be extremely effective. It allows you to quickly lose unnecessary kilograms. It is also cheap because it is based on basic ingredients. At the same time, cabbage is a rich source of vitamin C, thanks to which it helps to strengthen the body’s immunity. Cabbage has many valuable properties:
- participates in metabolic processes, — affects the metabolism of fats, cholesterol and bile acids
- accelerates wound healing – helps absorb iron – contains vitamin A, which has a positive effect on the eyes, hair, nails and skin
- contains vitamin F, which protects the body against the harmful effects of free radicals and prevents the aging process
- contains fiber that helps fight constipation and prevents them, cleanses the body of all toxins and carcinogens
In addition to many valuable health-promoting properties, cabbage is filling, thanks to which it fights hunger for longer. It is also an easy vegetable to prepare, because the basis of the cabbage soup diet is soup, which is the only component of the diet for the first three days of its use. During the diet for a maximum of 7 days, the soup is present daily. It should be remembered that the more cabbage we eat, the more weight we lose. There are only 100 calories in 20 grams of cabbage. The soup is easy and quick to prepare – we devote our time primarily to cooking it. Then just heat it up. In the following days of the diet, slowly introduce selected fruits and meat.The recipe for cabbage soup, which is the basis of the diet:Ingredients: head of cabbage, 2 peppers, 6 onions (can be with chives), 6-12 fresh tomatoes, a bunch of celery, spices of your choice (except salt) Preparation: Cut the vegetables, peel the tomatoes beforehand, shred the cabbage. Put everything in a pot, pour hot water and cook until the vegetables are soft. Season to taste. Bon appetit. Avoid:
- salt, sugar, fats, cereal products, bread, carbonated drinks, alcohol, fried foods
You should consume:
- daily at least 2 liters of still water and various liquids: herbs, bitter tea, sugar-free coffee, fruit juices, skim milk
Use: cabbage diet should be used for about a week. It allows you to lose 3 to 6 kilograms. After a week-long diet, remember not to return to your previous eating habits. This can cause the yo-yo effect. Eat healthy, avoiding fatty, high-calorie foods. It is worth repeating the cabbage diet once a month – two in order to maintain a well-developed figure. A diet based on cabbage may seem monotonous due to the need to eat only soup for a week. However, its undeniable advantage is its undeniable effectiveness and low financial outlay.