Do you exercise Be sure to take a speech test

If you are wondering how to check the intensity of your training and thus estimate the effectiveness of the exercises performed, you do not need to rely on sports bands. There is a simple way to find out your exertion level and approximate heart rate. Be sure to try the speech test, you will be surprised how simple this method is.

Talk test – what is it?

The speech test (talk test) is an easy method of scaling the intensity of physical exertion without having to buy expensive electronic gadgets. While it will not calculate the calories burned for you, it will keep your exercise levels under control and will provide you with valuable information on the effectiveness of your training. How does the speech test work and will everyone be able to use it to assess the level of effort?

The speech test has been used successfully in the sports industry for a long time and can help to make sure that you are getting the right intensity when you are physically active. Very often, when planning your workouts, you may meet the recommendations to keep your heart rate at a specific level or the determination of the effort taken – from very light to maximum. Since everyone has their own subjective feelings, it would be difficult to treat such a scale as a precise tool. However, there is a simple test that allows you to realistically assess the intensity of your exercise.

The speech test works best for assessing aerobic exercise. It can also help if you want to run a so-called intervals, i.e. alternate very intense effort with breaks for light physical effort. Without a doubt, these are some of the best activities for your heart.

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How do I perform a talk test?

You do not need any equipment or special skills to take the test. A table that allows you to interpret the result will be useful. The entire test can assess the level of exercise very individually, because it is based on the symptoms experienced individually.

As you exercise, try to freely express any sentences as if you were having a conversation. Depending on how intensely you exercise, speaking will be very easy or it will turn out to be an amazing effort. In extreme cases, it may not be possible to say one word.

Speech test – interpretation of results:

Effort level% HRmaxSpeech Test – Talk Test
10 Maximum Maximum Talking is impossible. The effort is extreme. You can keep this pace for a maximum of one minute.
9 Very heavy 90−100% Speaking is limited to uttering a single word and it makes a lot of effort. You can keep this pace for a maximum of several minutes.
8 Heavy 80−90% Speaking is possible, but it is difficult and is limited to saying 2-3 words. Breaks are needed to draw air.
7 Not too heavy 70−80% It is possible to speak, usually in short sentences. Out of breath.
6 Light 60−70% It is possible to speak freely, but your breathing is rapid.
5 Very light 50−60% Talking is possible, you can have casual conversation.
Speech Test (Talk Test), a subjective feeling of the intensity of the effort. Table based on materials by Dr. Krzysztof Kuse, AWF Poznań. *

The speech test can be used for most aerobic exercise. First of all, it will improve running trainings and exercises in the form of intervals or aerobics.

The speech test is used during:

  1. Running
  2. Jumping rope
  3. Fitness workouts
  4. Hiking in the mountains
  5. Swimming
  6. Aerobic exercise with a load

His results are also relevant during water aerobics, cycling, tennis or ballroom dancing.

How much traffic do you need?

The World Health Organization recommends that adults engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per week. This level of activity can reduce the risk of premature death, heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer and type 2 diabetes.

According to WHO recommendations, pregnant women should exercise at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous aerobic exercise per week, and children under the age of 18 need at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise a day.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to the diet. Do you have to stick to it 100% to stay healthy and feel good? Do you really have to start every day with breakfast? What is it like with sipping meals and eating fruit? Listen:

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