Do you dare with exotic meats?

La gastronomy it is one of the most effective ways to travel without traveling. Knowing the traditional dishes of an area or its way of cooking, as well as the evolution of its culinary trends, speaks of a region as lines or images do.
En América Latina, los insectos rebozados y fritos representan un auténtico manjar que provoca reticencias en Europa. En España, por otro lado, cuesta concebir una dieta sin jamón y, sin embargo, nuestra apetitosa delicatesen resulta una aberración tanto en Asia como en muchos países centroeuropeos. Cuando se aproxima el Festival de Yulín en China, los colectivos animalistas occidentales reaccionan por el inconcebible trato que se da a los perros y en la India, en cambio, consideran un sacrilegio el hecho de comer carne de vacuno. En ocasiones, el chef Adrián Salas, confesses to having fantasized about blindfolding his clients and observing their reactions to food clean of prejudices.
“The cultura de una sociedad se rige por su tradición. Consuming the products that make up the usual diet of a region in other parts of the world is, at times, unimaginable, ”says Salas. He believes that, in gastronomic matters, the Spanish «we are very conservative» a la hora de probar nuevos productos o técnicas de elaboración y, en materia de carnes exóticas, siempre desconfiamos.
Josep Sanitjas, chef de dilatada experiencia, lleva más de 11 años experimentando en el restaurante barcelonés El Sactuari las diferentes versiones del sabor de las carnes exóticas. Le gusta conocer las recetas tradicionales pero las adapta al paladar curioso del cliente español, para el que prima conocer el sabor original de la carne.
Safe and healthy
Exotic meats stand out for being, for the most part, very lean, low in fat and with a high protein load. Given its benefits, experts say that more and more athletes include them in their diet.
Regarding the quality of the product, Salas assures that since the last food safety crisis, mad cow disease and bird flu, controls have been greatly strengthened and “any meat that enters Spain is certified and can be eaten with complete peace of mind ». Sanitjas, for its part, understands consumer insecurities and recommends asking the restaurant for the traceability certificate del producto para salir de dudas. De esta manera, se asegurará además de que el plato que va a consumir se corresponde con el que reza la carta. Con respecto a la autenticidad de la carne, no duda «es mucho más probable que se sirva una vaca vieja por buey a que se falsee una carne exótica».
Carne de Kobe

It is one of the most luxurious exotic meats given its scarcity. Even in its country of origin, Japan, the annual production of kobe is very limited, which is why it is priced so high.
It is a type of beef that bears the wagyu seal. The beef is of the tajima type – Japanese black race – that is born and raised in Hyogo Prefecture, whose capital is Kobe, hence the name.
Kobe is not an ox in itself, nor is it a synonym for wagyu – as sold in some restaurants. Only meat that meets high quality criteria responds to this denomination:
1- It must be a virgin cow or a castrated male of the Tajima variant of the Japanese black race.
2- The cow born in Hyogo prefecture from a Tajima variant cow must be of pure lineage.
3- Breeding must take place in the city of birth of the beef by a farmer in Hyogo prefecture by a certified farmer.
4- Beef slaughtered in one of the certified slaughterhouses in Hyogo Prefecture.
5- Marbling index of 6 or higher.
6- Use of the beef: A or B.
7- Gross weight of the beef (once the head and entrails have been removed): 470 kg or less.
8- Good firmness and texture of the meat.
El Santuari is the most appropriate place in Spain to taste kobe meat since it is the only one admitted as a permanent member of the Kobe Beef Department & Promotion Association de Japón, the Japanese organization that regulates the sale and consumption of this meat.
Yugo Sushi and Kobe is a former World War II bunker converted into a luxury restaurant. Of course, in the Japanese restaurant not just anyone can eat, it is a gastronomic club of less than 300 members where only its members can taste the delicacies on its menu.
The Kabuki Wellington restaurant serves excellent quality wagyu meat, it is one of the most recommended Spanish restaurants to treat the palate with this Japanese luxury.

It is a traditional dish of the shingles on de África, but it is also very typical in Southeast Asia and Cuba. In Latin America it is usually cooked with milk, a recipe that Sanitjas appreciates but that, however, it does not make in its restaurant because “the way it is made changes the result and what the diner wants is to know the flavor of the meat.”
The crocodile is one of the most exotic species demandadas en todo el mundo both for its flavor and for its high nutritional content: it stands out for its great contribution in Omega 3 fatty acids, which help eliminate cholesterol and triglycerides. It is a very healthy meat due to its protein and mineral content and its low level of fat.
Although it is native to Zimbabwe, 90% of the specimens intended for food are fed in hatcheries in the countries where it is distributed. For an animal to be fit for human consumption, it must not weigh more than 2kg.
Visually, the plated crocodile looks a lot like fish, although its flavor and texture have much more to do with chicken or monkfish. It pairs very well with white wine and serving it under a boletus sauce turns the meal into a full gastronomic experience.
In the restaurant El Convento de Boadilla, in Madrid, you can taste excellent quality crocodile meat. Currently only copies from Zimbabwe are distributed. Sanitjas assures that the animal is of excellent quality, “Nile crocodiles, they are raised next to the Zambezi river.”

All the camel eaten in Spain comes from australia, where there is overpopulation since they were imported from Asia in the XNUMXth century. Paradoxically, it is one of the countries where its meat is least consumed, living with camels has become so daily that its citizens are very hesitant to eat them.
Tanto en Marruecos como en los países del golfo Pérsico forma parte de la dieta habitual de los ciudadanos y cada vez se demanda más en Europa. Es una gran opción para quienes quieren cuidarse sin renunciar a la tentación de la carne, ya que es muy magra y tiene un porcentaje ínfimo de grasa.
Su flavor is very strong and the elaboration is decisive, since it requires a process that turns the dried camel rations into a tasty dish. Milk is also used from the camel, a good substitute for cow’s milk for diabetics as it has natural insulin.
El restaurante tinerfeño La Hoya del Camello es una gran opción para probar este tipo de carne, el restaurante se encuentra en la localidad de San Cristóbal de la Laguna.

The zebra that is marketed in Europe usually arrives from Namibia o Sudáfrica and it is a typical dish of the southern countries of the black continent.
Its flavor stands out for its power, softer than beef, with a herbal fondo and the note sweet de la carne de caballo.
Its meat is highly demanded by athletes porque su contenido en grasas es prácticamente inexistente, tiene solamente un tercio en comparación con la carne de vacuno, como es muy magra, la parte más valorada es el sirloin.
La carne de cebra es uno de los platos de los que presume el restaurante Platos Rotos in Madrid’s calle de Ferraz. It offers a menu with an interesting variety of exotic products.

Ostrich is a typical dish of Africa. For some years it became fashionable in Spain and can be found hatcheries in various parts of the peninsula. However, more and more workers abandon their work: “They should have thought that they were raising cows and ostriches have very bad milk,” says Sanitjas, who recognizes that the meat of this animal loses a lot of flavor when it grows in captivity. It is a bird that travels long distances, so it is very fibrous, low in fat and rich in nutrients.
La carne de este ave es una sorpresa desde el primer momento, en el que asombra al comensal por su intenso color rojo. Tiene un sabor similar to that of nothing, although its texture is much softer while it is hot. It is not advisable to let it cool, the notes change and it soon hardens.
It can be prepared in different ways, but for those who are going to start, it is best to order it cooked. Its versatility reaches a point that even puede comerse cruda, although ostrich lovers claim to enjoy more of its nuances in tartar.
The animal not only provides meat, its eggs they have a great flavor and can weigh up to 2 kg, experts say that a single ostrich egg is enough to make an omelette for ten people. The eggs from the Fuster restaurant in Sabadell are very famous, they are a very good option.

The taste of the meat of this animal will satisfy the friends of the ternera, es similar to this one, but more intense. However, on the nutritional side it beats beef and has half the calories.
It is originally from United States, pero cada vez se abren más granjas en Europe, two of the best known are in Italy and Gerona. The American specimen dish is much more expensive, but, according to Satijas, also much better.
Es una carne muy fina, apropiada para comer en carpaccio. Sin embargo, para quienes les gusta la carne a la parrilla, es la opción más recomendable.
Para una experiencia premium conviene tener en cuenta una serie de tips: brasas, vino tinto, un toque de mostaza o salsa de pimienta serán sus mejores aliados en el plato, y un restaurante: Montia, en El Escorial.

Todos los años los pescadores hacen su agosto en las nórdicas lofoten islands cuando llegan a desovar grandes bancos de bacalao.
His intense journey of more than 1.000 kms from the Barent Sea It is what makes this type of fish skrei, a delicacy for gourmets.
A reference place in which to taste this dish is the Alborada restaurant, in A Coruña, where it is prepared in different ways: butter-roasted with broccoli and hazelnuts, baked with tomato and garlic, pan-fried with red wine sauce or with chorizo, pepper and olives sauce. All the options are appetizing, it is the palate of each individual who must choose the one that best suits their tastes.
Carne de Caballo

Although in Spain the idea of cooking equine meat is strange to us, in some Central European countries it is considered a real delicacy.
In the restaurants of Holanda, Bélgica and Italy Horse meat is served daily, it is one of the favorites of its customers given its benefits: It is baja en grasas, mucho hierro and it has a protein load much higher than that of beef or pork. As for its flavor, it is milder than beef, it has a sweet background and it is very tender. It is recommended for athletes, the elderly and children.
In the restaurant El Fogón de Leña, in the Sevillian street of Santo Domingo de la Calzada they offer one of the best versions of this meat.

The python does not have venom, it is a constrictor-type snake and its meat is considered a delicacy in Southeast Asia, the one consumed in Spain comes from Vietnam, .
Es dura, pero de sabor muy intenso. Sus notas son muy parecidas a las del crocodile or chickenIn terms of texture, it is more similar to that of a squid.
La potencia de su sabor invita a cocinarla marinada, combina bien tanto with lemon as with lime or orange. In some Asian countries, such as China, their blood, then the leather to finish tasting their meat. Todo un ritual.
In Barcelona an excellent quality of python is served in the Santuari restaurant. Chef Sanitjas acknowledges having done many experiments to find the most appropriate recipe. He decided that the best option was to serve it cooked, since otherwise it was impossible for him to be tender. The exquisite presentation is the worthy prelude to a gourmet experience.
Work Work

Su nombre original es mahi mahi, aunque también se le conoce como lemon fish or golden dolphin for its intense yellow color. It is a food widely consumed in Hawaii, although every time it can be tried in more Spanish restaurants.
It’s a type of White fish, de sabor muy suave y dulce. Uno de sus puntos a favor es su versatilidad en la elaboración, aunque se recomienda comer cocido y acompañado de frutos secos, hierbas o ensalada.
Its meat is an important source of vitamins and minerals and has very little fat.
In the Balearic Islands this dish is served in many restaurants, one of the most representative is La Fonda, in the town of Pollença in Mallorca.

This delicacy comes from Cape and stands out, above all, for its intense flavor. It is one of the favorite fish of the Japanese, and in Australia it has become a national dish.
The barracuda is a fish of tropical waters, in its ecosystem it is a natural predator, it is often called “sea dog” because it is carnivorous and feeds on all kinds of fish. Although it is also fished in the Indian Ocean, only specimens of the Atlantic.
Among its properties, its high content of amino acids stands out: the most valuable of all of them is the taurine, which regulates blood sugar levels, stimulating the release of insulin, and prevents the development of hypertension. He is also rich andn Omega-3, therefore, it helps to lower cholesterol.
In many regions it is eaten raw, but it can be prepared in various ways: grilled, fried or cooked. In the Sanctuari they bet on the “braai” style, following the tradition of the ancient South African settlers: it consists of cooking it on the grill, with a light smoked touch.

En Australia Large campaigns are being carried out to promote the consumption of kangaroo meat under the slogan ‘The kangaroo will save the planet’.
It is considered an organic meat because it does not emit CO2 and, in addition, there is an overpopulation of kangaroos on the continent that, given their temperament, usually cause annoying incidents in cities.
It is, along with the zebra and ostrich, one of the meats preferred by athletes for its low fat content and its high nutritional value.
It can be eaten in carpaccio, but the marinatedAccording to experts, “it gives it a very fine touch.”
El impala es un tipo de antílope originario de South Africa. Its meat is light in color, very tender and, to taste, very soft. If the restaurant offers several preparation options, it is recommended to try both grilled and stewed.
Many Spanish restaurants with exotic meat menus served impala prepared using different culinary techniques, but for five years the import of this meat has been prohibited and the date on which it will be allowed to circulate again is unknown.
Outside of Spain, it is in Zimbabwe where we will find the best national exponent: Lola’s Tapas and Carnivore Restaurant. There, the diner will be greeted by a Catalan couple installed since 2012 in the African country, so captivated that they have settled there to stay. His business, near Lake Victoria, has been awarded in 2016.