Do we run the risk of contracting COVID-19 when buying a Christmas tree? Virologist: two important points and one piece of advice
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Despite the epidemic, we are looking forward to the upcoming holidays. Some have even decorated their Christmas trees. Most of us, however, are only about to pick the Christmas tree. And here the question arises: if the coronavirus persists on various surfaces, the purchased Christmas tree may pose a threat? We asked the virologist about it. He made two points. He also has one important piece of advice for everyone.

  1. The coronavirus lives in the air, but also on many different surfaces. Can it be on the Christmas tree?
  2. Virologist: if we buy a Christmas tree in a place where there is a lot of crowds, we do not keep our distance, we do not have a mask or only our mouth is covered with it, we risk SARS-CoV-2
  3. “Even if we assume that there is a pathogen on a surface, for an infection to occur, we have to transfer it to the body – it will not do it itself. This happens when we touch our mouth, nose, eyes with unwashed hands »
  4. You can find more up-to-date information on the TvoiLokony home page

Christmas tree and COVID-19. What is the possible relationship?

It is difficult to imagine Christmas without a Christmas tree. There just has to be a Christmas tree. This is especially important now, during the epidemic, when every opportunity for joy is precious. Its source is undoubtedly the Christmas tree.

Due to the raging coronavirus, we have been asking ourselves various questions recently, fearing for the safety of ourselves and our loved ones. It is possible that many of us wonder if buying a Christmas tree carries the risk of contracting COVID-19. After all, it has long been known that the coronavirus persists not only in the air, but also on many different surfaces.

So what does the issue of Christmas trees look like this year’s pandemic Christmas? We asked the virologist and microbiologist from the Medical University of Warsaw, Dr. hab. Tomasz Dzieiątkowski. – I do not see any particular threat from Christmas trees – he admitted directly, but nevertheless highlighted two important issues related to Christmas trees and the ongoing COVID-19 epidemic.

  1. Experts: Put your Christmas plans aside. COVID-19 will thwart them

“For infection to occur, we must transfer the coronavirus into the body”

– First thing: if we buy a Christmas tree in a crowded place and we do not keep a safe distance, we do not have a mask or only our mouth is covered with it, we are really exposed to SARS-CoV-2 infection – he reminds. – The second thing, if we buy an artificial Christmas tree wrapped in a cardboard box, remember – after unpacking it and wearing it, be sure to wash your hands. This packaging has probably touched a lot of other people before. If we unknowingly touch our mouth or nose with such non-disinfected hands, contact infection with coronavirus is possible. However, I would like to emphasize that this is a very unlikely situation, he tells us.

What about Christmas tree decorations that we will be buying in the near future? – If they are packed, no problem, even if it happened that someone with COVID-19 was in the manufacturing facility. Probably more than the already mentioned 72 hours will pass from the moment the decorations leave the factory until they are hung on our Christmas tree. Thus, these items will in a way be self-quarantined – emphasizes the expert.

There is only one conclusion from this, and it must be kept in mind: even if we assume that there is a pathogen on some surface, in order for an infection to occur, we must transfer it to the body – it will not do it itself. – Meanwhile, it happens when we touch our mouth, nose, eyes with unwashed hands – says Tomasz Dzieśćtkowski. – Washing hands should be our natural reflex – he reminds.

  1. Holidays are allergy sufferers’ nightmare. Even dressing up a Christmas tree can end in shock

Shopping, Christmas gatherings, and important advice from a virologist

If we follow the basic rules, buying a Christmas tree will not be associated with the risk of infection. Are there other dangers that we need to be aware of around the holiday season? What about shopping in galleries? The virologist has a simple tip for us: “Just be reasonable.” Let’s not crowd, let’s not stand over people’s heads – this is an ugly habit, and even worse during a pandemic. Everyone can buy what they need – he reminds.

– Recently, I was out of necessity in a shopping center, and in addition on a Sunday. In most cases, people kept their distance, disinfected their hands, wore masks – although some only covered their mouths. There was, however, a certain situation that struck my eyes – the only reprehension: the entrance revolving door led to the gallery and there was a huge crowd, no distance. It was completely pointless, because everyone would enter and leave this gallery. And the risk of transmission of the virus has nevertheless arisen.

What about spending the holidays alone? – Limiting the ceremony to five invited guests is quite debatable – says our interlocutor and advises: – Let’s just do as logic tells us. If we spend Christmas with our loved ones, whom we see every week or two anyway, nothing will change here. Of course, this year let’s forgive each other hugs and juicy kisses, if possible let’s sit at a greater distance from each other – it will be safer this way.

Finally, Dr. Tomasz Dzieciatkowski has important advice for everyone. – I would like to emphasize once again – I have been saying this from the beginning of the epidemic: let’s not get crazy. If we were really rational about the situation – that is, following all non-pharmacological regulations in common sense, and even just hand hygiene itself – there would be no trouble. Remember, clean hands are a healthy person – and it’s not just about SARS-CoV-2. Let’s try to wash them as often as possible.

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