Do this exercise every day. Your body will feel relieved
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Yoga is a great way not only to calm down your emotions, but also to soothe all kinds of pains. It should be practiced primarily by people who spend a lot of time sitting. Find out which asanas in yoga will bring your body the most relief. Practice it every day and the effects will surprise you!

The benefits of yoga

Yoga was known even before our era. It is one of the oldest philosophical systems. Over the years it has developed and changed its faces. It has also penetrated the Western world in its various guises. More and more people are starting to practice it. It became wildly popular especially during a pandemic, when people’s mental health was put to an enormous test. Yoga allows you to cleanse your head of bad emotions. In addition, it helps to master breathing techniques, thanks to which we are able to control our fears and anxieties.

Yoga also has a great effect on our entire body. It makes us more flexible. Our body stretches and very often feels relieved after finishing the practice. Yoga is recommended primarily for people whose work consists mainly of sitting. One item in particular is worth their attention. It is called the tree position.

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Further part below the video.

What is the tree position and how does it affect our body?

Vrksasana, or the figure of a tree, is the basic asana (position) in yoga. It is usually recommended for people who are just starting their adventure on the mat. Still, it can be a bit difficult. Especially people who have problems with maintaining balance. However, it is worth practicing every day, because we will feel the benefits very quickly. The figure of a tree allows you to strengthen the abdominal muscles, legs and, above all, the spine. In addition, it allows the inner muscles of the groin and thighs to be stretched.

Why is it recommended primarily for people with a sedentary lifestyle? Because the tree figure helps to draw the spine and open the chest and hips. These are the parts of our body that are most stressed during long hours spent, for example, in front of the computer. In addition, regular yoga practice helps to speed up the metabolism, which is important for people who struggle with the problem of extra kilos.

To exercise safely at home, order the AIREX Fitline rehabilitation mat or the special Airex Calyana Prime Compact Yoga Mat.

  1. See also: Yoga for everyone. A set of exercises that mobilize the spine

How to make a tree position?

If you have problems with your balance, you can initially begin this exercise while leaning against a chair or wall. It’s important that you feel comfortable. Stand steadily on one leg and rest the other foot on the inside thigh of the leg on which you are standing. Put your arms up high. As the name suggests, your silhouette should resemble a tree. By practicing this position daily, you will notice changes in your body and improve your stability. Once you feel more confident, you can do this exercise without the help of a wall or chair.

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Other yoga poses to relieve the spine

Not only the tree figure has a great influence on your spine. There are also other positions that will make your body feel relieved. Below we present a few of them:

Cat pose – cow

It is one of the most characteristic yoga exercises that has also penetrated the world of fitness. How to do them? Stand on the floor on all fours. While inhaling, round your back by lifting the thoracic section. When exhaling, it should be lowered as much as possible so that the back forms a concave arc.

Downward Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

This position is great for strengthening your back muscles as well as your arms and legs. Begin the exercise in a squat. Then put your hands on the floor, relax your neck and lengthen your spine. The heels are firmly attached to the floor, while the knees should be straightened. Keep your head down and press your navel against your spine with each inhalation.

Arc position

Besides yoga, this exercise is often called the cradle. It perfectly stretches the side muscles and arms, among other things. Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms back, and try to grab your ankles. While inhaling, lift your knees off the floor. Lower your entire body as you exhale.

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