Do smokers have a harder time suffering from coronavirus?
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The risk of contracting coronavirus affects everyone equally. Unfortunately, some people are particularly exposed to the severe course of the disease. It is known that this group includes, among others people with lung diseases, and are there smokers?

Who is at risk of severe COVID-19?

COVID-19 is a threat to everyone. On risk of coronavirus infection it affects the general condition of our body to a large extent, so the weaker our immunity, the greater the risk that we will contract COVID-19. So let’s take care of your health and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Check if you may have contracted the COVID-19 coronavirus [RISK ASSESSMENT]

However, it should be emphasized that some people are in the group the risk of severe COVID-19. These include the elderly, people with reduced immunity and with various chronic diseases, such as diabetes, heart and lung diseases or neurological disorders. These people should take special precautions.

  1. Check it out: What is coronavirus incubation?

Does smoking affect the course of COVID-19?

WHO pays attention mainly to the general harmful effects of cigarette smoking on the human body. The destructive effect of smoking affects mainly the respiratory system, but also, inter alia, heart rate or blood pressure. If a smoker has health problems related to these areas, he or she may also be severely infected with the coronavirus.


It is also worth noting that smoking has a very detrimental effect on our health and may be associated with additional problems during the course of COVID-19. In addition, smokers are much more likely to become infected because they touch their mouths more often while smoking.

So let’s remember that smoking increases the risk of developing various chronic diseases and worsening our overall health. Smokers are much more likely to suffer from various infections of the lower respiratory tract, and the coronavirus primarily affects the respiratory system.

In addition, smokers more often have problems with the heart and the entire circulatory system. The circulatory system damaged in this way is much more susceptible to severe course of COVID-19and even more likely to die from disease. In addition, the coronavirus can also damage the circulatory system.

It is therefore worth giving up smoking at any time, as it may turn out that it may have a positive impact on the possible course of coronavirus infection.

How can coronavirus infection be prevented?

Coronavirus infection prevention mainly consists in:

  1. washing hands thoroughly with soap and water or disinfecting hands with a liquid based on at least 70% alcohol;
  2. not touching your eyes, mouth and nose – this is the easiest way to spread the coronavirus onto yourself;
  3. regular cleaning and disinfection of surfaces we touch every day – just wash with soapy water, e.g. countertops, desks, door handles, handrails, etc .;
  4. disinfecting the mobile phone and putting it aside when eating – the phone is a source of many pathogenic microorganisms, and therefore it can also be a source of coronavirus infection;
  5. keeping an appropriate distance from the interlocutor – approx. 2 meters;
  6. Maintain a healthy, easily digestible diet and stay hydrated properly – avoid processed foods, cigarettes and alcohol;
  7. learning about the coronavirus epidemic only from reliable sources – you will avoid panic and behave rationally.

The editorial board recommends the most important articles about the coronavirus:

  1. Death due to the coronavirus. How is the cause of death determined?
  2. Who is at the highest risk of coronavirus?
  3. How is the coronavirus epidemic different from the flu epidemic?

Have a question about the coronavirus? Send them to the following address: [email protected] You can find a daily updated list of answers HERE: Coronavirus – frequently asked questions and answers.

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