Do’s and Don’ts on the Dukan Diet

Dos and Donts on the Dukan Diet

The problem of excess weight has never been as acute as it is now. Often, harmony becomes synonymous with success, just like designer clothes and a snow-white smile. Conversely, there is a belief that fullness is inherent in those who cannot afford quality products, a personal nutritionist and a qualified doctor. Almost every woman and many men would like to see themselves as slim as in their youth, so they have tried more than one method of getting rid of extra pounds. The Dukan diet is one of the most popular nutrition systems both in Russia and in the West.

What is the essence of the Dukan nutrition system? This diet should appeal to those who want to lose weight, but do not want to limit their food needs, do not want to experience hunger. The author of the diet, a nutritionist from France, based his nutrition system on the use of an unlimited amount of protein. This element of the food set does not accumulate in the body if a person consumes a product rich in protein in excess, as fats and carbohydrates accumulate.

Protein is necessary for a person, without it the skin will not be updated, hair will not grow, red blood cells will not be produced. Dukan suggested limiting the intake of carbohydrates, from which the body receives energy. As a result, a person who is on a diet spends his body’s energy reserves and gets rid of extra pounds.

The Dukan diet at one time turned the idea of ​​u20buXNUMXbhow to eat for those who want to lose weight. Nutritionists believed that this could be achieved solely by reducing the calorie content of food. For XNUMX years, Dukan tested his system, describing his experience in a book that instantly became a bestseller.

Stages. The peculiarity of the diet is that the weight is not only steadily decreasing, but the gained kilograms no longer return.

The Dukan nutrition system consists of four stages, each of which takes a certain amount of time:

  1. Protein attack. Lasts 5-7 days, during which there is an acceleration of metabolism and fat burning due to the use of protein foods selected from a list of 72 allowed foods. During this period, you can get rid of 4 extra pounds.

  2. Cruise. It lasts as long as it takes to burn excess weight at a rate of 1 kg per week, that is, the more the weight is exceeded over the normative indicators, the longer this stage of the diet will be. It is allowed to use 100 products (72 protein + 28 types of vegetables to compensate for the missing carbohydrates). Protein-vegetable and protein days alternate.

  3. Consolidation. An intermediate stage between the time of strict restriction and indulgence in nutrition. Every 10 days, the result of one lost kilogram is fixed. Fruit, cheese, foods containing starch, whole grain bread are gradually introduced into the body. Every Thursday is a protein day for weight control.

  4. Stabilization. The final stage of the diet lasts a lifetime. It is proposed to follow 3 principles: refusal of the elevator, preservation of protein Thursday, daily use of 1 tbsp. l. oat bran.

For several months, a person on the Dukan diet restricts fats and carbohydrates in his diet, eating proteins. To minimize the side effect of protein products, it is recommended to consume at least 1,5-2 liters of water daily. To prevent constipation, you need to take oat bran, plus vitamin preparations are additionally needed.

Is it possible to drink alcohol, wine?

Strong alcohol is forbidden to use at all stages of the diet, except for the last. White and red wine is prohibited at the initial stage of the attack, it is allowed to drink 3 tbsp. L. Per day at the cruise and consolidation stage, because carbohydrates are present in it.

Can I have coffee?

Yes, coffee without sugar can be drunk without restrictions throughout the diet.

Can I have chicken broth on the Dukan diet?

Chicken is included in the list of products allowed at all stages of the diet. Before cooking, you need to remove the skin from it and collect the fat. Spices can be added to the broth within reasonable limits.

Is it possible to have kefir?

Kefir with a fat content of 0% is included in the list of allowed products at all stages of the diet, as it allows the use of low-fat fermented milk products.

Can I have seaweed?

Seaweed, like any algae, is forbidden to use at the attack stage, it is allowed at the next stages of the diet.

Can I have asparagus?

You can eat asparagus without adding oil at all stages of the diet except the first.

Can mushrooms?

Mushrooms are a source of vegetable protein, they are not included in the menu at the attack stage, and are eaten at all other stages of the diet.

Can I have crab sticks?

Crab sticks are a permitted protein-rich product, so up to 8 pieces per day are allowed at all stages.

Can I have cheese?

At the attack stage, all cheeses are unambiguously prohibited, then no more than 30 g of cheese per day is allowed if it has up to 7% fat content, and at the consolidation stage, hard cheese up to 40% fat content can be eaten up to 40 g per day.

Is it possible to have a liver?

The liver can be eaten at all stages of the diet, it is better if it is chicken offal or veal liver.

Is it possible mackerel, herring?

Mackerel and herring in salted, smoked and canned form are included in the list of products allowed at all stages, as a source of valuable protein and useful omega-3 acids.

Is it possible nuts, seeds?

Absolutely not, as a source of large amounts of fat.

Can beans?

At the first two stages, it is better not to use beans, but at the consolidation stage, you can afford a portion of 1 g 2-220 times a week. Asparagus beans should not be eaten only at the attack stage, then it is allowed for use.

Can I have sausage, sausages?

All sausages contain a large amount of hidden fat, so they are not recommended for inclusion in the menu.

Is it possible sugar?

No, sugar is strictly forbidden to use in any form, because it is a carbohydrate product.

Is honey possible?

Honey is explicitly prohibited as a concentrated source of carbohydrates.

Is it possible fruit?

The use of fruits should be approached selectively, since not all of them are included in the list of allowed foods due to their high carbohydrate content. At the stabilization stage, it is not allowed to use melon, pineapple, grapefruit, peach, mango, watermelon, apricots, kiwi, blackberries, strawberries, quince, plums, blackcurrants, blackberries.

At the stage of consolidation, grapes, bananas, pears, avocados, and peaches are added to this list. During this period, you can eat one apple a day or 150 g of blueberries.

Is it possible to have bread or wheat bran?

Wheat bran can be mixed with oat bran at all stages of the diet in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. per day. Whole-grain breads are acceptable in the Consolidation phase, 2 pieces per day.

Any permitted foods are recommended to be consumed in moderation, controlling the amount of food eaten. To comply with Protein Thursday at any stage, only products recommended for the Attack stage are used. Compliance with this diet is a lifelong burden for those who want to gain a slender figure.

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