Do’s and Don’ts for Epilepsy

The term “epilepsy” was introduced into use several millennia BC, Hippocrates mentioned it in his works. The condition is characterized by recurrent convulsions, fainting, impaired consciousness. Mostly children and adolescents are susceptible to epileptic seizures, and the elderly also suffer from them.

A classic seizure in the eyes of a person far from epilepsy looks like a fall, fainting and foam at the mouth. In fact, the attack is more often limited to a sudden fainting or “blackout” in the midst of some business. Night attacks are common, which may be accompanied by a feeling of trembling in the body, involuntary urination.

Epilepsy is not a reason to give up a full life, you just need to remember the basic “possible” and “impossible”.

What is wrong with epilepsy?

Dos and Donts for Epilepsy

If a person is prone to epileptic seizures, he should carefully consider the arrangement of his own living space:

  • Ceramic and glass kitchen utensils should not be kept; plastic utensils are a safe alternative. Sausages, cheese, bread and other products are bought sliced. It is advisable to use knives less often, keeping them in a closed place. It is better to refuse a gas stove by choosing a multicooker or a microwave oven instead. In extreme cases, you can use a gas stove if there are other people in the apartment.

  • It is forbidden to furnish rooms with furniture endowed with sharp corners. The floor must be covered with carpet or soft carpet. Glass furniture and accessories should not be.

  • It is dangerous to keep a hair dryer or other electrical appliances in the bathroom, to leave cutting objects in the public domain (even nail scissors).

  • It is forbidden to install radiators and heaters where they are likely to fall.

  • You can not live in a house with two or more floors if there is no elevator. Stepladders and ladders are extremely dangerous for a person who is disturbed by epileptic seizures.

But besides this, for safety it is forbidden:

  • It is forbidden to engage in all sports that pose the slightest threat of injury – horseback riding, acrobatics, mountaineering, boxing. It is dangerous to allow yourself excessive loads (not only physical, but also mental).

  • No smoking. Cigarettes not only negatively affect the condition of a person suffering from epilepsy. An attack that occurs in the process of smoking is fraught with a fire.

  • It is dangerous to close yourself in the bathroom, in the restroom. The latch is best replaced with a “busy” sign. It is advisable to refuse bathing in the bathroom in favor of the shower, as there is a danger of choking during a seizure. Hot water is contraindicated, as well as going to the sauna and bath. Exposure to high temperatures for a long time leads to a real threat of an attack.

  • You can not take alcohol, alcohol can activate a seizure, adversely affects the patient’s condition. In extreme cases, men can have no more than 2 glasses of wine, women – one.

  • It is dangerous to hide the problem from colleagues at work. They should be aware of the possibility of a seizure, clearly understand the process of helping with a seizure. It is advisable to provide a set of clean clothes for yourself at work. 

What can be done for epilepsy?

The list of actions forbidden in epilepsy is long, but erroneous items are often included in it.

Sports – is it possible to do it?

Dos and Donts for Epilepsy

Physical activity is useful for every person, including those suffering from epileptic seizures. When choosing a sport, you need to take into account the regularity of seizures, the conditions for their occurrence. It is desirable to choose programs together with the doctor. Most likely, team games are suitable for epileptics – volleyball, football, you can try rhythmic gymnastics. In this case, the load should remain minimal, overvoltage is not allowed.

Refusal of swimming, which is good for health, is also not always necessary. To protect yourself in the pool will help simple rules:

  • You can not visit the pool without an observer who can, if necessary, come to the rescue.

  • Diving, jumping from a tower, from the sides of the pool is prohibited.

  • Swimming in too cold water is dangerous.

  • You can not swim in a state of poor health, if there is a problem of frequent relapses of seizures.

  • It is forbidden to swim far from the edge of the pool, to choose deep pools.

TV – can I watch it?

There is an opinion that watching TV programs is contraindicated for people with epilepsy. According to statistics, seizures provoked by such an activity are observed in only 1% of epileptics suffering from excessive sensitivity to light.

Watching TV is possible, guided by the following rules:

  • It is impossible to be less than 2 meters from the TV screen. Use the remote control to change channels.

  • Eye level must be at the level of the screen, you can not rise higher.

  • Viewing should take place in a lighted room, you can not leave the TV as the only source of light.

  • The optimal screen size is small, home theaters will be the wrong purchase for an epileptic.

Computer and video games – can they be used?

Rumors about the inaccessibility of a computer for an epileptic have nothing to do with reality.

The safety rules are simple, easy to follow:

  • The computer is located in a bright room, the work area is carefully illuminated.

  • Glare from light sources, windows should not fall on the monitor.

  • A distance of 35 cm between the eyes and the screen is maintained.

  • Work is carried out only in a calm state, fatigue is a contraindication for using a computer.

  • Combining computer work with watching TV is dangerous.

  • Breaks during which the eyes rest should be frequent, prolonged sitting at the computer is contraindicated.

The rules for safe interaction with a computer and TV are also relevant for spending time with video games.

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