We often mistakenly assume that the measure of our success is only a tip from our bathroom scale. Therefore, today we will focus on two issues: the first is an indication of how to measure yourself and what else (apart from losing kilograms) should draw our attention, the second, much more important, what additional benefits should be brought by a proper diet.
How to measure yourself?
Regardless of whether you are on a Tasty Tailored diet or use other menus, we encourage you to take regular measurements. And there are some parts of the body to measure:
- the circumference of the arm at the widest point (called the biceps),
- we also measure the circumference of the chest above the waist,
- the narrowest part of the torso, i.e. our waist,
- waist circumference, which is about 1 cm above the navel,
- hip circumference (at the widest point),
- thigh and calf circumference, especially useful for people who train.
How to measure yourself? It is best to do it in the morning, before breakfast and morning coffee. The basic rule is: no clothes! Measurements taken in a bra or t-shirt will be distorted, as in the case of tense muscles (mainly the abdomen) – so it is worth relaxing a little while measuring. Let’s try not to take measurements every day, a few days or a week apart will allow for a more reliable assessment of the progress.
If we notice a decrease in the circuits, without a simultaneous decrease in body weight, it is very likely that the figure has recomposed, i.e. we have built some muscle mass while burning fat. It is a very desirable phenomenon, especially during intensive training.
BMI calculator – is it a good measure of our progress?
Should we pay attention to the results from such a calculator? Yes and no. Maybe you already know how this tool works, but we’ll remind you just in case. We’ll start with the formula:
BMI = body weight [kg] / height² [m] |
BMI stands for Body Mass Index, and its result is a ratio obtained by dividing your body weight in kilograms by the square of your height in meters. The results are interpreted as follows:
under 16 starvation
16-16,9 emaciation
17,0-18,15 underweight
18,5-24,9 correct weight
25,0-29,9 overweight
30,0-34,9 XNUMXst degree obesity
35,0-39,9 XNUMXnd degree obesity
over 40 obesity of the XNUMXrd degree
In this example, a woman, aged 33, 160 cm tall and weighing 60 kg, has a BMI of 23,44, which is normal BMI. However, this is a very basic calculation, as you can see, we do not take into account many important factors, such as:
- Our age.Although the BMI range has been shifted for the elderly, the above equation still does not take it into account.
- Bone weight, water weight, fat mass, muscle mass. For example, there may be a situation in which we count the BMI of an athletic, muscular, training person, who we certainly would not suspect of being overweight, and yet her BMI index will be above 24,9.
- Physique. We are talking about the so-called somatic structure, where such a simple formula cannot take into account, among other things, the place of fat deposition. The main point is that abdominal (android) obesity is more dangerous than gluteal-femoral (gynoid) obesity. The WHR index, which shows the ratio of the waist circumference to the hip circumference, will help in assessing the type of obesity.
Nevertheless, the BMI calculator as a tool may prove to be a support for the basic measure of success on a diet. If you want to check your BMI, please visit: https://.pl/kalkulator-bmi, our calculator also takes into account gender and age.
How to weigh yourself? So an intelligent scale
While there is more and more of this electronics, it may be a good idea to buy a professional scale. The cost of the purchase will be amortized over time, especially if it is used by several household members. Smart scale, depending on the price, may contain:
- classic weight measurement in kilograms,
- automatic BMI calculator,
- measuring the water level in the body,
- measurement of bone and muscle mass,
- fat tissue measurement,
- PPM indicator.
The weight is unequal, but even the cheapest units are quite a convenient solution. Electronics manufacturers most often allow you to save and monitor parameters in the application on the phone. However, if we do not want to expose ourselves to additional costs, we can use more advanced devices, for example in the gym we attend or in the dietitian’s office.
But wait a minute, at the beginning we mentioned not to look at kilograms, and now we are writing about weight gain, why? As you can see, there are a bit more measurements on such smart scales and we do not need to observe only our kilograms, but we can, for example, focus on trends related to the measurement of water, muscle mass or body fat.
Changing the size from XL to L is also a success!
My goal is minus 20 kilos, minus 30 … You already know that body weight is not only fat mass, so a much more valuable indicator of success is, for example, how the contents of our wardrobe changes and a few other factors, about which more in a second. Perhaps you already know the feeling of joy that accompanies the assumption of a smaller size or “clothes” that until recently were too tight on us or did not tighten at all. If you do not know, then everything is ahead of you!
So what are the additional benefits that we will get with a well-balanced diet and physical activity?
1. Fitness goes up! A trip to the Tatra Mountains, a bicycle trip outside the city or even a morning walk to work will become more pleasant thanks to the fact that the body will stop getting tired so quickly.
2. Well-being! Balance is important here, so if we do not overdo a too strict diet and backbreaking training, we should feel the effects of a healthier lifestyle after a few weeks.
3. A prettier complexion, stronger hair. Taking care of yourself involves many dimensions. By nurturing our body from the inside, by consuming unprocessed products, we will begin to observe changes related to our external appearance over time.
4. Resilience, resistance and more resistance! By enriching our diet with vitamins and minerals, taking care of the condition of the microbiota, regular exercise and hydration of the body, we strengthen its defenses. The support of the immune system is very important, especially when it comes to autumn gray and bloat.
5. We feel alive! Stagnation, depression, sleep problems, complexes, lack of social acceptance … Of course, we do not want to simplify, each of these topics is complex, but one of the causes may be an incorrect diet and unhealthy lifestyle. By making small changes, step by step we can begin to rebuild our confidence.
At the end, we have collected the most important conclusions that appeared in our today’s article. So, first of all, body weight can be a significant indicator of our progress, but it is worth supplementing it with measurements of individual parts of the body and parameters invisible to the naked eye. It is worth treating slimming as a process that consists of several factors.
Second, when the scales are stagnant let’s look for other positives that came with the change of habits, i.e. better condition, change of mood, healthier appearance, immunity or regaining the joy of life. These, in our opinion, are even more important factors than the weight loss itself.
Third – it’s us, NO ONE ELSE, we are to feel good in our body, with ourselves. We mentioned this in an important article about body positivity: https://.pl/Cialopozytywnosc-moje-cialo-jest-dobre. That’s why all the disgusting comments like, «Are you on a diet? Do not see.” we reflect – we know best how we feel and what has changed in our lives.
Fourthly – patience and consistency. It may sound brutal, but if we have not taken care of ourselves for several years, it will take time for us to regain better shape and health. Dangerous diets of 1000 kcal or too heavy workouts may at first create the illusion of rapid changes, but in the long run such a strategy is doomed to failure, and most of all it is dangerous to our health and life.