Do not watch: 10 terrible remakes of Soviet films

Soviet humorous films shot by Leonid Gaidai and Mark Zakharov are still considered recognized classics of the comedy genre of the USSR.

Many generations remember these films, they often review them, and some film masterpieces were even “taken apart” into quotes.

In today’s Russia, a group of filmmakers-enthusiasts decided to get down to business with “the mind” and reshoot their favorite classics in a modern way. Whether they succeeded or not, you can see from today’s top.

10 Russian Hollywood: Diamond Arm 2 | 2010

The musical and artistic project “Russian Hollywood” decided to take on an overwhelming and responsible task. The project managers undertook to reshoot some masterpieces of Soviet film classics in a modern way, with modern musical performers and actors, respectively.

The immortal film “The Diamond Hand” by Leonid Gaidai also fell under the knife of filmmakers. Whether it was a good idea to include Sergei Svetlakov, Sergei Penkin, Ilya Lagutenko and other modern actors in the stellar film, the viewer will appreciate. But the reviews are not very encouraging.

9. Prisoner of the Caucasus 2. History repeats itself | 2014

In 2014, filmmakers set about creating a remake for the film “Prisoner of the Caucasus” and no, they did not find or come up with anything new.

The film is based on the same plot with scenes that have long been familiar to the audience word for word, but modern actors and the realities of modern life like smartphones, WiFi and GPS navigators.

Everyone also wants to forcibly marry Nina, an athlete and no longer a Komsomol member, but an extreme girl, to the mayor of a Caucasian city, to which the funny journalist Shurik has come, who collects local folklore, toasts and folk legends for the newspaper.

If someone thinks that “Prisoner of the Caucasus 2” turned out to be fun and incendiary, then it is better to leave hopes at the entrance to the cinema.

8. Man from Boulevard des Capucines | 2009

Many people remember well the Soviet film “The Man from the Capuchin Boulevard”. The plot was centered on the amazing and charming Johnny Furst, who arrived in the Wild West with the goal of showing people what a cinema is.

In the modern world, the granddaughter of Johnny Furst named Masha comes to a small town in Russia. She cares about only one thing – how to make a sincere and kind movie about Russia.

But Masha does not even realize that not all the local population will treat her favorably. Someone will want to star in a film, someone will want to take an active part in it, and someone will want to steal the money saved for filming.

The director used a very interesting move in the plot. It is not known whether the audience will like it, but let it be.

The old film starred Andrei Mironov and Mikhail Boyarsky. In the modern film, the protagonist and antagonist are played by the daughters of famous Soviet actors: Maria Mironova and Elizaveta Boyarskaya.

7. Queen of Gas Stations 2 | 2004

Surely, many viewers who grew up in the Soviet Union remember the story of the bright and funny girl Lyudmila Dobryyvecher.

The same girl who at first fiercely wanted to become an announcer on television, then dreamed of becoming a flight attendant, and then dancing ballet on ice. But in the end, the girl started working at a gas station. Thanks to her cheerful nature and rich sense of humor, the girl liked this job so much that she was nicknamed the Queen of the gas station.

In 2004, it was decided to reshoot the familiar story in Ukrainian style. But, judging by the ratings on the KinoPoisk website, the idea was not very successful.

6. The Irony of Fate. Continuation | 2007

Unfortunately, the modern film completely alters the ending of everyone’s favorite New Year’s masterpiece. As many people remember, the first part ends with Nadya coming to Zhenya Lukashin in Moscow, and they decide never to part again. Sweet and touching ending to the movie.

But the creators of the modern film decided to spoil everything and released a sequel film, in which Zhenya Lukashin nevertheless leaves Nadya, and she returns to Ippolit. They have a daughter, whom they also call Nadia.

Zhenya Lukashin has a son, Kostya, and, by a strange coincidence, Kostya, just like his father, cannot drink.

But when he nevertheless drinks in the bathhouse on December 31 with his father’s friends, he accidentally ends up in St. Petersburg on the same street where the now young Nadia lives. Most likely, the further course of events does not need to be told.

5. Carnival Night 2, or 50 years later | 2004

In 1956, Eldar Ryazanov had already released a film called “Carnival Night”, which was a great addition to the celebration of the New Year.

In 2007, one of the filmmakers got bored and decided to come up with a sequel with the “original” title “Carnival Night, or 50 Years Later”.

The events of the second film continue the idea of ​​a clash between the bosses, their vision of how best to celebrate the New Year, and the workers.

At the end of the film, of course, everyone is waiting for a Happy End, but the tape is still very far from the success of the first picture.

4. Return of the Musketeers, or Treasures of Cardinal Mazarin | 2009

If anyone is eager to see how the wonderful idea of ​​​​books about the adventures of the French musketeers by Alexandre Dumas was spoiled, then watching this movie is what the doctor ordered.

Not only did the four musketeers, beloved by many, get very old, they had children who will be seen as girls in the form of the queen’s devoted musketeers.

And although the well-known and talented Maxim Dunayevsky again acts as a composer, all the actors well known from previous films have returned to their usual roles, but this does not save the film. The presence of fantasy elements in it only worsens the situation.

3. Love affair at work. Our time | 2011

The creators made fun of this film even more. Instead of a beautiful and touching love story that unfolds between colleagues at work, the viewer will have to get acquainted with a vulgar plot told in a modern manner and unconvincing and frivolous acting by actors: Svetlana Khodchenkova, Vladimir Zelensky and Pavel “Snezhka” Volya.

Moral principles, humorous dialogues that were present in the first picture are completely absent in the second, and this is the main minus.

2. Cheerful guys | 2014

“Merry Fellows” is an old, kind and incredibly charming musical comedy filmed in the Soviet Union in 1934.

In the title role is the insanely talented musician Kostya Potekhin, who needs to find a musical group in a short time and break into the musical Olympus.

In the modern film, the same idea is taken as a basis, only the role of Kostya is no longer played by Leonid Utyosov, but by Ivan Dorn.

The modern film is not that bad, but in comparison with the original, it falls short in quality and does not leave the same joyful and kind feeling in the soul.

1. Gentlemen of Fortune! | 2012

It is hardly possible to find such a person in Russia who has not watched or at least not heard about the film “Gentlemen of Fortune”.

In 2012, Russian filmmakers decided to present to the audience a remake of Alexander Sery’s masterpiece. What happened, to put it mildly, does not reach the original in any way.

The plot remains exactly the same, but the characters are faded, uninteresting, there is little humor in them. And, of course, despite the charisma of Sergei Bezrukov, he is still far from the level of Yevgeny Leonov.

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