Already from June 6, churches and churches will open in Russia. However, some rules must be followed in them.
Hieromonk of the Russian Orthodox Church Dmitry Pershin spoke about the rules that parishioners should follow when visiting churches.
“You can lean your forehead against the icons, not kiss. And you can pay homage from a distance. During confession, you must not kiss the cross or the hand. The priests themselves, of course, should be wearing a mask, ”the clergyman said.
Pershin noted that for believers, the coronavirus pandemic has become God’s grace. According to the hieromonk, this time was given so that people could escape from the hustle and bustle and think about what was happening.
Note that Rospotrebnadzor recently published recommendations for opening churches. Parishioners and clergymen are required to wear masks and not come closer to each other than 1,5 meters.
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