Do not be afraid of changes and other people’s opinions, be free

😉 Hello dear readers! Thank you for being here! Do not be afraid of changes and other people’s opinions! For you, the story of Allison Mary, a young woman from the United States, who found her love in India. How it happened, she will tell herself …

Don’t be afraid of change!

“Never be afraid of changes and other people’s opinions! You always have a choice. Freedom lies only in our inherent ability to make a choice between different types of dependence – dependence on desires and self-esteem or dependence on the light that illuminates our lives …

Two years ago I had a dream. I passionately wanted to successfully marry, achieve financial independence, improve my health and open my own business. From the outside it might have seemed that my life was very successful.

I was twenty-four years old. I was married, lived in a lovely home, owned a prestigious car, and traveled a lot around the world.

At the same time, I needed change like air. Our marriage literally fell apart before our eyes. I gained extra weight. I hated my job and owed a pretty big sum. I could not openly state my problems: it would mean admitting my failure.

And I, Allison Mary, would never admit that I was a failure.

Ironically, I was taught very differently as a child. My parents have always encouraged me to express myself. They advised to look for their own path in life and listen to the voice of the heart.

My mother, a meditation teacher, often discussed the process of forming reality with me. In my youth, I often heard from her: “Where your thoughts rush, your energy rushes there too” or “Never be afraid of changes and someone else’s opinion.”

Even when I attended her seminars at Chopra Center, I believed in spiritual reality, but tried to adjust its meaning to my own “agenda”. I had all the prerequisites for a happy and serene life, but my delightfully absurd, absurd fantasy alone became an obstacle to it.

Change of scenery

Do not be afraid of changes and other people’s opinions, be free

Taj Mahal in Agra, India

In short, I went to India. Together with my friend Laurel, I decided to take an eight-day tourist trip to the cities of the “golden triangle” (the largest cities in India: Delhi, Agra and Jaipur). I only hoped to have fun during this trip, but it has revolutionized my life.

The surprises began as soon as we landed in Delhi. My luggage was lost due to the fault of the airline. When we arrived at the hotel, it turned out that there were no vacant rooms. Opportunities often come from bad luck.

Unfortunate coincidence: Laurel and I had to wait three hours in the hotel lobby for a room to become available. We were hungry, tired and out of schedule.


Opportunity: Pars was an employee of a local travel agency that organized our trip to cities in the Golden Triangle. All the while we were waiting for check-in (at about 5 am), he entertained us with conversations.

Of course, the night was lost to us. Taking the elevator to my room, I told Laurel, “I don’t want to part with him.” Later I learned that Pars, leaving the hotel, confessed to his assistant: “I don’t want to part with her!”

Two days later, in Agra, I had a violent attack of vomiting. I asked Laurel to call a doctor. The diagnosis was disappointing: acute food poisoning.

My memories paint a surreal picture: I stand, bent in half, over a bucket of recent stomach contents in a hotel room with an amazing view of the Taj Mahal, an IV in my left hand. And the nurse supports me in case I pass out.

But this shameful moment of my obvious physical weakness became for me a moment of spiritual cleansing.

Ridding my stomach of the undigested leftovers of lunch, I felt as if I was getting rid of something else extremely unpleasant and harmful for myself – from my past.

On that day, as my mother later assured me, I not only freed my body from the “Tandor-style chicken”, which apparently became the cause of my physical ailment, but also cleansed my soul from emotional intoxication.


After visiting Agra, my perception of reality changed. It was as if I woke up from a dream and said loudly – no, I screamed! – how I would like to see my life.

I wanted a lot from life. For the first time, I really understood that I can be not only a puppet in the hands of higher powers, but also the creator of my own destiny. And I decided to act.

I drew everything in my imagination. My relationship with loved ones, giving us joy and satisfaction. Setting up your own business. Paying off all my debts, etc.

I vividly pictured the happy Allison Mary as I was before. That Allison Mary who was hiding under a temporary disguise. I began to act proactively: I filed for divorce from my husband, changed my place of residence. With the help of her parents, she began to distribute debts.

It was the most terrible and at the same time the most productive period of my life.

Law of attraction

After eighteen months of email correspondence, daily phone calls, three more trips to India and an official marriage proposal, Pars moved to the United States of America to be by my side.

We got married. Pars possesses all the qualities that I have endowed in the imagination of my life partner. His love for me is sincere and unselfish.

So, reality becomes what you dreamed about when you manage to find faith. I didn’t realize then that I was applying the Law of Attraction in practice until my family was fascinated by the movie “The Secret”. “Look at him,” Mom advised. “The power of thought will turn your life around.”

And so it happened. After my first trip to India, I rediscovered selfless love. I started my own business, published as a freelance journalist, got physically strong and confidently moving forward on the path of gaining financial independence.

I believed that I could change my destiny – and my faith was enough ”. Allison Mary

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