Do-it-yourself winter bait for roach, composition and components

Do-it-yourself winter bait for roach, composition and components

Roach is a fish familiar to any angler. The body of the fish is oval and flattened laterally. It resembles a palm in shape and is covered with small but dense scales.

The roach pecks cautiously, but completes the bite with a sharp movement. Very often the angler does not even have time to react to bites. As a result, the bait is no longer on the hook.

This fish is caught both in summer and in winter on peculiar baits.

Characteristics of winter bait for roach

Do-it-yourself winter bait for roach, composition and components

Bait for winter fishing should create a cloudy spot that attracts roach. And this applies to both dry bait, which can be simply poured into the hole, and wet, from which the corresponding balls are molded.

Winter bait for roach fishing

To create a similar effect, the following components are introduced into the bait, such as:

  • crushed “Hercules”;
  • ground rice;
  • dry milk.

In addition, the bait should contain ingredients that quickly float to the surface. To do this, grind sunflower seeds or use corn flakes. In addition to the fact that the ingredients quickly emerge, they also give a certain smell to attract roach. In addition, a large feeding spot is formed at the bottom.

In addition to seeds, add to the bait:

  • crushed bran;
  • sawdust;
  • lemon peel;
  • coke shavings.

Do-it-yourself winter bait for roach, composition and components

In addition, you can add:

  • crushed crackers;
  • barley;
  • barley groats;
  • semolina.

Culinary vanillin will go as a flavoring. Such bait works no worse than ready-made purchased.

Making winter bait for roach with your own hands

Winter bait for roach


  • 500 g of crushed crackers;
  • 200 g sunflower seeds;
  • 100 g peel from an orange or tangerine;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of flour or rice.

The use of flavorings

Do-it-yourself winter bait for roach, composition and components

Most anglers know that roach prefer sweet, vanilla flavored fish. Buying a ready-made store mix with a pure vanilla flavor is very difficult. Despite this, any flavor can be purchased separately. In addition to vanilla, roach is partial to the aroma of coriander, which increases the aromatic value of the bait. Anise is also capable of activating the bite of a roach. They work great in bait balls that are thrown into a pond. Almost all store-bought baits contain elements such as anise and coriander.

Dry bait mixtures are characterized by the presence of the following aromatic substances:

  • caramel;
  • almonds;
  • hemp;
  • chocolate.

Instruction for manufacturing

Do-it-yourself winter bait for roach, composition and components

All components are mixed, and very carefully. The advantage of dry bait mixtures is that they can be stored for a long time. Moreover, they can be diluted with water from the hole.

Tips for making winter bait

Do-it-yourself winter bait for roach, composition and components

  • There should be no bright colors, as they alert the roach.
  • In winter, fish can be interested in animal ingredients.
  • You should not get carried away with flavorings: less is better than more.
  • Bait should slowly sink to the bottom of the pond.
  • Bait is best diluted with water from the reservoir where fishing is carried out.
  • Roach loves coriander, so it will never be superfluous in bait.
  • If the roach refuses to peck, then you can reduce the diameter of the leash and the size of the hook.
  • Roach bite better in muddy water than in clean water.
  • She loves bread no less than other baits. If you bait a crust of bread on a hook, then you can catch weighty individuals.
  • If small specimens predominate, then it is better to switch to corn in order to cut off the “little thing” and allow larger fish to come up.
  • It is important to adhere to one rule: what fish is caught on must be present in the bait.

Bait for roach for various gear

Bait for float fishing

Catching roach in winter at depths of 4-7 meters [salapinru]

Roach prefers to be in the middle or upper layers of the water. Therefore, it is necessary to catch it on these horizons. If the bait will quickly sink to the bottom, then fishing is unlikely to be effective. In any case, it should leave behind a muddy feed trail. Very often baking powder is added to the bait, in the form of sand.

A similar effect can be achieved if you use store-bought bait like “volcano” or “geyser”. Add it to the bait quite a bit. This contributes to the formation of a fodder cloud, which will certainly attract roach. If you do not want to spend money, then you can get by with additives:

  • dry milk;
  • semolina.

How to prepare feed

Do-it-yourself winter bait for roach, composition and components

Have to take:

  • semolina;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • flavoring.

Technology of preparation:

  • pour semolina with cold water;
  • mix and place in a nylon stocking;
  • the stocking is placed for half an hour in cold water;
  • crackers are added here;
  • everything is mixed with the addition of flavoring.

Bait for bottom fishing

With the help of a donkey, roach is caught, along with other fish. Considering the fact that the roach chooses the middle and upper horizons more, it is better to catch it on the bottom tackle in shallow water, where other fish are afraid to swim. The consistency of the bait should be such that it is kept in the redistribution of the ball and can be thrown into the place of fishing. After each cast, you should pause so that the fish has time to approach the place where the bait was thrown more. At the same time, you need to remember that the fish need to be attracted, but not fed. In the process of fishing, you need to throw bait from time to time.

Roach feeding technology

Do-it-yourself winter bait for roach, composition and components

Before you start fishing, you should start baiting the fishing point. To do this, several balls are molded and thrown into the water. After that, you should start laying out gear and arranging a fishing spot. During this time, fish will approach the place of casting the bait. Subsequently, when the biting begins, the fishing point is fed with small portions of bait.

When fishing with bottom tackle, throwing bait to the fishing point with your hands is not realistic, therefore, other methods of delivering bait to the fishing point are used. As a rule, they use bait feeders. Having made 5-7 casts with tackle without a leash and a hook, they pause to remove the bait feeder and fix the worker with a leash and a hook.

Groundbait for catching roach in winter on the course

Do-it-yourself winter bait for roach, composition and components

In the presence of a current, the strategy and tactics of catching roach are somewhat different from the conditions of fishing in a reservoir with stagnant water. As a rule, the current can carry the bait away from the fishing point, and therefore the bait is thrown a little upstream. They deliver food in various ways, depending on the fishing technique. If fishing is carried out from the ice, then you can drill a hole upstream and from there carry out the delivery of food, and you need to fish in a hole that is located downstream. The consistency of the bait should be such that it is gradually washed out. As a result, a stern plume will appear, which should cover the hole where the gear is installed.

The recipe for bait for fishing with the flow

To do this, you need to prepare:

  • 150 g sunflower seeds;
  • dried lemon or tangerine zest;
  • 200 g breadcrumbs;
  • 250 g of boiled millet;
  • 2 Art. spoons of flour;
  • 10 chopped shrimp.

All ingredients are mixed and brought to working condition directly on the reservoir, using its water. Alternatively, you can roll 5-10 balls and freeze them to make them firmer. The presence of shrimps in the bait allows you to attract fish from a long distance.

The use of a feeder for roach fishing

Catching roach on the feeder video : Fishing diary

If you need to catch roach far from the shore, then the feeder (bottom tackle) is the ideal tackle. As a rule, feeder equipment is equipped with a feeder, which makes fishing more efficient. At the beginning of the fishing process, not large specimens come across, but over time, the size of individuals increases. Feeder tackle is perfect for fishing both on the lake and on the river, where there is a current. The feeder in the feeder is also a load that needs to be properly selected for various fishing conditions.

  • For ponds without a current, any feeders weighing up to 60 g are suitable.
  • For reservoirs with a current, feeders weighing 60 g or more should be used, depending on the strength of the current.

Where to catch roach in winter

Roach inhabits almost all water bodies where there are conditions for its survival. If it is found in this particular reservoir, then it can be found at any depth. If it is a sunny and not frosty day outside, then its location is very difficult to find, since it can migrate throughout the reservoir. In such conditions, one can only hope that another flock of roaches will swim up to the baited place.

Most often, roach can be found:

  • in bays;
  • in old women;
  • in the backwaters;
  • in places where there is no current;
  • in places where last year’s vegetation remained.

Particular attention should be paid to the places where roach were caught last winter. As a rule, roach’s favorite places remain favorites for a long time. Catching roach is entertaining, as is catching other types of fish. Many anglers start their “fishing” career by catching roach. The most important thing is not to ignore the advice of experienced anglers, but to strictly adhere to the recommendations. Then every fishing trip will bring a lot of pleasure and catch, to the delight of the rest of the family.

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