Do-it-yourself waterfall in the country: step by step instructions

The modern concept – landscape design, means a large number of architectural buildings, both small and large. On the net you can find a lot of original ideas on how best to design your site. And the arrangement of a reservoir is a very common solution, because the murmur of water soothes and fills the area with the necessary moisture and a pleasant atmosphere. Today, there are many decisions on how to design a reservoir. One of the original solutions is the waterfall device. You will be pleasantly surprised that making a waterfall in the country with your own hands will not be difficult. Of course, for this you need to work hard and make a lot of effort. However, the end result will please you. In this article we will try to tell you about all the nuances of how to make a waterfall.

Do-it-yourself waterfall in the country: step by step instructions

Appropriate place

First of all, you need to choose the appropriate place for the future waterfall in the country. If you choose the wrong place in the country, then this can cause a number of difficulties. So, the following nuances are taken into account:

  • Even if your waterfall in the country will be small, it is a hydraulic structure. Therefore, large shrubs and trees should not be nearby. Why? In hot weather, the roots of plants, smelling moisture, will surely rush to this reservoir. As a result, the waterproofing protection may be destroyed. And if you poured a bowl of concrete and put in a lot of effort, it would be a shame if the roots simply destroy the entire structure. For this reason, it is better to donate a tree or shrub in the country.
  • It is not recommended to place a waterfall in the country in close proximity to the foundation of the house. If suddenly there is a failure in its work, then the foundation may become wet, and this may provoke mold, fungus and other negative consequences from the foundation getting wet.
  • If there is a hill at the dacha of your site, then it is at this place that the waterfall made will look very impressive. If there is no hill, then the plain will do. The only condition is that it should not be a lowland. This is explained by the fact that the wind will drive all foliage and other debris to the lowest point. Thus, the waterfall in the country and the reservoir will be heavily polluted.
  • The overview of the waterfall in the summer cottage should be good. Often in all landscape design, artificial waterfalls become a key figure. If this is your case, then the waterfall should be visible from different sides of the cottage.

Having decided on the location in the country, you should proceed to other technical issues, for example, the selection of material.

Required material

Do-it-yourself waterfall in the country: step by step instructions

Of course, you will not build a huge waterfall in the country, most likely it will be a mini-waterfall. But even for its manufacture, special material is needed. In some cases, the following set of materials is required:

  • PVC film.
  • Fiberglass.
  • Plastic container.
  • Reinforcing mesh.
  • Cement.
  • Sand.
  • Pebbles.
  • Quartzite.
  • River stone and more.

This is all that concerns the manufacture of the reservoir. Among other things, it is also necessary to select pumping equipment. In this case, a continuous flow of murmuring water will be provided.

Choosing a waterfall pump

Do-it-yourself waterfall in the country: step by step instructions

The main thing to pay attention to is the power of the device. A pump power of 0,1 kW will be enough for a miniature waterfall in the country. In addition to the power of the pump, it is worth paying attention to its pressure. The pressure will affect the flow rate of water in the reservoir in the country.

There are two types of pump:

  1. Submersible.
  2. Surface.

Submersible pumps are small in size and practically do not make noise during operation. Its installation is carried out directly in the bowl of the reservoir itself.

Important! If you do not plan to use the reservoir for water procedures, then it is better not to install the pump on the bottom of the reservoir. If not, then this would be a great solution.

The surface pump is mounted in a separate place from the reservoir. During operation, it makes noise, so you should take care of its neutralization. In a word, the hassle of installing a surface pump is greater than with a submersible pump.

Depth of the reservoir

Do-it-yourself waterfall in the country: step by step instructions

When choosing a depth, you should clearly understand the goal you are pursuing. If you additionally want to swim in it, then the depth should be at least 1,5 meters. If you have a small house area in the country, then this combination will be very effective. If it is an exclusively decorative waterfall in the country, then a depth of up to 200 mm is enough. In this case, you need to worry about decorating the bottom and the surrounding area.

Advice! If you want to grow various plants in the pond and start living creatures, then the depth will be greater and equal to 1,5 meters.

Pond shape

Do-it-yourself waterfall in the country: step by step instructions

There are no strict rules and restrictions. For example, some are attracted to artificiality. And some prefer strict forms. Moreover, the shape of the bowl is largely determined by what it will be. There are options using a ready-made bowl made of plastic or metal. In this case, it will completely repeat the shape of this insert. If it will not be used, then you can create absolutely any shape of the reservoir with your own hands.

Instructions for making a waterfall

Do-it-yourself waterfall in the country: step by step instructions

So, we come to the main issue of this article. Here we will introduce you a practical guide and step by step guide. You will find out in what sequence certain tasks should be performed.


First of all, the marking of the territory is carried out. To do this, you can use twine, a red dense thread, or simply dig the edging with a shovel. That is, it is necessary to make every effort so that before digging a hole you have a specific outline of the future reservoir in the country.

Digging pit

Do-it-yourself waterfall in the country: step by step instructions

This is the most difficult process in the construction of a waterfall in the country. Especially if the depth of the reservoir will be about 1,5 meters. In the process of digging, you should immediately understand in which direction the waterfall will be located. Thus, you will pour out all the earth in one place. When digging, one should take into account the fact that the bottom will need to be covered with sand and compacted. Therefore, the bottom should be relatively flat.

Advice! If during digging the walls begin to crumble, then moisten them with water and ram. This way they will keep their shape.

If the pump for the waterfall in the country is submersible, then immediately dig a small recess for it, as well as for the supply hose. This is important, because otherwise, the hose will simply float up. From an aesthetic point of view, it is not very beautiful.

Water proofing

Do-it-yourself waterfall in the country: step by step instructions

In our case, a dense PVC film will act as a waterproofing. Pay attention to the fact that it is a whole canvas. The film should cover the entire area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe reservoir. Where a groove is provided, be sure to shape the film accordingly. The integrity of the canvas is an important condition. Although it is possible to join PVC film, this will be the weak point of the entire reservoir and waterfall.

Do-it-yourself waterfall in the country: step by step instructions

As a result, the film should protrude at least 500 mm outwards. The bottom of the film can be gradually laid out with a river stone. Thus, the film will be pressed, and also form the bottom and coastline.

All work must be done carefully. After all, one sharp movement, and you damage the film. At this stage, the film should also rise to the hill, on which there will be a waterfall. Alternatively, you can lay large stones in the form of a slab. They can be purchased at the nearest quarry. Make sure that all stones do not have sharp edges. When laying stones on a waterfall, if they are flat, check the level so that there is an appropriate slope.

Do-it-yourself waterfall in the country: step by step instructions

Here, according to this scheme, the waterproofing of the entire reservoir is carried out. The main elements here are PVC film, which is pressed against river stones. By the way, they should be laid out so as to completely hide the black film.

Do-it-yourself waterfall in the country: step by step instructions

Pay special attention to the hoses through which water will flow. Stones should not crush them and the like.

Cascade formation

Do-it-yourself waterfall in the country: step by step instructions

Partially, this has already been written above. Using a large stone, you need to organize some kind of small areas. It is necessary to decide what step will be between the sites and how many there will be. As for the height of the entire waterfall in the country, it would be good if it rose above the soil level by at least 1,5 meters.

To summarize all the work, it turns out that the process of laying the film, installing pumping equipment and forming the bottom and coastline is carried out simultaneously. Additionally, decoration is carried out, which will be discussed further.

Decoration of the pond and waterfall

Do-it-yourself waterfall in the country: step by step instructions

Optionally, in addition, the bottom can be equipped with original lighting. The backlight is placed between the stones in a chaotic manner or in a given form. Also, stones should be overlaid with a small section of the coastline in order to give the whole structure a certain decorative effect. As a result, you will be able to achieve the following result:

Do-it-yourself waterfall in the country: step by step instructions

This do-it-yourself waterfall in the country in the photo clearly shows that the work process is not so complicated. The most important thing is to clearly follow the technology, purchase reliable pumping equipment and have the desire to create in your country house! As a result, you will be able to create a beautiful corner in the territory of landscape design with the direct participation of the waterfall.

Design solutions for decorating

Do-it-yourself waterfall in the country: step by step instructions

In addition to all the information, we suggest that you consider a few original design ideas for arranging a waterfall in the country with your own hands. Consider a few original ideas:

  • waterfall cascade. In this case, the water will go down several steps. They can have different shapes and sizes. Moreover, you can use stones to create steps of different colors. The result will be spectacular.
  • Waterfall mountain stream. In this case, the waterfall in the country will smoothly flow down the slope, lined with river boulders. This stream can be winding. Of course, such a solution will require more space.
  • straight waterfall. If you prefer the classic version of the waterfall, then do not bother. Water can immediately fall into the reservoir without any interference. Of course, you will need a powerful pump for the waterfall. But the result will be impressive.


So, we have considered with you all the features of how to make a waterfall in the country with our own hands. If you have your own experience in this work, then share it by leaving comments on this article. In addition, we suggest you watch an interesting video:

Do-it-yourself pond with a waterfall

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