Do-it-yourself water heating in the pool

Many associate swimming in the pool with entertainment, but in addition, water procedures also contribute to health promotion. You can get the maximum benefit only at a comfortable water temperature. In case of hypothermia, a person runs the risk of getting a cold. If the issue with the installation of the font is resolved, you need to think about how to heat the water in the pool in the country and to what temperature.

Temperature norms

Do-it-yourself water heating in the pool

For comfortable swimming, the temperature in the pool should be about three degrees lower than the air temperature. With other indicators, after bathing, a person feels discomfort when the body begins to dry out.

Important! The temperature of the bottom of the pool affects the comfort of taking procedures. If thermal insulation was not laid during the installation of the font, large losses go through the cold floor. Walking on the cold bottom of the font, even in warm water, will lead to colds.

The norm of water temperature in the pool is calculated according to the SanPiN sanitary rules:

  • sports – 24-28⁰С;
  • wellness – 26-29⁰С;
  • for children over the age of 7 years – 29-30⁰С;
  • for babies up to 7 years old – 30-32⁰С.

In bath complexes adhere to their own rules. The water temperature depends on the type of pool:

  • cold font – 15оWITH;
  • hot tub – 35оC.

In the country, the temperature of the water in the pool is calculated by the owner individually at his discretion. In large modern cottages, fonts are installed indoors. Due to low heat loss, the water temperature for adults can be maintained from 24 to 28оC, and children are 3 degrees higher.

Do-it-yourself water heating in the pool

Indoor pools are not for everyone. Most summer residents install fonts on the street. Most often, these are inflatable or frame bowls. It is impossible to reduce heat loss in the open air. If you try to constantly heat the water to a high temperature, then the energy consumption will greatly increase. For outdoor pools, it is optimal to adhere to a temperature in the range from 21 to 25оC. If the water is colder, turn on artificial heating. In sunny hot weather, warming up is carried out naturally. The water temperature may even exceed the norm.

The departments that own sports and recreation pools are required to comply with the temperature standards of SanPiN water. Owners of country pools are not required to adhere to the rules. The data can be used as a guide.

Methods and devices for heating water

Do-it-yourself water heating in the pool

There are many ways to heat the water in the pool, but not all of them are suitable for giving. However, they should be reviewed for familiarization.

Do-it-yourself water heating in the pool

The most common devices for heating water in the pool are factory-made heaters. They are of flow and accumulative type. Water heating is carried out by burning gas, solid fuel or electricity. Any type of heater is suitable for a pool in the country. Due to the complexity of installation and maintenance, gas and solid fuel appliances are less popular. Accumulative models are inconvenient in terms of installing a large hot water tank. Usually summer residents prefer a flowing electric heater. The device is connected to the pumping system of the pool between the filter and the font.

Advice! Popular hot tub water heaters are 3 kW Intex electric flow devices. An increase in temperature by 1°C occurs in 1 hour of heating 10 m3 of water in an outdoor pool.

Do-it-yourself water heating in the pool

The heat exchanger for the pool is economical in terms of energy consumption, resembling an indirect heating boiler in design. The device consists of a tank, inside which a coil is sealed. The energy resource of the heater is the heating system. Water from the pool is circulated through the tank by means of a pump. The coolant from the heating system moves along the coil. The incoming cold stream of water takes heat, warms up and goes back to the pool. The heating temperature is regulated by a thermostat that increases or decreases the flow rate of the coolant in the coil.

Advice! The heat exchanger is more suitable for indoor pools used in winter. In the summer in the country, it is unprofitable to turn on the boiler to heat water in the font.

Do-it-yourself water heating in the pool

To heat the water in the pool without the expenditure of energy resources allows a heating blanket. Basically, it’s just a tent. The effectiveness of the cover depends on weather conditions. On a sunny hot day, the rays warm up the awning, and heat is transferred from it to the upper layer of water. The temperature rises by 3–4оC. To mix the cold and hot water layers, a pump is turned on.

Advice! The awning protects the water of the outdoor font from dust, leaves and other debris.

Do-it-yourself water heating in the pool

The solar system for the font works on the principle of a heat exchanger, only the sun is the source of energy. The surface of the panel absorbs rays that heat the coolant in the heat exchanger to a temperature of 140оC. Water circulating with the help of a pump comes from the pool, takes heat from the coil and returns back to the font. Advanced solar systems work with touch sensors and automation that regulates the heating temperature.

Advice! For a simple summer resident, a solar system for a pool is not affordable. If desired, the similarity of the device is made independently from copper tubes and mirrors.

Do-it-yourself water heating in the pool

The heat pump does not require any energy. Heat is taken from the depths. The system works on the principle of a refrigerator. The circuit consists of two circuits, inside which coolants circulate. Between them is a compressor with an inert gas. The external circuit takes heat from the ground or a reservoir, and the coolant gives it to the refrigerant inside the evaporator. Boiling gas compressor compresses up to 25 atmospheres. From the released thermal energy, the heat carrier of the internal circuit is heated, which heats the water in the pool.

Advice! Heat pumps for heating the pool are not suitable for summer residents. The unpopularity of the system is due to the high cost of equipment.

Do-it-yourself water heating in the pool

Water for a small font in the country can be heated with conventional boilers. The method is primitive, dangerous, but summer residents use it. When the boilers are on, you can’t swim and even touch the water mirror. The tubular heating element should not touch the walls of the bowl, especially if the font is inflatable or made of plastic.

Do-it-yourself water heating in the pool

Safe heating of water in the pool with your own hands can be made from dark-colored PVC pipe coils. The sun will be the source of energy. The pipe is twisted into rings, laying on a flat area. The heating area depends on the number of rings. Both ends of the pipe are connected to the bowl by inserting a circulation pump into the system. Water from the pool, passing through the rings, will be heated by the sun, and discharged back into the bowl.

The video shows a variant of a home-made heater for a country font:

homemade pool heater

Homemade solid fuel heater

Do-it-yourself water heating in the pool

At home, assembling a wood-burning water heater for a pool is not difficult. And you can heat not only with logs. Any solid fuel will do. The water heater device resembles a mixture of a potbelly stove with a heat exchanger.

The assembly order consists of the following steps:

  • The basis of the design is any container. You can take an old metal barrel with a capacity of 200 liters, weld a tank from sheet steel, or simply lay out a kind of furnace from red brick.
  • Inside the container, grates are provided, a blower. To remove the products of combustion, a chimney is attached.
  • The heat exchanger will be a steel pipe bent by a snake or an old heating radiator. It is better not to use a cast iron battery. There are rubber rings between the sections, which will quickly burn out in a fire and the heat exchanger will leak. It is better to use a steel radiator.
  • The battery is fixed inside the tank so that a space for the furnace is formed between the heat exchanger and the grate.
  • Metal pipes are connected to the radiator outlets, extending beyond the body of a home-made furnace. Further connection to the pool is made with a plastic pipe.
  • The hose from the inlet pipe of the heat exchanger is connected to the outlet of the circulation pump. From the suction hole, the intake pipe is lowered to the bottom of the font. To prevent the pump from pulling large debris from the bottom of the bowl, a filter mesh is installed at the end of the hose.
  • From the outlet of the battery, the hose is simply laid to the font and lowered into the water.

The heater works just fine. First turn on the circulation pump. When the water from the font through the heat exchanger goes in a circle, a fire is made under the radiator. Normal burning 10 m3 water will warm up to a temperature of +27 per dayоC.

Homemade water heaters can be made portable or even on wheels. It all depends on the imagination and the availability of materials.

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