Do-it-yourself vertical beds for strawberries: the benefits of growing

Nowadays, vertical beds for strawberries are gaining more and more popularity, both among professional farmers and among amateur gardeners. Vertical planting of strawberries allows not only more efficient use of the planting area, harvesting 1-3 times more from 4 sq m, but also decorates the summer cottage with an original architectural structure.

  Benefits of Vertical Growing

The undoubted advantage of vertical strawberry cultivation is space saving and high efficiency. With this method of planting, the bushes are located one above the other and do not occupy large areas. The yield per square meter of such a design, with proper care, can exceed the usual up to 5-7 times. And for normal and full-fledged growth, a bush needs 26-30 cm in height, so up to 6-8 tiers can be placed on a two-meter pole. At the same time, the bushes do not allow long mustaches, and they do not take root, which greatly facilitates care. Removing tendrils, fertilizing, picking berries and other manipulations are much easier to carry out compared to planting strawberries in the ground. Depending on the chosen design of vertical beds, 7-15 bushes can be processed at a time without difficulty.

Modern high beds for strawberries can be of the most diverse shapes and heights: ovals, pyramids, artificial trees, polygonal shelves made of metal or wood, and other geometric shapes. They can be equipped both in a greenhouse, a garden, a front garden, and in the middle of the yard, and the original design will only decorate the landscape design of any site. Pots can be camouflaged so that only flowering plants and berries are visible. It is especially convenient to grow remontant varieties in this way, since their ripening of berries is not simultaneous and each ripens in its own time, and so all the berries will be in sight and at hand, which will significantly reduce the harvest time.

Do-it-yourself vertical beds for strawberries: the benefits of growing

Variants of vertical beds

Making a pyramid for strawberries

The pyramid is the most popular shape. It is equipped with three – or four-coal. The triangular pyramid allows you to make the row wider and, consequently, plant several bushes on each tier. The quadrangular one is a more compact design and provides easy access to each plant.

Frame design and assembly

The pyramid is made from various materials available at the time of its construction – wood, dense strips of plastic or metal. Naturally, the most convenient material is wood, since it will be easier to make the desired shape and secure several tiers. For the base, take a bar of at least 30-45 mm thick. All blanks are coated with an antiseptic or varnished to minimize the effects of fungus, moisture and various pests. In addition, it gives a neat and decorative look to the pyramid.

After the structure is modeled and drawn on paper, its dimensions are determined, and all elements of the structure are prepared. Fasten them together with nails 65-70 mm and glue in the corners. For greater strength, metal strips and screws are used. In this case, several holes are made in the sheet, screws are inserted there and screwed to the wooden blanks. This increases the resistance of the entire structure to high earth pressure.

 Do-it-yourself vertical beds for strawberries: the benefits of growing

Installation of all tiers and filling them with soil

The first tier is covered with completely enriched fertile soil, leaving 3,5-6 cm to the upper edge so that water does not spill out during irrigation. After that, the soil is lightly tamped and the next tier is installed on it. It is also filled with earth and compacted. In order to freely plant bushes, each subsequent floor should be 25-35 cm less than the previous one. Thus, the whole pyramid is assembled. Depending on the desire and possibilities, it is possible to build from 3 to 8-9 floors. When the building is fully assembled and filled, the outer side of the boards is varnished or decorated as desired.

One such structure can bring up to 85-95 kg of berries per season.

Tire round tower

Vertical beds for strawberries can also be made in a round shape. In practice, a tower of this type is used by most amateur gardeners, since it is built from automobile tires selected by diameter and does not require large costs and efforts.

The base is made from the rubber of a heavy vehicle, such as a combine harvester, tractor or loading container. The tire must be wide and strong, otherwise, when cut from above, it will deform from soil pressure with weighted moisture. The base is dug into the ground to a shallow depth for stability. 5-7 cm retreat from the protector and cut out the inside with a sharp knife. Then fill the base with fertile, fertilized soil and compact it.

Do-it-yourself vertical beds for strawberries: the benefits of growing

For the second tier, tires of such cars as MAZ are used, they are of a smaller diameter and height. After carrying out similar manipulations, install the second floor. For the upper floors, car tires are taken, the diameter of which is not more than 14-16 inches, or from a GAZ car. On this, you can complete the construction, leaving the tower with a cut off top, or install a walk-behind tractor tire. No more than one bush is planted there, which, in comparison with the lower ones, will bear less fruit, but will give an aesthetic appearance to the entire structure.

Beds made of metal pipes

In a volumetric farm, strawberries are vertically planted in metal pipes. For cultivation in this way, only low- and medium-sized varieties are suitable, with medium-sized berries, otherwise the berries, not having time to ripen, break off, and the bushes will need to be tied up.

This design can significantly save watering time and the amount of liquid-nutrient mixture. Since it can be poured into the frame itself directly, and the moisture gradually descends, nourishing the root system of all plants. In addition, with this method, weeds are practically absent. For the entire growing season, no more than 1-2 weedings are required, since the soil is in darkness and weeds do not germinate.

Do-it-yourself vertical beds for strawberries: the benefits of growing

In addition to the above, this method allows more efficient use of the landing area. Since in a pipe with a diameter of 18-24 cm, 45-55 bushes can be successfully grown, arranging them in a spiral. Such a structure looks very decorative, it can be decorated under oak, birch or covered with bright colors. A metal frame, in warm, sunny weather, will not allow the soil to overheat.

The holes are marked, made with the help of a grinder. If possible, a metal plate-porch should be welded, on which the bush subsequently rests, and the fruits are supported during fruiting. This design needs good reinforcement, since the filled pipe is heavy. As a rule, it is concreted or screwed with thick wire to supports specially installed nearby.

Agrofibre beds

Vertical beds for strawberries made of agrofibre, among others, have the advantage that excess moisture drains easily, as a result, the risk of root rot and the appearance of slugs is reduced.

Do-it-yourself vertical beds for strawberries: the benefits of growing

Cassette bags are made from it using a sewing machine or a soldering machine. Since agrofibre is sold in rolls of standard width, the length of the vertical bed is usually also limited. The material is folded in several layers and scribbled. Drainage holes do not need to be made, since agrofibre passes moisture well. It is attached to a vertical plane with wire and a wooden plank, also stuffing a wooden step under the bottom of the bags to support the bushes.

It should be remembered that this material is not durable and after 2-3 seasons, the planting must be updated by replacing the agrofibre.

Other designs available

For a long time in the practice of vertical cultivation of berries, many gardeners have invented methods for making beds for strawberries at home from improvised and affordable means, without loss of fruiting.

You can plant bushes, for example, in plastic bottles, attaching them to the wall of a house or gazebo. On a vertical plane, with the help of ropes, two- or three-liter bottles filled with a substrate are attached, into which one bush is planted. Thus, you can not only decorate the gazebo, the wall of the house, garage or shed, but also get a good harvest. You can also use dense plastic bags in a similar way. They have more seating space – 6-12 bushes and, therefore, higher yields.

Do-it-yourself vertical beds for strawberries: the benefits of growing

Any material can be used as a container for planting. However, if you plan to grow strawberries on vertical beds for a long time, and not a one-time, experimental planting, you should build a strong and durable structure from reliable materials.

 Video “Growing strawberries in trunks”

The video talks about one of the ways to grow strawberries in vertical beds.

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