Do-it-yourself tackle on a silver carp

Do-it-yourself tackle on a silver carp

Since the silver carp feeds mainly on phytoplankton and microscopic algae, it has long been considered elusive, since it is impossible to come up with a suitable bait for catching it.

After the appearance of technoplankton, the silver carp fell into the zone of interest of many amateur fishermen. The silver carp leads a flocking lifestyle, which means that the main task of the fisherman is to attract the flock to the place of fishing.

As a rule, fish are attracted with the help of various kinds of bait. For a fish like silver carp, it should be unusual. Its unusualness is characterized by the presence of baits – geysers that imitate microscopic particles of algae. As a result, the geysers that make up such bait rise from the bottom, creating a food spot with the presence of microscopic particles in it, which attract silver carp. Such bait can be purchased at the store or prepared by yourself.

We make bait for silver carp with our own hands

Do-it-yourself tackle on a silver carpTo do this, find a 4-liter container, pour water into it and put on fire. Bringing the water to a temperature of 50-60 degrees, pour 1 kg of peas into the dishes. After that, the fire is reduced to a minimum and the peas are cooked on such a fire for 3-4 hours until they boil. During the preparation of peas, you should control that the peas do not burn, otherwise you will have to start all over again.

After the peas are boiled, it is filtered. Large fractions of peas can be used for feeder fishing, and a decoction can be used to prepare bait for silver carp.

After that, the broth again becomes on fire and semolina (2-2,5 kg) is added to it in small portions and mixed thoroughly. This continues until the mixture begins to stir with a spoon.

Do-it-yourself tackle on a silver carpAfter that, the porridge is removed from the fire. After cooling, this composition is mixed with hands with the addition of semolina. Semolina is added until the mixture stops sticking to the hands.

To the resulting bait, you can add 1-2 tablespoons of honey.

This amount of bait is enough for several fishing trips. To save it, it must be divided into several parts and put in the refrigerator.

The next task is to bait the place of fishing in order to lure the silver carp.

Tackleman Tackle

Silver carp can be caught with both a regular float rod and a bottom rod. For bottom fishing, feeder equipment is used, using a feeder spiral or a silver carp stick.

Do-it-yourself tackle on a silver carp

The basis of the silver carp stick is a bicycle knitting needle, to which hooks and weights are attached, as well as a “spring” feeder with porridge or technoplankton.

When fishing with an ordinary fishing rod, either a regular or a sliding float is used, but the presence of a silver carp stick on the fishing rod is mandatory.

Bottom tackle for catching silver carp.Fishing.Fishing

Float tackle for silver carp

Do-it-yourself tackle on a silver carp

The manufacture of float gear begins with the attachment of a sliding load (30-40g) to the main fishing line. After installing the load, the stopper is installed and the float is mounted. Then pellets with beads are installed on the fishing line and, finally, a silver carp stick is attached. As bait, home-made porridge or technoplankton is used.

Leads used with hooks number 7 or 12 should be about 10 cm long.

Do-it-yourself tackle on a silver carp

Styrofoam is put on the hooks as bait. The foam plastic lifts the hooks above the feeder, where they are sucked up by the silver carp.

Do-it-yourself tackle on a silver carpCatching silver carp on technoplankton is very popular among amateur fishermen, because of its effectiveness. But technoplankton has to be bought. In order not to incur additional costs, anglers came up with a technology for making such technoplankton at home.

This will require:

  • Pea flour.
  • Bait for carp with betaine.
  • Technoplankton (powder mixture).
  • Bait “Green silver carp”.
  • Baby food for babies.

All prepared ingredients are mixed in certain proportions:

  • 4 servings of feed bait.
  • 3 servings of “green silver carp”.
  • 4 servings of pea flour.
  • 3 servings of baby food.
  • 3 portions of technoplankton.

All declared components are mixed and sieved through a sieve 2 times. The dry mixture must be fine-grained so that it is well pressed.

The fact is that the finished product based on technoplankton looks like small barrels, with a hole in the center of the barrel, which runs along the barrel. To get bait a la technoplankton, you need to have a special mold. To make it, you should watch a video on the Internet that tells about it. Having made such a matrix, you can produce technoplankton at home and not pay extra money.

TECHNOPLANKTON at home for catching silver carp

A few tips

For silver carp fishing, only powerful tackle should be used, since each bite involves the capture of a large specimen. As a rule, powerful carp rods with a test of up to 160g and a length of about 4 meters are used for this, equipped with a powerful inertialess reel and fishing line with a diameter of at least 0,3 mm, with a leash with a diameter of at least 0,25 mm and hook No. 6, with a thickness wire 0,56mm.

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