Disputes about whether or not a sump is needed in a moonshine still are endless. Some believe that the device helps to remove some of the fusel oils from the drink, while others are convinced that this element is absolutely useless in distillate purification. Nevertheless, no one will dispute the benefits of a dry steamer in terms of flavoring alcohol and protecting against spray.
Vzboltai recommends, if possible, using additional methods for cleaning moonshine, for example, equipping the apparatus with a reflux condenser or a distillation column. But, since for many moonshiners the sump seems to be mandatory in the design of the distiller, it is not necessary to refuse it: there is no one, but there is still a benefit.
Types of dry steamers
Without drain cock / with drain cock
The second option is preferable because it allows you to remove fusel oils during the distillation process. But to make such a device is quite difficult.
Sukhoparnik / bubbler
The peculiarity of the latter is that there is water inside the tank, into which the inlet hose is lowered. It is believed that this design better retains harmful impurities.
Collapsible / non-collapsible
The latter option is not very convenient in operation: it is difficult to wash it well, as a result, part of the condensate remains inside the can and can get into the final product.
Also, dry steamers may differ in orientation in space.
For example, in factory devices, vertical sumps are often found, which are located directly above the cube.
At home, for the manufacture of a steamer, an ordinary glass jar is usually used, which can only be connected to the side of the cube with a hose.
This option works well, is easy to manufacture and quite durable. If necessary, the container can be replaced and safely use the device further.
Classic jar dryer
The size of the jar is determined by the volume of the distillation cube: the ratio of displacement should be 1:10.
The finished sump is installed between the cube and the cooler using flexible silicone hoses or metal tubes.
When connecting the device, it is necessary to monitor the correct placement: the steam from the cube must flow through the silicone tube located inside the jar, and exit from the hole with the lock nut to the refrigerator.
Hose fitting with ½ female thread – 1 pc.
Hose fitting with ½ external thread – 2 pcs.
Lock nut ½ – 1 pc.
Glass jar with a metal screw cap – 1 pc.
A piece of silicone hose – 10–15 cm
Wood drill
Instruction for manufacturing
On the lid of the jar, make marks for the holes so that the distance between them is sufficient to accommodate the female fitting and locknut.
Drill round notches according to the marks.
Insert fittings with external threads into the holes so that the ends for the hoses are on the outside.
From the inside, put silicone seals on the fittings. They can be cut from an extra piece of hose or from a separate sheet.
Screw a locknut onto one of the fittings from the inside, put a fitting with an internal thread on the second and attach a piece of hose to it.
Connect the steamer to the cube: connect the steam line to the fitting with a hose, the cooler to the fitting with a lock nut.
Additional recommendations
There is no point in equipping the distiller with several dry steamers: they do not perform better cleaning. The advantage of such a system is an increase in the strength of the final product, but with a loss in volume.
The use of a steamer does not mean that a single distillation can be dispensed with in the manufacture of moonshine. To get a quality drink, you need to double distill or improve the apparatus.
To flavor alcohol, you can put fragrant ingredients in a steamer: herbs, spices, rhizomes, citrus peel, slices of fruits and dried fruits. It is impossible to fill the jar completely: odorous components should not fill more than ¼ of the container.
The simplest design of a sump can be constructed even without fittings: only from a can and a hose threaded through the holes. But the tightness of such a device is doubtful: it is better to check it by distilling water.
If you use a stainless steel cover with metal tubes soldered to it, the design will turn out to be more reliable and durable. In this case, the end of one of the tubes should go deep into the jar by 10 cm, and the horses of the second should be almost at the bottom level.
If desired, the neck of the jar can be wrapped with fum tape before putting on the lid to increase the tightness of the device. But you will have to change it after each washing of the steamer.
Relevance: 14.02.2019
Tags: Vodka, mash, moonshine, Moonshine stills and accessories