Do-it-yourself rosary: ​​how to competently build a flower garden

It is difficult to imagine a country house or cottage without colorful fragrant flower beds, because they create a unique comfort on the site, and are a bright accent of the backyard landscape. Among all the variety of flowers, the central place in this kingdom is given, of course, to roses. Each hostess strives to create a luxurious rose garden with her own hands on the site near the house. And contrary to the opinion that growing roses is not an easy task, spectacular flower beds with these exquisite flowers can be found in front of every home.

Types and styles

The rose garden is a perennial flower garden, and with proper care it is able to please the owners of the property and their guests for several years. Therefore, the choice of style and design of the flower bed should be approached seriously and carefully. In modern landscape design, two main styles of arranging a flower garden of roses prevail:

  1. Regular rosary. This is a flowerbed of the correct geometric shape with a low border made of stone, brick, or framing with pebbles, granite chips, colored mulch. Roses in it are planted in regular rows (circles) in compliance with a single color scheme. A flower bed in this style looks spectacular in the middle of an emerald lawn, at the front entrance to the house, along the central path.Do-it-yourself rosary: ​​how to competently build a flower garden
  1. Landscape rose garden. This style is characterized by the absence of a strict planting order. The flower bed can be of any size and shape, consist of roses of various varieties and colors. Such a rose garden looks spectacular in the garden, near the pond, in front of the site.

Having decided on the style, you need to think about how the flower garden of roses will look like, and in what form it is better to arrange it. There are several types of rosaries:

  1. Romantic. It is made up of classic varieties of roses with a soft pastel color. It looks very advantageous against the background of tall garden plants in the depths of the plot, or in the garden. Suitable for decorating a recreation area, as it perfectly creates an atmosphere of romance and peace.
  2. front door. As the name suggests, this is a bright festive composition with original lush flowers in contrasting tones. Such a rose garden looks advantageous against the backdrop of greenery. Can be located in the central part of the site.
  3. Border. This type of rose garden implies the possibility of viewing it from one or several sides, so the flowers are planted taking into account which side the flower bed will be visible from. Such a flower garden is characterized by a tiered planting of flowers. In the background or in the center (if the flower bed is viewed from all sides), tall stem roses are planted, then classic tea hybrids, and along the edge are miniature bushes, or ground cover varieties.Do-it-yourself rosary: ​​how to competently build a flower garden
  4. Vertical. It is formed from weaving and ampelous roses, which are planted along the support. This is an excellent solution for decorating arches, arbors, walls of houses and fences. It is important to know that roses, unlike creepers, cannot weave in the right direction on their own, so they must be guided and attached to the support manually.
  5. Rock garden. For this type of flower garden, mainly ground cover varieties of roses are used. Growing, they quickly form a flowering carpet, and in combination with stones look quite impressive. However, higher varieties of roses can be used as the central element of the composition.
  6. Mobile (mobile). As the name implies, these are flower beds planted in containers, pots. They are often used to decorate the space in front of the house, at the main entrance. The convenience of such a mini-rose garden is that it can be carried and put indoors for the winter.

A rose garden in the country can also be planted in a free order – this will only emphasize the naturalness of the garden space. A single rose bush will also look good if it is lush and blooming profusely, and the shade of its flowers is combined with the overall style of the landscape.

Video “Practical tips for creation”

Demonstrative video with examples and practical tips for creating a flower bed.

We draw up a diagram

Creating a rose garden begins with drawing up a visual diagram, which details the location of each bush. To make such a plan, you must first explore the territory of the site and choose a place for arranging a flower garden.

Roses are photophilous plants, and this must be taken into account when developing a schematic plan. Under the rose garden, you should choose an open area with plenty of sunlight, but protected from drafts and winds. The ideal option would be a site where the sun shines in the morning, and in the late afternoon the plants are in partial shade.

Do-it-yourself rosary: ​​how to competently build a flower garden

After determining the location, a scheme is drawn up. The easiest way to do this is on paper, and then transfer it to a real site. Before drawing up a plan, you need to choose the varieties of roses you like, and mark them on the sheet with circles with numbers, while indicating the place for undersized and tall species, so that they do not obscure each other. If the flower bed will be supplemented with other colors, this must also be indicated in the plan.

When drawing up a schematic plan, remember that bright shades should be alternated with white and pastel – this technique allows you to create a harmonious composition. Roses are favorably set off by bright greenery, so evergreen mini-shrubs, ferns, or decorative undersized conifers can be planted along the edge of the rose garden. After putting it on paper, you can begin to translate your dream into real space. First you need to determine the boundaries of the rose garden and install a border, and then indicate the location of each bush. Further, holes are dug in the right place, in which roses will be planted.

Choose the varieties

When choosing a variety, it is necessary to take into account not only the beauty of roses, but also external factors: climatic conditions, soil characteristics, flower garden size. There are quite a few varieties of roses, but in order to equip a rose garden in the country with your own hands, you need to select such species that can grow in certain climatic latitudes:

  • tea hybrids – they have the most perfect and beautiful flowers, but they are very thermophilic, and often freeze out, despite low pruning and shelter;

Do-it-yourself rosary: ​​how to competently build a flower garden

  • roses “floribunda” – differ in multiple lush inflorescences, quite frost-resistant, bloom for a long time and continuously, but bloom at different times, which makes it necessary to remove faded inflorescences that spoil the aesthetic appearance of the rose garden;
  • weaving – depending on the variety, these roses can have large or very small inflorescences, but small roses are used more often for decorating arches, since their stems are more flexible, and the flowers look more neat;
  • roses “shrabs” – low, profusely flowering bushes are completely inflexible – they are difficult to wrap around a support, in addition, they must be constantly monitored and the branches directed horizontally, since only in this position the bush produces additional shoots and blooms well;
  • standard – these roses in the form of a small tree, due to their size and bright large flowers, are often used as a tapeworm – a plant that creates an accent in the composition, they can also be planted singly on lawns;
  • ground cover – high decorative properties of this variety (they can look like a ball, or cover the soil in the form of a carpet) allow you to use roses to decorate a variety of flower beds, in addition, they can be easily covered for the winter.

Ground and planting

It is desirable to plant roses in the fall, and prepare the soil for the rose garden in the middle of summer. For spring planting, the site is being prepared in the fall. To do this, you need to dig the soil deeply, add a drainage component (sand, peat) and apply fertilizers (humus, compost). Roses love loose, well-drained soil. The ideal option would be sandy soil with an acidity level of 5-6 pH.

Do-it-yourself rosary: ​​how to competently build a flower garden

Next, you need to prepare everything you need for planting: a shovel, peat, expanded clay, water, rose seedlings. Now the actions are carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • first you need to make holes to a depth that is 10 cm higher than the length of the roots of roses (about 50-60 cm);
  • if groundwater is close to the soil surface, it is necessary to lay a layer of drainage (expanded clay) on the bottom of the holes and sprinkle it with earth;
  • now we moisten the roots of the seedlings and remove them together with the earth from the container (pot);
  • too long roots are recommended to be cut to a length of 30 cm, you also need to completely remove the leaves from the shoots;
  • then we place the seedling in the hole strictly vertically, and begin to fill it with earth, periodically shaking the plant so that the soil is evenly distributed and the roots do not bend;
  • when the roots are covered, the earth should be slightly tamped, watered, after which the top layer should be loosened again;
  • in conclusion, around the bush, you need to make a mound of sawdust or peat 15-20 cm high.

Do-it-yourself rosary: ​​how to competently build a flower garden

Rosary Care

Caring for roses during the warm period is not difficult and consists of:

  • in timely watering – in order for the soil to retain moisture longer, it is mulched with any organic materials;
  • weeding, loosening the soil and hilling the bushes as needed;
  • pruning extra shoots – pruning is done in spring and summer at the end of flowering;
  • in regular top dressing – organic matter (humus, compost, peat) at the rate of 10 kg / sq. m are introduced in the spring, and potassium is 20 g / sq. m and phosphorus 70 g/sq. m in August – September.

It is much more difficult to keep planting roses in the winter, because the flowers are very thermophilic and often get sick. The main event in preparation for winter is the shelter of roses. To do this, the bushes need to be cut, spud, and covered with any covering organic matter (sawdust, foliage, straw). And on top, additionally cover with frost-protecting material: film, roofing material, spunbond.

Do-it-yourself rosary: ​​how to competently build a flower garden

It is also important not to freeze the bushes in the spring. An indicator that roses can be freed from shelter is the complete thawing of the soil. It is better to open the bushes on a cloudy day or in the evening, because during the winter they have lost the habit of light, and the bright sun will be additional stress for them.

Video “How to create a unique rose garden”

Informative video with examples, answers to many questions and recommendations for gardeners.

Rose garden. Success in the garden 07/06/2014 GuberniaTV

Author: Svetlana Galitsina


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