Do-it-yourself positive home interior
Jonathan Adler is convinced that a good interior is the most powerful antidepressant in the world. Especially for ELLE DECOR, an American designer has developed detailed instructions on how to turn your home into an inexhaustible source of positive energy.
DIY home interior
Jonathan preaches: “A posh home is not one filled with fashionable but uncomfortable furniture or masterpieces of art you don’t understand. This is the place where the things that you love are collected, in the environment of which you are happy. Returning home should be the antidote to the problems and trauma of everyday life. It’s just like hearing your favorite melody on the radio in the car, kissing for the first time, or running into your ex on the street and… notice that he’s got fat. But it’s not like spending a Sunday night counting taxes and eating fiber. In short, design your home so that it expresses your essence and gives you joy from the very second you step into the house. “
Put the dog in the hallway
No real, get a ceramic one. This huge, friendly dog sits at the entrance to my Palm Beach apartment, and every time I return home from somewhere, my mood rises.
Have fun from the heart
You shouldn’t take life too seriously – this is the road to nowhere. If you are prone to excessive reflection, I strongly recommend you a course of electroconvulsive therapy – the pop style and its characteristic clean lines, energetic colors and humor.
Walk barefoot
Tickle your toes
Bring down the scale
Observance of scale is the most unreasonable of all decorating techniques. Feel free to put small benches in a huge palazzo and a Gothic throne in a studio apartment.
Mix paints
Don’t be afraid of color disharmony. I recently redesigned the Parker Hotel in Palm Springs. There was a stupid white shelf hanging on a white wall. I bought all the bright colored glass around and created this pop-style frieze. Life immediately became more fun.
Add some lime
… to your interior. Juicy green invigorates, revives and gives a charge of optimism. And also goes well with chocolate, white, blue and … any.
Learn to put beautiful still lifes
The key to arranging well is experimentation. Try symmetry, compositions of three objects of different heights. Place them in a row or combine them into compact groups.
Make an artistic mess
Despite the austere architecture of this townhouse, the interior looks casual and modern, thanks in large part to the informal piles of books and loosely arranged paintings and ceramics. Red walls also contribute to a vibrant modernist look.
Buy hanging chairs
Do you want to communicate with the child within you? It is not necessary to study hundreds of books on psychology and introspection for this. Just hang a couple of armchairs in the living room – you will remember your childhood and stop looking back at the past.
Combine the incongruous
Don’t be careful with drawings. Within the same color scheme, you can unrestrainedly combine different patterns and motives. When in doubt, repeat, repeat and repeat.
Paint your floors white
You will feel lighthearted and appear slimmer than you are.
Imagine yourself as a gallery owner
For even more advice, see Jonathan Adler’s new book, My Prescription For Anti-Depressive Living. ReganBooks / HarperCollins. Available at Waterstones, Borders and