Do-it-yourself portable chicken coops: photo + drawings

Mobile chicken coops are often used by poultry farmers who do not have a large area. Such structures can be easily moved from place to place. Thanks to this, the birds can always be provided with green fodder in the summer. A portable chicken coop can be purchased ready-made or made independently.

Do-it-yourself portable chicken coops: photo + drawings

Construction of a mobile chicken coop

Simple portable poultry houses are arranged quite simply, which can be seen in the photo. Such structures have several tiers:

  • the top is made of wood;
  • the lower tiers are upholstered with a grid.

Also, poultry houses are divided into two zones. In one of them, the hens incubate their eggs, and in the other, the birds rest. Roofed poultry houses are often created that can be installed on the lawn. Thanks to this, the bird gets the opportunity to be in natural conditions.

Do-it-yourself portable chicken coops: photo + drawings

Types of poultry houses

Portable structures can be divided into several categories according to the following features:

  • transfer method;
  • the size;
  • construction type.

According to the transfer method, they are divided into structures on wheels and poultry houses that can be moved by hand. On the presented photos you can see such products.

Do-it-yourself portable chicken coops: photo + drawings

The fence allows you not to follow the birds while walking. Thanks to this, there is no need to additionally equip the area in which the chicken coop is located.

By size, the structures described can be divided into poultry houses, which are used for several birds and products designed for more than 20 individuals. The first option is more convenient, but not suitable for everyone.

Advantages and disadvantages of portable chicken coops

Before purchasing or creating a portable wooden chicken coop with your own hands, you need to consider all the pros and cons of such structures. It is also important to look at photographs of structures in order to understand which one can be installed on your site. Such products have the following advantages:

  1. The mobile chicken coop can be moved to another location at any time. If the birds are walking on fresh grass, they will be healthier. Moving should be done about once a week. This is enough to eliminate the bacteria that begin to accumulate at the location of the poultry house. Also, in a new place, birds can find additional food in the form of beetles and other insects.
  2. When creating an original design poultry house, you can decorate the site by making it part of the landscape.
  3. Portable products are much easier to clean than stationary designs. If there is a water source on the site, you can move the chicken coop closer to it.
  4. Mobile chicken coops can be designed for both summer and winter use.
  5. Portable chicken coops can be easily made with your own hands. And if you decide to purchase such a design, you do not have to spend a lot of money.

Do-it-yourself portable chicken coops: photo + drawings

But the described products also have disadvantages. The main disadvantage is that they cannot accommodate as many chickens as necessary for a large farm.

Chicken coop technology

Before you create a mobile chicken coop with your own hands, you need to draw up a drawing that will display the dimensions of each structural element. The construction of a small poultry house is carried out as follows:

  1. First, the framework is formed. For this, two triangular frames are created from a beam with a section of 2×4 cm. They are connected by hewn boards that have handles for moving the structure.
  2. After that, the side walls are created. They need to be made from slats with a section of 1,3×3 cm. A mesh with small cells is stretched between the walls. Plywood can serve as an overlap between tiers. It is necessary to make a hole in it for the chickens, to which the stairs will lead. One of the side walls must be removable. It will be located the entrance to the poultry house. The second wall should be created from lining.
  3. The next step is to divide the second tier into parts. Approximately a third of the entire space should be separated. This is where the perches should be placed. The rest of the territory is intended for birds to rest.
  4. Then the roof is made. It can be made from plywood sheets. At high air temperatures, the roof can be raised. It is worth remembering that one of the parts of the roof of a portable chicken coop must be removable. This is necessary so that, if necessary, you can clean the structure.
  5. At the last stage, the outer part of the house is treated with varnish. Such compounds are able to protect the tree from moisture and insects.

After that, the procedure for creating a poultry house can be completed. At this stage, you need to think about ventilation.

Do-it-yourself portable chicken coops: photo + drawings

Lighting and ventilation in the chicken coop

The portable chicken coop is equipped with ventilation so that the birds do not get hot or cold. If a ventilation system is not put in place, chickens can get sick. It is also necessary to get rid of the unpleasant smell in the chicken coop. It is important to remember that chickens need sunlight. Its absence can adversely affect the health of the bird.

Do-it-yourself portable chicken coops: photo + drawings

During the creation of the structure, the peculiarities of the climate in a particular region should be taken into account. Rain and strong winds can damage the structure. For example, if the parts of the chicken coop are poorly secured, they can become detached in strong winds, which will lead to destruction.

If you live in such an area, there are a few things to consider:

  1. To prevent drafts, it is necessary to make a structure in which there will be no gaps. At the same time, do not forget about the need to open the house for ventilation.
  2. When installed on a hill, moisture will not accumulate in the chicken coop. When installed in a lowland, even after a light rain, the chickens may end up in the water.
  3. To protect the birds, it is worth putting a mosquito net on the windows.

A standard portable poultry house allows you to keep about 10 hens. When they grow up, half must be removed from the coop. In winter, you can keep chickens on the second tier. To protect against cold, the mesh is covered with heat-insulating materials. At the same time, in winter, you can move the chicken coop to a barn or garage.

Do-it-yourself portable chicken coops: photo + drawings

Chicken coops on wheels

Building a chicken coop on wheels is quite simple. All work takes place in almost the same way as when creating a small triangular structure:

  1. First, a schema is created. It should contain information about the sizes of all elements. Without a drawing, it will not be possible to correctly create a solid structure, since it is impossible to keep in mind the location of all the details and their dimensions. It should be noted that some experienced builders can carry out work without a drawing if the structure is small.
  2. At the second stage, a do-it-yourself frame of a mobile chicken coop is created from wood. It has a rectangular shape and can reach a height of 2 meters. It should be determined in advance where the closed part of the chicken coop will be located. It is on this side that the wheels will be fixed. This is due to the fact that when moving the structure, one side of it has to be lifted. If you install wheels under the part of the chicken coop with nets, it will be difficult to move it due to the greater weight of the closed part. The frame of the chicken coop on wheels should be created from bars with a section of 7×5 cm.
  3. Then it is necessary to fix additional structural elements that are necessary to create walls and partitions. According to the drawing, it is necessary to arrange them in such a way that the chicken coop is divided into two main parts – an open space, fenced with a net, and a closed structure with a window.

    Do-it-yourself portable chicken coops: photo + drawings

  4. Regardless of the size, it is necessary to create several compartments in the closed part of the chicken coop. The smaller section will have perches, while the larger section will allow the birds to rest. Also at this stage, the walls of the structure are created and they are insulated if it is planned to use the chicken coop in winter. In the wall that will separate the open section of the chicken coop from the closed one, you need to create an entrance that has a small size. You need to bring a ladder for birds to it.
  5. The next step is to make the roof of the chicken coop. It should open so that you can clean the structure from the inside if necessary. It is best to arrange the parts of the roof on hinges. During such work, do not forget that the design must be reliable and not have weaknesses.
  6. After that, the open part of the chicken coop is sheathed with a grate. It is important to choose a grid with small cells. Often used products with a width and height of cells equal to 2 cm.
  7. When creating such a chicken coop, the nets are fixed on top and on the sides. Thanks to this, the birds get the opportunity to walk on the grass.
  8. After that, you should take care of creating handles for transporting the chicken coop. They must be securely fastened to the sides of the structure. Also at this stage, the wheels are attached. They should not have a small diameter, as they can simply sink into the ground under the weight of the chicken coop. But you should not install too large wheels, as this will lead to the fact that the transportation of the structure will occur with great effort.

Do-it-yourself portable chicken coops: photo + drawings

Finishing the chicken coop

So that the chicken coop can become part of the landscape and not spoil the impression, you can paint it. It is important to take care of the protection of wooden structural elements with special compounds that protect against moisture and pests.

Do-it-yourself portable chicken coops: photo + drawings

Some site owners decorate chicken coops with plants that are located in niches created near the roof of the structure (as in the photo). You can also stylize the design as a fabulous hut. But in most cases, only paint is used to decorate the chicken coop.

my portable summer chicken coop

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