Do-it-yourself pond in the country: how to dig, improve and decorate a pond, the best design ideas from professionals + photos

Owners of summer cottages often use various elements of landscape design. One of the details of garden decor is an artificial pond. Depending on the available free space, this can be a large pond or a small decorative lake. From the article you will learn how to build a pond in the country with your own hands.

Reservoir options

Landscape designers offer several types of homemade ponds that differ in design and functionality:

  1. Miniature pond. The small size of the structure does not allow organizing a full-fledged recreation area around it. This mini-option should be considered solely as a decoration of the garden plot.
  2. Decorative pond. Such a structure is distinguished by its large size and depth. Next to it, sun loungers and benches are usually installed, a canopy is built and even lighting is provided, organizing a full-fledged patio area. A decorative pond may have a small fountain or waterfall; sometimes a fully functional bridge is thrown over it.
  3. Lake for breeding fish. In this case, the reservoir can be large. Avid fishermen can even practice angling here, although hosts and guests often simply admire mirror carps and other fish while lounging nearby or strolling along the shore.
  4. Swimming pool. These structures are also classified as artificial reservoirs. By organizing such a pool in the country, the owners will be able to cool off on a hot day or swim for their own pleasure. There are options for children and adults.

Do-it-yourself pond in the country: how to dig, improve and decorate a pond, the best design ideas from professionals + photos

Different approaches to the organization of a decorative reservoir allow you to get one of two common styles – regular or landscape. Each style has its own branches, but all of them are united by a single design feature:

  1. Regular options are created on the basis of a ready-made form. It can be ordered, having previously determined the size, dug in the area in the right place, and then decorate it decoratively. The shape of the pond can vary: broken models are made, symmetrical and arbitrary geometry. The disadvantage of such reservoirs is that they cannot be expanded or given a different shape over time. On the basis of forms of different sizes, small decorative ponds and functional pools are created.
  2. The landscape version does not use ready-made frames. This allows the owner to give the pond any configuration and size, decorating and filling it with all sorts of decorations.

Video “Do-it-yourself decorative pond”

From this video you will learn how to independently build a decorative pond at their summer cottage.

DIY decorative pond, from A to Z.

How to build

The right choice of location in the country will help determine the appropriate type and size of an ornamental pond. Designers recommend adhering to the following rules:

  • the size of the structure should not exceed 5-10% of the area of ​​​​the entire summer cottage;
  • the area of ​​deep water should not exceed ⅕ of the area of ​​the reservoir;
  • the maximum depth should be below the freezing depth of the soil (1,7–1,9 m);
  • for initially small structures, it is useful to have a reserve for future expansion;
  • trees should not grow nearby, whose root system can damage the bottom over time, and the falling leaves can pollute the reservoir;
  • the site can be open, as sunlight stimulates algae growth, although, on the other hand, the water evaporates faster, microorganisms become more active and the pond loses its attractiveness.

The depth of the landscape pond is desirable to do in several levels:

  • plants along the coast should grow at a minimum depth of 10–30 cm;
  • winter-hardy water lily requires shallow water – 30–90 cm;
  • for ornamental fish, places with a certain depth (more than a meter) will be required.

For the construction are used:

  • finished plastic molds;
  • a special film that lays out the bottom;
  • concrete (for pouring the bottom).

We will analyze all three construction options with our own hands in more detail.

With ready-made

A plastic bowl for a pond is ordered from a specialized store. Then a hole of sufficient depth is dug on the site, where the form is lowered. Everything, now it remains only to pour water and start designing the surrounding area!

On film

This option is used for small ornamental ponds. A PVC film or a butyl rubber film with a thickness of at least 0,5 mm is purchased – its strength for an artificial reservoir will be quite enough.

All work is done step by step. The first stage – earthworks:

  1. A project of the future pond is being developed on paper. It takes into account the size and depth of the reservoir, the width of all steps of the structure (for coastal and shallow water plants, for fish), as well as the decorative finish of the water composition.
  2. On the site, the contour of the future structure is outlined, then the turf is cut with a shovel over the entire area.
  3. A pit is dug: first to the depth of the first level, then they deepen to the line of the second level, then to the maximum depth.
  4. Rectangular ledges are planned for planting plants. In the course of work, water may begin to accumulate at the bottom, which is pumped out with a special pump or scooped out into another hole dug nearby.
  5. Check the bottom of the pit, getting rid of objects that can damage the film. Leveling the coast.
  6. To fix the film, you need a moat. It is dug along the perimeter of the pond to a depth of 20 cm.

Do-it-yourself pond in the country: how to dig, improve and decorate a pond, the best design ideas from professionals + photos

For laying a PVC film, the pit should be prepared:

  1. A sand cushion 15 cm high is constructed at the bottom.
  2. A roofing material is laid on top, which will prevent the film from damage (the sheets are overlapped).
  3. The film is placed in the bowl, leaving a small margin along the banks.

Everything must be done on a sunny day, since the heated film has better elasticity and fits snugly on all steps and ledges. If the existing solid sheet of the coating is not enough, several large pieces can be soldered together.

The reservoir is filled with water and left for a day – this period will allow the film to take its final shape. Then its edges are laid in a previously dug ditch, the excess is cut off, the rest is tucked up. The ditch is covered with rubble.

It remains only to decorate the pond decoratively.

The advantage of this design option is that over time, you can change the shape of the reservoir, as well as increase or decrease its scale.

concrete bowl

Such construction requires a serious approach and a decent investment of money. The construction of stationary pools with pouring the bowl with concrete is a separate construction topic.

The main steps will be:

  1. The pit is dug in the same way as for the case of PVC film.
  2. The bottom is cleaned, reinforced, covered with plaster and waterproofing is organized.
  3. A water supply system and water treatment are being installed.
  4. The bowl is filled with concrete.

Do-it-yourself pond in the country: how to dig, improve and decorate a pond, the best design ideas from professionals + photos

Clearance at customs

The surrounding landscape is able to give an artificial reservoir a unique look. Several methods are used for designing the near-pond and water area:

  1. Plants are planted at the bottom and near the shore. To do this, they are placed in special containers, which are placed in the right places. It is recommended to use crops that take root well in the local climate.
  2. In the central part of the reservoir, you can make a miniature island. For this, a large boulder decorated with plants is suitable.
  3. Beautiful stones of various sizes are laid out along the coast, garden figurines are arranged, and paths are organized.
  4. Build a fountain, waterfall or alpine slide.
  5. Organize artificial illumination of the banks and the smooth surface of the lake.

Do-it-yourself pond in the country: how to dig, improve and decorate a pond, the best design ideas from professionals + photos

How to make a fountain

If the pond has an uneven surface, when decorating it, it is recommended to experiment with fountains and waterfalls. For this, a special zone of stones is built in advance. To build a fountain, you will need:

  • hose for water circulation;
  • circulation pump equipped with a filter;
  • nozzle for organizing a water jet;
  • remote control.

The power of the pump must be sufficient to support the jet of the desired height. Keep in mind that it will require electrical wiring for it to work.

The fountain will work according to the following principle:

  • the pump is lowered to a depth where a stone platform is being built for it;
  • water from the pond enters the pump through the filter;
  • a pump through a pipe system supplies water to a nozzle located above the surface of the pond;
  • through the nozzle, water is sprayed over the entire area.

Using the remote control, the fountain can be turned on and off by controlling the operation of the circulation pump.

A decorative pond allows you to get a real paradise in your summer cottage. It is nice to relax here after work, sit with friends, enjoying the scent of flowers and fresh air.

Author: Svetlana Golitsina


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