There is a lot of work in the garden and in the garden, but the most exhausting is digging the earth, cultivating it and removing weeds. They start digging ahead of time, in small areas, since the load is too large. The miracle of a shovel will help to reduce the complexity at times and at the same time speed up the process at least twice. This relatively inexpensive and uncomplicated device really works, even in difficult soils.
What is different and what can
To be precise, this is not a shovel, but a ripper, since it not only digs, but also breaks clods. The miracle shovel consists of two (sometimes one) planks with pins movably connected. Some models also have a rear stop for easier digging of dense heavy earth. So it actually looks more like a double pitchfork (see photo below).
It is clear from the figure that this tool does not have a shovel as such, but the differences from the classic bayonet shovel do not end there. She also has a much higher handle – it should reach you up to your shoulder. It is also convenient if there is a transverse crossbar on its top – you can operate with both hands.
The miracle shovel performs three operations at once:
- loosens the soil;
- breaks clods;
- “extracts” the roots of weeds without tearing or cutting them (in any case, damaging them much less);
- easily digs root crops – you can dig carrots, potatoes, etc.
But its main advantage is that it greatly facilitates digging the earth, and the main load falls not on the back, as when using a conventional bayonet shovel, but on the legs (to drive the working forks into the ground) and on the hands (to turn the forks out of the ground). The back during work is in a vertical position and is almost not loaded.
The only downside to this tool is the weight. It is indeed much larger than that of the bayonet. But the super shovel is rearranged, it does not need to be lifted. Rather, it is raised only a few times: when it is placed on the ground at the beginning of the row. Then, pulling the handle, it is simply pulled a little.
There is another very attractive point in using a miracle shovel – digs a garden at least twice as fast. This is due to the wider working part – up to 50-60 cm. Under the condition of low physical activity, this is very good.
How to work
Although this design is not particularly complicated, working with it has its own characteristics. Firstly, you need to start from the far edge of the garden, then move back, gradually dragging the pitchfork back. Well, the general procedure is as follows:
- Holding the handle, put a miracle shovel, rest it on the front ripper.
- Stick the pitchfork into the ground. Drive them so that the back stop touches the ground. If the ground is heavy, dense, you may need additional effort – press your foot on the front fork bar.
- Pull the stalk “toward yourself”. With this movement, the forks will begin to move upwards. Rising, they pass through the forks of the front stop, breaking up lumps.
- Pull the device back a little, repeat all the steps (stick, squeeze, pull the handle).
In fact, everything is very simple. It is worth trying a couple of times and then everything repeats “on the machine”.
In addition to the option shown above (under the name “Tornado”, “Digger” or “Plowman”), there are several more design options for the miracle shovel under different names.
Soil loosener without front stop
This design also has a working and supporting fork, but does not have a front stop. Because it is less bulky, weighs a little less. But the front stop gives increased stability during operation. And the weight when dragging is not so important.
The handle is attached to the working forks, the rear stop is welded to the comb of the second fork. Both of these structures are movably interconnected (even door hinges can be used).
The photo shows one of the implementations, which is made on the basis of a corner and a round pipe. When working, they drive the pins into the ground by pressing on the crossbar, and not on the stop, as in most models.
A variant called “Digger” is essentially a wide fork with an emphasis for easier eversion and a high powerful handle.
A feature of this design is the emphasis and adjustable handle. It is fixed with two bolts, it is selected according to the height of the working person.
The emphasis is not stationary, but movable. It is attached to the frame. When the pins are immersed in the ground, they press on it with their foot, then, without removing the leg, turn it out by pressing the handle of the pitchfork from the ground.
The physical load at work is low, the work progresses quickly. But this miracle shovel will not work for hard and lumpy soils: it does not crush the soil. She pushes through the forks under her own weight. But this is only possible on loose soils. On clay or black soil, it is better to have a second comb with pins.
How to make a miracle digger, see the next video.
This miracle shovel design is slightly different from the previous one. The stops in it are rounded, the handle is arched, but the basic design is the same. Some drawback – there is no way to adjust the handle, but otherwise everything is the same – a movable stop and a working fork.
It’s hard to say whether this variation is better or worse. It could only be assessed by comparing the performance of both specimens in the same area.
If you watch the following video, you will see that you can dig with such a miracle shovel not only loose soils, but also heavy ones. And the second thing you can pay attention to is that for such soil it is better to have a second comb of pins, on which you can crush the turned-out clods.
From what and how to make
The designs, as you saw, are different, but the set of materials will be approximately the same. Their number differs, but the cross section and characteristics remain unchanged.
Materials for manufacturing
They start by making the frame. It is often made from a profiled pipe, the optimal section is 30 * 30 mm or so. In this case, the wall thickness is important – at least 3 mm. In some models, a corner was used. The width of the shelf is also about 30 mm, the thickness of the metal is at least 3 mm.
The handle can be made from the same profile pipe, you can use a round one. The wall thickness is also important. In principle, having made a latch, you can use a wooden handle from a shovel. Some purchased models provide for the installation of a wooden holder.
The main attention should be paid to the material that is used for the teeth of the working forks. It should be good structural steel. The forks are made from a bar of at least 8 mm in diameter.
What craftsmen make them from:
- They are cut off from ordinary pitchforks, welded onto a miracle shovel.
- Straighten suspension springs.
- Saw into narrow strips of automobile springs.
If you can find a good bar – round, square or hex – it does not matter, you will be much easier. Not a bad option, by the way, with a pitchfork. But you need to take good ones, and this is not cheap. And one more thing: calculate the dimensions of the miracle shovel so that the working forks have 8 pins. Then you will need to buy two jokes of ordinary pitchforks.
If the design is chosen with two forks – working and thrust, you can put pieces of a suitable length of a metal bar on the thrust. The loads here are not so high, so the strength should be enough. The diameter of the bar is 10 mm, you can use ribbed reinforcement, which is used when reinforcing the foundation.
Most companies that produce miracle shovels have a range of sizes for this product. Our people are different in size and physical fitness. For men, you can make more massive models, and for women and the elderly – smaller and lighter. The average sizes are:
- The width of the working part is from 45 cm to 60 cm. It’s not worth doing more: it will be hard to dig and productivity will only decrease, not increase.
- The length of the pins of the working forks is 220-300 mm.
- The distance between the pins is 70-80 mm.
- The length of the handle is according to height, it is more convenient if it ends in the shoulder area.
The dimensions of the miracle shovel can be selected “for yourself” – it is important that it is convenient to work
All other sizes are selected depending on the design and material used.