Do-it-yourself installation of tackle killer crucian carp with one feeder

There are many ways to catch carp, some are considered more catchy, others less. It is impossible to single out the most successful option, it is different for each angler. However, a do-it-yourself killer for crucian carp from one feeder will bring a good catch to everyone, including a beginner in this business. Installation is simple, a child can handle it, the main thing is to choose the right components and assemble them in the right sequence. All the subtleties of installation and selection will be considered in this article.

What is a carp killer?

This type of tackle is on you with many, but there are also anglers who are still not familiar with it. Death to crucian carp is a bottom montage that helps to attract fish from the lowest layers of the water of a single reservoir. Both purchased options and home-made ones are used, both installations are quite common.

Tackle is of several varieties:

  • the most popular of the three feeders, the springs are used both small and medium;
  • tackle with one spring is also in demand, it can be either shipped or not;
  • less often they use the option of 4-5 feeders; professionals in their field will be able to catch such tackle.

The installation of two feeders is used very rarely, according to experienced anglers, it is not very practical.

Tackle components

The easiest way is to go to a fishing tackle store and buy tackle already assembled, but it will not always be of high quality. A real angler knows that a do-it-yourself assembled installation will be stronger and more reliable; in case of failure, you will only have to blame yourself. Before starting work, you should carefully study the components, purchase everything you need, paying attention to the quality of the materials used. For work you need:

basisbraided cord 0,5-0,8 m.
feeder1 piece.
leash materialbraided cord, several pieces of 4-7 cm
hooksdepending on the number of leashes
sinkerfrom 20 g and more

It should be understood that when collecting, it is worthwhile to first consider the number of kormaks, the catchability and type of installation depend on this. Do-it-yourself tackle killer carp for three or more feeders turns out to be deaf, with the same installation sliding.

Choosing materials

Before you collect tackle, you should choose the right and high-quality components, and these subtleties are not known to everyone. Everything you need is purchased in fishing stores, while the cheapest is not worth taking.


For these purposes, it is better to take a piece of braided fishing cord, a monk is also used by many, but it is more practical to use the first option, as practice has shown.

Both 4-core and 8-core are suitable, while the thickness can be different:

  • the base of 4 threads is taken thicker, from 0,18 mm to 0,25 mm;
  • with 8 threads, 0,16 mm in diameter will be enough.

When using monks, choose a diameter of 0,28 mm or more, while the color should be neutral.

Feeding trough

They use an ordinary spring with or without a load, it is possible to use pears and watermelons already shipped. You can buy a ready-made kormak or make it yourself, while it is not at all necessary to wind the spring. From an ordinary cork from any bottle, you can make something like a banjo by drilling a few holes for the leashes.


For leashes, a braided cord would be the best option, but the diameter is chosen thinner from the mounting base. The most acceptable would be a diameter of 0,1 mm, but if the reservoir is rich only in crucian carp, then 0,06 mm will be enough.

A cord for leashes is preferable for the following reasons:

  • does not spring;
  • does not stretch;
  • withstands decent loads with minimal thicknesses;
  • little noticeable in the water column.

Even a carp that has been greedy for the proposed delicacy is hatched without problems by a novice angler.


Hooks are selected depending on the bait used; for a worm and an ottoman, completely different sizes and configurations will be needed. The choice is made as follows:

  • under the worm, maggot, options with a longer forearm are suitable, while it is better to take the shape of Aji or Keyrio, and the size is from 5 to 7;
  • puffy, corn, semolina are better to put on hooks with a shorter forearm, but the wire should not be thick, size 6 will be enough, but the isiama series is preferable.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to choose a universal version of hooks, baits are different in size and will require different products.


This installation involves the use of a sinker on a swivel or with a loop for fastening. It is worth choosing the weight based on the depths and characteristics of a single reservoir:

  • for a small pond with shallow depths, 15 grams is enough;
  • for medium lakes, you need a product from 25 grams;
  • reservoirs and large water areas will require more weight, from 40 grams or more.

The shape can be different, the most common is teardrop-shaped, but rhombuses and flattened drops are better.


Additionally, other components are used for installation:

  • a fastener, it is knitted at the opposite end of the cord relative to the sinker, it is worth using so that the tackle does not get tangled and does not overlap with the main fishing line when casting;
  • beads or stoppers, with their help limit the segment along which the feeder moves.

Some people also prefer mounting rings, but experienced anglers do not recommend using them so as not to make the tackle heavier.

How to assemble tackle correctly

Collecting tackle with one feeder is quite simple, for this special skills are not required. The work goes like this:

  • the base is threaded through the feeder, stopped with a stopper or a rubber bead;
  • then put a swivel;
  • leashes are placed between the bead and the swivel;
  • the other end of the tackle ends with a clasp, with its help the tackle is attached to the fishing line on the rod.

Do-it-yourself installation of tackle killer crucian carp with one feeder

Other installation is also possible, in addition to collecting it, you will need a branch and a rocker for leashes. Collect like this:

  • at the end of the segment, a rocker is tied to the swivel, from which two leashes with hooks will then depart;
  • then mount the feeder, preferably use the shipped version;
  • then they knit a bead and thread the base through the branch, on which there will be another leash.

The tackle ends with a clasp, which will become the connecting link with the base on the rod. It remains only to fill the feeder with a suitable mixture, make a cast and wait for a bite.

As can be seen from the description, it is very easy to assemble death tackle for crucian carp with your own hands, you won’t need much time for this. And the angler will not have to fork out much in terms of components.

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