How economical an owner is depends not only on how savvy he is and his budget, but also on his ability to make things with his own hands. A greenhouse made of window frames is quite practical, and the most minimal investment will be needed. Consider a step-by-step algorithm for building such a device in our own lands.
We make the foundation
The base of the greenhouse must be made because the wooden frames weigh decently, plus it is necessary to cover the structure, other materials will be added, due to which the weight will be even greater. Accordingly, so that your greenhouse from window frames is not damaged and does not sag over time, you need to install it with your own hands reliably and stably, for which you will need to equip the foundation. Materials for laying are different:
- Brick – very reliable, but not very cheap. If properly installed, it will last a long time. But it can also be damaged by constant temperature changes or excessive humidity. At the same time, it is absolutely stable and strong enough; it will easily withstand the wooden structure of the greenhouse.
- Stone is a durable material, but very expensive. Even a polycarbonate greenhouse with a metal case can be installed on it. Its base is durable and it copes with the impact of different weather conditions. If you take a raw stone, the price of the material will be much less.
- The wooden foundation is distinguished by its strength, it is also stable, but will not last too long. Literally up to eight years and it will have to be replaced. But it is perfect for greenhouses that are made by hand.
- Concrete is a tape version made from cement. Reliable and durable. Will last for many years.
Based on the foregoing, it is up to you to decide which material for laying the foundation for a greenhouse is acceptable to you. For the construction of the foundation, the soil should not be swampy or too wet, otherwise the greenhouse will sag in a very short time. Ideal when there is a layer of sand under the soil layer. If there is none, then do the following:
- Pour the clay with gravel, spread it well, then pour sand with a layer height of 15 cm.
- Check that groundwater does not pass at least one and a half meters.
- To equip the strip foundation, you will need to dig a trench up to 50 cm deep. Make formwork. The boards can be wrapped with foil so that they do not “join” the cement. At the bottom, put wire reinforcement or just stones of sufficiently large sizes to reinforce. Next, pour a mixture made of: cement, crushed stone, concrete.
This must be done in such a way that the voids are completely filled.
Next, you need to remove the boards, make waterproofing using a bitumen composition, roofing material and polymer material. If sinuses form along the edges, fill them with moistened sand and tamp. All this will take about three weeks (including the complete drying of the foundation). Therefore, count on these terms before you start building a greenhouse.
How to install the frame
A greenhouse made of old frames is a completely self-sufficient frame that requires proper do-it-yourself installation, fastening and covering (including battens). To build a reliable greenhouse, the frame must be installed securely. Window frames need to be installed on the foundation and properly fixed with corners, screws, wooden blocks, nails or clamps. Building a greenhouse from old frames with your own hands is generally not difficult at all. The main thing is to adhere to the important rules of the simplest construction. Make the planning of all work in advance, think over and paint everything in stages.
Install the frame on the foundation. To fix the components to the foundation with your own hands, use metal corners. They are inexpensive and quite durable. In order to fix it on the base of the greenhouse, you will need: welding, bolts and anchors. Then you can attach the old frames. Do not rush, do everything correctly, installing the next element on the foundation, fasten it together with the next one. Then you will be able to make the greenhouse frame strong and stable with your own hands, preventing subsidence into the ground.
Video “How to build a greenhouse from what is at hand”
This video tells and shows how to make a greenhouse from what is at hand. Window frames act as walls.
Installation of windows and frames
Since the structure itself will turn out to be quite light in weight, it is not worth additionally making it heavier with windows. However, some reproduce their greenhouses in this way, but this is mainly for small structures. The best shelter option is a polyethylene film. To equip it, you need to make an easy version of the crate around the perimeter of the upper part of the greenhouse. Use steel wire, rails or mounting profile. When the crate is installed, you can stretch the film. To fasten it, use clamps and clamps, and you can also make ordinary holes for fasteners.
Roof installation
When you are only planning the construction of a greenhouse with your own hands, consider what kind of roof it will have: one or gable. For example, if there are not enough details, then, of course, it will be possible to make only a single-sided version. It is arranged in the simplest way, the main thing is that the slope is sufficient, and the water can drain without difficulty during and after the rain.
The gable version of the roof is much better, regardless of the material that will be used for its construction. The blanks of the processed frames are stacked in the standard way, they are nailed and covered with a ridge (made of wood or plastic) on top. It is important that the surface is airtight, especially at the junctions of glass with wood. Indeed, in the event of leaks, an unfavorable environment can be created inside the greenhouse, for example, the same mold or plant diseases.
If the walls of the greenhouse are made from old frames, they go well with polycarbonate. For example, in case of a shortage of materials that you prepare for arranging a roof on a greenhouse, you can use polycarbonate or greenhouse film. Of course, this is not glass, but in terms of properties, the microclimate inside the greenhouse will not get worse if there is a different material instead of glass. To make a good, solid greenhouse, it is not necessary to make drawings, the main thing is to be able to craft and be a smart gardener. Upon completion of all work, from laying the foundation to stretching the film, double-check yourself how correctly you did everything.
Video “Answers to questions about the construction of a greenhouse from window frames”
In this video you can see a greenhouse made of window frames and hear the answers to many questions about the construction.