Do-it-yourself greenhouse frame from a profile pipe

Greenhouses and greenhouses are a great opportunity to grow the right fruits in risky farming. They differ in designs and materials. Many summer residents prefer greenhouses from a profile pipe, especially since they can be made by hand.

Advantages and disadvantages

Profile pipes are called pipes, in which the section is not round, but of a different shape, there are oval, square and rectangular. They are very convenient to use in construction. The most popular are pipes with a square and rectangular section, it is from them that the frames of greenhouses and greenhouses are often made. They are made of steel: more often carbon or alloyed, less often stainless.

The profile pipe is similar in shape to a wooden block, but in building structures it is much more profitable – light, durable, protected from corrosion. Greenhouses from a profile pipe, and even made by hand, turn out to be much cheaper than factory ones bought in a store. In addition to economy, they have a number of other advantages.

Do-it-yourself greenhouse frame from a profile pipe

The rectangular (or square) geometry of the section causes an interesting effect: with a small weight, the professional pipes provide the desired frame strength for greenhouses and greenhouses. Sufficient rigidity of the structure is achieved due to the four ribs of the pipe. The large contact area of ​​the connecting nodes further adds to the strength of the entire structure. The details of the greenhouse frame can be connected using welding, self-tapping screws, screws, clamps, the possibility of combining these methods when building a greenhouse with your own hands is also an advantage. Professional pipes are sold with an anti-corrosion coating, which is very convenient: you no longer need to think for yourself how to protect the frame (only the cut points will have to be processed).

The frame of profile pipes has undeniable advantages:

  • it is easy to mount and dismantle;
  • the design has great strength with low weight;
  • parts are universal, easy to load and transport;
  • he is not afraid of great physical and mechanical stress.

Light weight can easily turn from an advantage into a disadvantage if the greenhouse is not installed on a solid foundation in areas with strong winds.

Do-it-yourself greenhouse frame from a profile pipe

We choose the material

It is easy to make a frame for a greenhouse or a greenhouse with your own hands, if you choose the right material for it. Usually choose between wood, PVC and steel. It is pleasant and quite easy to work with wood with your own hands, it is easy to mount it, it is an environmentally friendly material, but no processing will extend its life. If the greenhouse is made of polycarbonate, then the coating will clearly outlive the wooden frame.

The steel frame is also subject to corrosion, although it is able to withstand heavy loads. Polyvinyl chloride pipes are unlikely to be chosen by a summer resident for making a greenhouse with their own hands because of the high cost, although this material is quite satisfied with its strength, safety and durability.

In search of material, summer residents most often stop at profile pipes, and this is understandable – they make the most reliable greenhouses. They do not rust, withstand heavy loads, do not bend under the snow, and do not require special equipment or experience for installation. It is easy to attach polycarbonate to a steel pipe of rectangular section; thanks to the shape of the section, it is easy to make joints between elements.

Do-it-yourself greenhouse frame from a profile pipe

Video “Assembling the frame of the greenhouse»

The process of assembling and installing the frame of the greenhouse and the profile pipe. Fastening frame elements.

Assembling the frame of the greenhouse

Drawings and diagram

If the owner of the future greenhouse has decided on the material, then it’s time to choose the shape. The choice is not very large.

  1. An arched greenhouse is usually used for growing low plants. It is convenient because the roof does not need to be cleaned, snow and debris do not linger on it.
  2. Tall (or climbing high) plants are grown in a tunnel greenhouse. Standard dimensions: width – 10 m, height – 5 m.
  3. Seedlings are grown in a pyramidal greenhouse, it takes up very little space on the ground, narrow, tending upward.
  4. The gable shape seems to be the most convenient for those who want to grow plants of a different plan. It makes it possible to rationally manage the place inside the greenhouse, tall plants will be perfectly located in it, and undersized vegetables and berries can be located very compactly in tiers or vertical planting.
  5. A wall greenhouse is simply half of a gable greenhouse attached to the wall of an existing building.

From a profile pipe it is most convenient to make a gable greenhouse a house – all the elements of the side lie in the same plane. It provides a sufficient amount of light and space for diverse plants, in addition, it allows the installation of additional elements – doors, vents. It is advisable to start the work with the creation of a structure diagram, it will allow you to visualize the owner’s ideas about the greenhouse or greenhouse that he is going to build. Moreover, it is the scheme that will help determine the optimal dimensions of the greenhouse so as to make the correct calculation of pipe cutting. And then you need to make a drawing indicating all the dimensions of the greenhouse “house”.

Do-it-yourself greenhouse frame from a profile pipe

The standard length of a profile pipe is 6,05 m. To make one frame out of it, it is necessary to calculate its dimensions according to the diagram. If we assume a height of 1,7 m, then 3,4 m will be needed on two sides, and with a roof angle of 30 degrees, the width will be 2,24 m. The author of the drawing suggests reducing it by 24 cm so that one sheet of polycarbonate is enough for the roof and 10 cm left on the sides for water flow. Since there is a calculation of materials for construction for your money and with your own hands, you should listen to this opinion.

Construction of the frame

A light greenhouse made of shaped pipes and polycarbonate should be built on a solid foundation. It can be different: wooden, brick, concrete. Most often, a monolithic concrete foundation is made for such a greenhouse, special anchors are laid in it for subsequent fastening of a profile pipe to them. After the concrete has hardened, a profile pipe with a cross section of 40 mm by 20 mm is attached to these anchors, and all frames will be attached to it. Next, you need to assemble the frame, mounting the frames on the base.

The most responsible and important moment should be the assembly of the end frames, on which doors (70 cm wide) and a window leaf (80 cm wide) are planned. It is better to make a door from a pipe with a cross section of 40 mm by 20 mm, and for a window, a pipe with a cross section of 20 mm by 20 mm will suffice. Hinges on frames can be installed directly on the assembly site.

Do-it-yourself greenhouse frame from a profile pipe

Frame frames can be placed at a distance of 1 m from each other – the rigidity and strength of the pipes will allow you to do this without losing the strength of the greenhouse. Moreover, they will be connected by pieces of a square pipe with a cross section of 20 mm by 20 mm, they must be welded flush with the main profile. If the calculation was correct, the polycarbonate will lie flat on the frame. Installation of finished frames begins with an end frame with a door. It must be fixed by welding to the base with two braces from the corner. After 10 cm from the bend, horizontal connections from the pipe are placed, they are needed to fix the polycarbonate. 

Video “Greenhouse frame from profile pipes»

Do-it-yourself step-by-step installation of the frame.

Greenhouse frame from a profile pipe from NPS .avi

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