Do-it-yourself greenhouse for cucumbers: recommendations for beginners

At any dacha, greenhouses for cucumbers will certainly not be superfluous. They are able to protect the grown vegetables from the influence of negative climate factors. Of course, building a greenhouse is not an easy task, and first of all, you need to decide on a place.

Choosing a place to grow

The place of cultivation must be chosen very carefully. It all depends on these key factors:

  • Seedlings and seeds planted in the ground should have maximum access to the sun’s rays during the so-called “light” days;
  • There must be substantial wind protection;
  • It should be placed according to the cardinal points, but it is best to place it starting from the west and towards the east;
  • In no case should water flow into the area covered by the greenhouse, so it should be placed on flat surfaces without nearby trees.

Do-it-yourself greenhouse for cucumbers: recommendations for beginners

As for the greenhouse, it should be placed in compliance with the same rules. In addition, in this case, the power supply of the greenhouse still plays an important role, so it should be placed as close to the house as possible.

Requirements for greenhouses

The most common are not very high greenhouses, since the earth in them has the ability to warm up much faster, and the heat is stored much longer. They managed to win the trust of many gardeners. The main requirement is a high level of protection and ease of design. It is not very difficult to build it with your own hands, but financially it is very profitable.

First of all, you need to remember the need to open the greenhouse on very hot days. Otherwise, the cucumbers inside will simply burn out. Since with the approach of the evening, and hence the night, the heat is replaced by coolness, it’s time to close the greenhouse again so that the grown vegetables do not freeze. It is extremely important to control the temperature inside the greenhouse. In addition, drafts are undesirable, because they can also cause irreparable harm to cucumbers.

Do-it-yourself greenhouse for cucumbers: recommendations for beginners

In turn, this gives rise to a new requirement – the presence of good ventilation. To ensure proper air exchange, it is enough to provide simple windows. Depending on the purpose of building a greenhouse and the capabilities of the engineering infrastructure, it can be heated using biofuels, water or electricity. However, the most common method of heating remains the sun’s rays. The scale of the greenhouse under construction also depends on the scale of the desired sowing.

Film greenhouse – how to make?

In order for the film greenhouse to be still easy to build, you should purchase special arcs, stick them into the ground, but the distance between them should be at least sixty centimeters. From above, a soft wire is stretched over them to connect them, and then they are covered with a film, the ends of which are fixed to pegs stuck in the ground. The last action can be done with bare hands, since great strength is not needed.

Do-it-yourself greenhouse for cucumbers: recommendations for beginners

There are cases when it is necessary not soft, but vice versa – a thick wire to form a higher frame, and then cover it with a film of polyethylene. A suitable microclimate is simply necessary for cucumbers, so in the next few days after erection, it must stand for a while so that the desired temperature and other conditions form inside it. Cold at night is very dangerous for cucumbers due to the fact that it is during this period of the day that it actively develops and grows.

Thus, a very mobile structure of compact dimensions is obtained. Such a do-it-yourself film greenhouse for cucumbers is quite easy to make and dismantle if necessary in order to move it to another place.

A greenhouse can also be installed on a finished foundation, but then its volume will be much larger. In fact, you get a greenhouse in which you can move freely and care for cucumbers. Of course, the installation of such a greenhouse is much more complicated, so this option is definitely not suitable for beginners.

Greenhouse made of metal, wood, pvc

If you make a temporary greenhouse, then the foundation is not at all necessary. It is indispensable only in the case of building a permanent type greenhouse. First of all, for this you need to dig a meter-long hole, at the bottom of which burnt (or broken) brick, as well as crushed stone, is poured. For additional strength, the base of the foundation can be reinforced with a reinforced mesh or reinforcement. This is especially useful if it is glass.

If the design is not designed very large, then such difficulties are not necessary. In all cases, the basis of the greenhouse should be the frame, and the strength of the structure as a whole depends on its strength. Depending on the goal pursued, there are also materials from which greenhouses for cucumbers can be made. Available in wood, metal, polycarbonate or polyvinyl chloride (PVC).

Do-it-yourself greenhouse for cucumbers: recommendations for beginners

If a wooden option was chosen, then in this case the wooden surface must be covered with a special antiseptic that will protect it from dampness, insects and prolong the durability of such a demanding material. The positive side of wood is that it is a natural material, environmentally friendly and easy to install.

The frame made of steel and metal is stronger and more reliable. It is able to withstand more physical stress, and it is more resistant to atmospheric factors. Unfortunately, it is susceptible to corrosion, so it must be treated properly.

Do-it-yourself greenhouse for cucumbers: recommendations for beginners

As for PVC, such a frame is quite safe, although all its strength directly depends on the thickness of the profile itself. It is also ecological. Its advantages include the complete tightness of the greenhouse system, and the regulation of the internal microclimate is carried out personally by its owner. It is clear that in order to perform accurate and professional work, you first need to create an action plan and drawings.

Tips for growing cucumbers in a greenhouse

All greenhouses for cucumbers need to meet certain conditions. Cucumbers themselves differ from other plant species in their flowers. On their stem, male and female flowers are formed at once. They are very sensitive to the quality and type of fertilizer. It is recommended to use humus and compost. Re-fertilization with saltpeter and bird droppings is not necessary.

Do-it-yourself greenhouse for cucumbers: recommendations for beginners

If cucumbers are grown in a film greenhouse, then you do not need to plant plants too densely. It is important to regularly remove unnecessary shoots and shorten them. There are those that are on the side. It is because of them that moist air stagnates, which leads to the formation of fungus. In case of fungal diseases on cucumbers, diseased leaves are collected (preferably with gloves) and burned. After this procedure, it is necessary to ventilate the greenhouse. As for watering, cucumbers are irrigated with half-percent potassium permanganate or one-percent copper sulphate.

If root rot has formed, then it is necessary to make holes next to the cucumber roots, and then fill them with chilled calcined river sand.

Having knowledge of how to make a greenhouse for cucumbers, one should not forget about some important nuances. For example, shelter should not interfere with sunlight. Cucumbers, like all other plants, need the light of the sun, which they need for development and fruiting. Care should be taken to have a cover made of a material with excellent light transmission.

Do-it-yourself greenhouse for cucumbers: recommendations for beginners

When it comes to heating the soil, the upper fertile layer should be removed and the resulting depression filled with grass, branches and straw. After all this begins to rot, a natural protection against the cold will begin to form. The excavated earth is poured back in a small amount. Then you need to pour manure or compost, and then again fertile soil. Having done all this work, you can sow the treated area with peace of mind. At first, the bed will be in an elevated state, but after the decay of the materials used, it will sink over time.

Video “Greenhouse with your own hands”

Video with instructions for building a greenhouse with your own hands. The video touches upon the nuances associated with the construction of this structure.

do-it-yourself greenhouse just from Lissad.

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