Do-it-yourself gnome costume for a boy
It’s time! It’s time to open our school of magical needlewomen and learn how to make a gnome costume with your own hands for a boy for the New Year’s party.

Your child will be a charming Dwarf in these funny shoes and a hat with a bell! You like? U.S. too! Making this New Year’s gnome costume with your own hands is not at all difficult. You just need to stock up on time, patience and our exciting master class with detailed step-by-step instructions and patterns. 

Remember? Once we were small, and our parents sewed New Year’s costumes for us themselves – these were not sold in stores. Now times have changed, and we can buy anything for our children. Boys at a festive matinee can become bunnies and wolves, pirates and knights, and someone even a spider-man or “twilight ninja”. Dress up the sea! 

Only they are not cheap, alas, some gnome costumes reach 5-6 thousand rubles. And after all, we only buy one exit. And if your child’s friend also comes to the holidays in this, the mood will be spoiled. Today we offer you not only to save money, but also to learn how to make fabulous outfits for children with your own hands. In fact, it is so exciting and not at all difficult! Moreover, you now have our step-by-step master class with video instructions. And we will start with the Gnome costume for the New Year. It is easy to make, but how it will transform your child!

Cost of materials 

We didn’t chase frankly cheap fabrics, because a suit made of such material would look “cheap”. But the expensive ones were not considered either. We chose the economy option. All materials cost us 1020 rubles (taking into account the fact that we already had threads, a “basic” T-shirt and shorts). 

Suit size 

We made a Gnome outfit for a boy 4 and 5 years old. Below you will find patterns in two sizes: choose depending on how tall your child is. There are 98 cm and 104 cm. If you need a larger size (or smaller), then according to the template of our pattern, you can design your own. We wish you good luck!

Glossary of terms

Experienced seamstresses already understood all the terms used in this material. But, perhaps, it was you, inspired by our master class, who decided to sit down at the typewriter for the first time and do not know many special words. This matter is fixable. We decipher the terms especially for you!

Stitch or stitch It means joining two layers of fabric. 

iron out – simply: iron the allowances (edges) in different directions. 

iron – iron the allowances (edges) in one direction. 

Fabric face – this is the side where the pattern or surface is clearly expressed. 

At the edge of the overcast seam – sew (see above) the fabric to the width of the foot from the edge of the allowance. 

How to make a Gnome costume with your own hands: step by step instructions

Step 1. What materials do we need: 

  1. Green fabric for a vest and shoes 0,5 m. The fabric should be dense to keep its shape. It is best to take velvet.
  2. Red fabric for cap 0,4 m. 
  3. Centimeter (flexible measuring tape) 
  4. ruler 
  5. Scissors 
  6. Buttons 4 pcs. for height 98 cm, 5 pcs. for height 104 cm. 
  7. Bias binding (any color) 1,5 m. 
  8. Tracing paper or paper 
  9. Bells 3 pcs. (two small ones for the shoes and one bigger one for the cap) 
  10. Interlining (adhesive fabric) 0,5 m. 
  11. Thread “grass” on the beard 1 skein 
  12. White and red threads for leggings (one small skein each) 
  13. Knitting needles No. 3 and stocking knitting needles (5 pcs. for knitting in the round) 
  14. Two sewn-on buttons (for a beard) 
  15. Sewing machine, overlock (can be replaced with a zigzag) 
  16. Every child has in the wardrobe: a plain T-shirt, shorts. 

Step 2. Vest 

1. To start sewing a vest, we need to make patterns for the back and shelves. 

2. Now fold the fabric in two layers. We prick the back to the fold, and next to it is a shelf. Then cut. 

3. We put notches with scissors 5 mm long. On these notches we will combine the side seam of the front and back. 

4. It’s time to chip off the paper patterns. At the shelf we glue the bar, this is the place where the loops break through and the buttons are sewn on. A very necessary operation – it is so that the bar of the shelf does not stretch. To do this, we cut out two strips of non-woven fabric 38 cm long and 6 cm wide. 

With an iron, glue the interlining to the shelf from the wrong side. 

After the bar has been glued, you need to outline the middle of the shelf, which is indicated on the paper pattern. This is 3,5 cm from the edge. We draw a vertical line and transfer this line to the face of the shelf with a needle and thread. 

5. We pass to the iron. On this swept line, you need to bend our bar and iron it. 

6. On the overlock (zigzag) we overcast the shoulder, side seams of the back and shelves separately. 

7. On a typewriter, we grind the shoulder and side seams, combining the notches. 

8. Using an iron, iron the shoulder and side seams. 

9. We process the armholes with an oblique beck. To do this, measure the circumference of the armhole with a centimeter. And we cut off the inlay, taking into account the allowances: plus 3 cm to the circumference. The edges of the inlay will overlap. We prick it on the armhole. Now you need to sew on the typewriter the inlay to the armhole to the width of the foot. 

10. Bend the inlay and stitch it to the edge by 1 mm on the front side. This operation will allow us to make a smooth roll. 

11. Now, using a needle and thread, you need to baste the facing / inlay to the armhole! And on a typewriter stitch along the edge. We remove the running thread. We process the second armhole in the same way. 

12. Processing the neck with an inlay. 

The neck is processed in the same way as the armholes. But first you need to bend the bar along the sour cream line to the front of the shelf, then prick the inlay. Thus, we will hide the end of the inlay under the bar. 

Now you need to sew the inlay to the width of the foot. 

The next step. We will need to turn out the corners of the bar, baste the inlay and stitch the inlay to the edge. 

13. We iron the finished armholes and neck. 

14. Close the bottom. To do this, we grind the corner of the bar in the same way as we did with the neck. It is necessary to bend the bar along the marked line to the front side, then stitch at a distance of 3 cm from the edge. 

We twist and lay the finishing line along the entire vest to the edge of the overcasting seam. 

15. It remains to break through the loops and sew on the buttons. We transfer the marks from the paper pattern where the loops should be. 

We outline the length of the loops and punch on a typewriter. In my case, the button diameter is 1,5 cm, I made the loop length 2 cm. 

Sew on buttons. Hooray, the vest is ready! Perhaps the most difficult thing we have already done. 

Step 3. Cap 

Well, what did you do? Are we moving on? We will make a cap for our Gnome. 

1. We transfer the cap pattern to paper. Head circumference 49 cm. 

2. We prick the pattern on the fabric (2 layers) and cut out the cap. 

3. Glue the top of the cap with interlining to keep its shape. After that, we grind the edges and overcast. 

4. Next step. It is necessary to overcast the edge of the cap: bend (iron) the edge inward and lay the finishing line in the edge of the overcasting seam.  

5. Sew a large bell onto the top of the cap.

6. Now we need buttons. We sew one part of the button on the sides of the cap. They are needed for a removable beard. The beard will be attached to the cap with sewn-in buttons. 

Here is the finished cap! 

Step 4. Beard 

1. We will have a beard, well, almost real: we will tie it! On the knitting needles we collect 60 loops. This amount is suitable for a height of 98 cm and 104 cm. After all, a knitted fabric stretches. 

2. We knit 4 rows of facial loops. 

3. We start in every second row, at the beginning and at the end of the row, knit two loops together. 

4. We knit until there are five loops on the knitting needles. We knit them all together. 

5. Now we hide the tip of the thread. 

6. Sew buttons along the edges of the beard. The second part of them, the first one is already on the cap. 

Here you can see how everything went more fun. And the beard is done! 

Step 5. Basmachki 

1. We have to do almost magic. Create fabulous shoes with your own hands! So, let’s begin. We transfer the pattern of shoes to paper. It consists of the sole and the shoe itself. 

2. We prick the pattern on the fabric. We will need two soles and 4 shoe parts. Cut out. 

3. We took a dense fabric, it keeps its shape. If your fabric is soft, I advise you to glue all the details of the shoe with an adhesive cloth. 

4. Now you need to overcast the edges of the back seam of the shoes and sew on a typewriter so that a cut remains on top. From the bottom of the shoe, the length of the seam is 4 cm. 

5. We prick the detail of the shoe on the sole and grind it on a typewriter. 

6. Then all edges need to be overcast. 

7. We bend the edges of the shoe inward by 1,5 cm and lay a line on a typewriter into the edges of the overcasting seam. 

8. Be bolder! We unscrew the shoe. What a handsome man. 

We sew bells on the spout. 

Miracle shoes are ready! 

Step 6. Gaiters 

1. Well, the final touch of our hand-made New Year’s gnome costume is leggings. Like a beard, we will knit them! To do this, we collect 40 loops on the knitting needles with a red thread. 

We distribute loops of 10 pieces on 4 knitting needles and knit in a circle. 

2. Now we knit 5 rows in a circle with facial loops and change the thread to white. 

3. We knit 40 rows, alternating every five rows either white or red thread. On the 41st row we add loops. Each needle has one in the middle. Now we have 11 loops on each knitting needle, for a total of 44 loops. 

4. This procedure must be repeated after 10 rows from the added loops. And again after 10 rows. There will be 13 stitches on each needle for a total of 52 stitches. 

5. 70 row – this is the top of the leggings, ending with a red stripe. Additionally, we will make a beautiful patterned edge. To do this, knit 5 rows of facial loops. We knit the next row like this: two together front, yarn over, two together front, yarn over. 

We knit the next 5 rows with facial loops, we knit yarns with facial loops. 

6. Close the loops. 

7. We bend the edge inward along the holes formed from the crochets. It turns out a beautiful patterned edge. It remains to fasten the edges to the main canvas with a needle and thread. 

8. We knit the second according to the same pattern. 

Gaiters are ready! 

So, it remains only to catch your tomboy in the children’s room and try on all the details of the costume on him. Get out a white T-shirt and dark shorts. Now a vest, leggings and shoes sewn and knitted with their own hands will be used. Stretch the cap and beard. That’s it – your cute Gnome costume is ready! From Santa Claus he will definitely have a gift! 

Thank you for watching our master class on making a New Year’s Gnome costume for a boy. We hope that everything was clear to you and this work inspired you, and the child was pleased. We don’t say goodbye on this – very soon new costumes for a festive Christmas tree in kindergarten will appear in this section.

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