Do-it-yourself gazebo with barbecue: how to build an indoor and outdoor barbecue from bricks, wood according to the project

Each owner of a small plot of land always thinks about the design of a place to relax. Regardless of whether it is a cottage or a private sector adjoining area, any owner always strives to create a cozy place to relax. A gazebo with a barbecue will be the best solution with the right organization of the recreation area.

Preliminary events

Before building a gazebo, you need to understand the variety of their forms and purposes. By design, the following options are distinguished:

  • open;
  • closed;
  • semi-open.

Do-it-yourself gazebo with barbecue: how to build an indoor and outdoor barbecue from bricks, wood according to the project

According to the type of material, such light structures are divided into:

  • brick;
  • wooden;
  • metal;
  • другие нестандартные виды материалов.

Now you need to choose the desired design option, decide on the location and size of the future building. When choosing a site, a very important factor will be the possibility of combining the future building with the existing landscape. Usually the building is made semi-open. When used in winter, they plan to build a closed type.

The dimensions of the site for the gazebo should correspond to the wishes for choosing the size of the future place of rest. It is important to take into account the number of people who will need to feel comfortable inside. The ideal option would be a flat area surrounded by low green spaces, away from a residential building.

Чтобы в процессе пользования мангалом не возникало дискомфорта, надо сразу определить его место в беседке. Продумать устройство дымохода таким образом, чтобы ближайшие деревья не создавали помех для тяги будущей печки. Размер будущего строения делают немного меньше площадки, чтобы окружающие насаждения могли продолжить свой рост, а также для возможности подхода и обустройства кровли.

After choosing a place and dimensions, it is necessary to make a project that will contain sketches or drawings indicating materials, technical requirements for construction. План строительства должен включать внешнее оформление дизайна беседки.

Video “Arbor with barbecue do-it-yourself”

From this video you will learn how to build a gazebo with a barbecue with your own hands.

Gazebo with barbecue do-it-yourself

DIY creation

Each summer resident can build a gazebo on their own. It is necessary to have little skills in working with mortar, brick, shovel. In order to make a building with a brick barbecue, we will need the following tool:

  • measuring devices;
  • rope with pegs;
  • shovel, hammer;
  • Master OK;
  • carpenter’s tool.


The construction of any, even a small structure, begins with a skeleton. It remains to proceed with the work:

  1. Let’s mark up the foundation in the proposed location of the future structure. For a brick gazebo with a barbecue, we choose a monolithic foundation.
  2. We will dig a pit with a depth of 40–50 cm. We cover the area of ​​the pit with rubble, and then with sand and level it. Using unnecessary metal profiles, we will reinforce the internal cavity of the future foundation.
  3. We install the formwork in such a way that the upper plane of the foundation is 10–15 cm above ground level.
  4. We fill the inner cavity of the pit. Now the foundation needs to dry.

Complete drying of the monolithic foundation will occur in 2-3 weeks, depending on weather conditions. It is desirable to cover it with a film so that there are no cracks on the surface of the core.

Floor arrangement

After the foundation has completely dried, we proceed to the floor:

  1. Using a horizontal level, check the evenness, horizontality of the surface of the skeleton.
  2. If irregularities are found, we eliminate them with a mortar or using special building mixtures for leveling floors.
  3. We mark out a place for a barbecue complex and for laying walls.
  4. We carry out the finishing using tiles or other desired finishing material for the flooring.

The final finishing of the floor can be done after the construction of the walls and the arrangement of the barbecue area. This is due to the accuracy of the work.

Walls and roof

For the construction of the walls of the gazebo, it is best to use one and a half white silicate bricks. This is a simple reliable material that will last for decades:

  1. Mark the outer lines of the walls. To do this, we retreat from the edge of the foundation 5–10 cm and stretch the ropes. This will be the outer contour of the walls.
  2. In accordance with the project, we will lay the walls in half a brick. When laying bricks, it is important to know that each subsequent row is staggered by half a brick.
  3. Particular attention should be paid to the open parts of the gazebo, which can later be used for glazing. The columns between the hollow openings must be made brick-thick. This will allow you to withstand the load of the beams and rafters of the roofing system.
  4. We will prepare a beam for the frame and strapping of the roof. We cut out the required size of the frame beams (Mauerlat) and connect them. If the gazebo is small (3 × 3 m), then the installation of the frame and truss systems can be performed on the ground.
  5. Now we will cut out the longest elements of the truss system – skates.
  6. Let’s make short and long rafters, not forgetting the Mauerlat cutout. With a large slope of the roof, cut out racks to support the rafters – skates. They will help to avoid deflection of the truss system.
  7. We will assemble the construction of the truss system in place or on the ground (depending on its size).
  8. We will cover the structure with a pre-selected roofing material.

Do-it-yourself gazebo with barbecue: how to build an indoor and outdoor barbecue from bricks, wood according to the project

Now our gazebo is protected from rain and snow.

Construction of a wooden analogue

Summer residents often build summer gazebos made of wood, which has a lower cost and ease of installation. In this case, profiled, glued or rounded timber is used.

Residents of garden farms pay more attention to environmental friendliness and aesthetics of their structure. The wooden design of the gazebo allows you to realize any wishes for the design and decoration of your brainchild.

Do-it-yourself gazebo with barbecue: how to build an indoor and outdoor barbecue from bricks, wood according to the project

Let’s start building:

  1. Let’s mark the place for the foundation. For a wooden structure, it can be tape, columnar or monolithic.
  2. For the tape we will dig a trench 25–30 cm wide and 30–40 cm deep.
  3. We will make the formwork, taking into account the fact that the surface of the foundation will be 10–15 cm above ground level.
  4. We reinforce the internal cavity of the trench with metal waste, fill it with mortar and let it dry.
  5. Install the lower frame beams on the foundation, connect them to the frame.
  6. Let’s assemble the lower frame together with the uprights and intermediate beams at the level of the window openings. Vertical supports must be attached to the lower frame with metal corners with screws.
  7. We will make and install the roof in the same way as for a brick gazebo.
  8. We will sew the floor with a board that is specially designed for this.
  9. We will sheathe the frame with a beam, which is provided for by the project. We will decorate the window openings of the semi-open summer building with decorated lattices.

The building is ready. To preserve all the properties and make the structure more beautiful, wooden buildings are varnished. In this case, a stain is used, which gives the gazebo the desired shade.

Mangal zone

An excellent addition, and often the main element of the gazebo is a stove or barbecue grill. You can build such an addition to the design yourself or purchase a ready-made brazier and place it inside.

Selecting an out-of-the-box installation

When using a ready-made brazier, it is necessary to think over in advance the place in which it will be installed. The floor must be fireproof in the place where the barbecue is planned to be installed. When choosing ready-made equipment, the following should be considered:

  • compliance with the requirements for cooking: barbecue, smokehouse, etc.;
  • the possibility of inscribing a new element in the interior of the gazebo;
  • the availability of technical capabilities for installing a brazier.

Using a ready-made barbecue may not be very comfortable if you do not think about the possibility of removing smoke. Suppose the finished unit does not have a chimney, and the gazebo is glazed, then all the smoke will fill the interior of the building.

To avoid such discomfort, a small round hole for the pipe must be made in the wall or must be made in advance. It is in the wall when it comes to a free-standing barbecue. A chimney is made directly through the roof for permanently installed stoves or barbecues. The purchased ready-made brazier must have a chimney.

Do-it-yourself gazebo with barbecue: how to build an indoor and outdoor barbecue from bricks, wood according to the project

Self erection

When building a foundation, it is important to consider the possibility of installing a built-in barbecue inside the gazebo. The installation of any furnace equipment requires the arrangement of a reliable skeleton. The construction of the brazier is carried out before the walls are laid or the strapping is performed with a wooden frame:

  1. If there is a strip foundation for a wooden structure, it is necessary to dig a foundation pit in the place where the barbecue is planned to be installed. The pit should have a slightly larger area than the future surface of the barbecue brickwork, along with all additional cooking areas, a place for a cauldron, a sink, etc. If the foundation of the gazebo is monolithic, then it will be enough to install stove equipment.
  2. We will make the formwork, reinforce and fill the foundation with concrete flush with the foundation of the future building.
  3. After the skeleton has dried, we will lay the first row of solid masonry, in other words, into a brick. One day before the start of work, the brick is moistened with water.
  4. Let’s lay out the basement of the furnace equipment using the order. We lay the brazier from the corners to the middle. If there is no experience in such work, it is necessary to make sketches for each row.
  5. In the lower part of the brazier we will install cast iron grates. For laying the main part, lime is added to the solution in an amount not exceeding the cement content. This solution should have the consistency of thick sour cream.
  6. After laying the basement and installing the grate, we proceed to the construction of the furnace. We replace the solution with a clay-sand mixture, which we prepare a few weeks before the construction work. In order for the mixture to be of high quality, it is necessary to soak the clay in a large container and periodically add water. Then sand is added to this mixture and used for masonry. Brick for the firebox is used only fireclay. It has more resistant properties with a significant increase in temperature up to 1700 ° C.
  7. We will cover the firebox with a sheet of metal and lay it with refractory bricks. In the side or top part, we will provide a hole for the chimney.
  8. After the firebox is finished, it must be overlaid with red brick with a gap of 5–10 mm. Before erecting the firebox, this gap must be taken into account so that the outer walls of the brazier have smooth vertical surfaces.
  9. The front partition of the brazier is usually made in the form of a semicircle. To get such a beautiful shape, you need to make a template.
  10. Using red brick and a clay-sand mixture, we will reduce the outer masonry of the brazier with a firebox to one perimeter, gradually reducing it.
  11. We bring the reduction of the perimeter to the desired section of the chimney. Lay out the chimney with a brick to the design height.
  12. Let’s finish the installation of the chimney with an existing pipe made of metal or asbestos.

To increase the culinary possibilities, the brazier-barbecue can be supplemented with dampers of draft and the front of the stove. These shutters are made of metal, up to 1 mm thick, and painted black with special refractory paints. Now after the construction of the brazier, you can carry out the rest of the work.

Upon completion of the construction of the entire gazebo, we will get a large warm building, which becomes an integral part of a country house. When glazing free space, the gazebo can serve as a summer kitchen.

Care and subsequent arrangement

Do-it-yourself gazebo with barbecue: how to build an indoor and outdoor barbecue from bricks, wood according to the project

The building, made of brick, does not require any maintenance. And if the gazebo is wooden, then periodically you need to inspect the surface, especially the outer walls. If defects are found on the varnish coating of the timber, they must be eliminated. To do this, partially or completely varnish the damaged areas. Before varnishing, these surfaces must be degreased.

After completing all the construction work on the construction of the barbecue and gazebos, you can start decorating your brainchild. To do this, use all sorts of modern solutions. Thanks to them, they fit the building as much as possible into the landscape image of the suburban area and combine it with the interior into which the brazier fits. The choice of style and the finishing touches in the design of the building are the responsibility of the owner. Competent decoration and the right choice of stylistic direction can make a gazebo with a barbecue grill a highlight not only of a summer cottage, but of the entire village.

In addition to barbecue gazebos made of brick and timber, metal gazebos have gained great popularity. Forged rods in the form of various objects and images give such structures a certain exoticism. In recent years, PVC pipes have been used in construction. From them you can build a light summer gazebo.

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