Do-it-yourself gazebo 3 by 3: design drawings for a summer residence with dimensions and a choice of materials for a square building

On a large plot of land, you can build a terrace, lay a rocky garden and multi-level flower beds. In the conditions of three and even five acres, this is almost unrealistic. But if there is no other option, a do-it-yourself 3 by 3 gazebo will be the best alternative to luxury.

Design varieties

We are talking about small stationary and prefabricated buildings. During the period of off-season bad weather, they are removed from the street, and in the spring they are again installed in the front garden or on the shore of the reservoir. Economical consumption of materials and the possibility of independent work without special equipment in areas with minimal dimensions are among their other advantages.

Do-it-yourself gazebo 3 by 3: design drawings for a summer residence with dimensions and a choice of materials for a square building

In buildings of an open type 3×3 m, walls, as a rule, are absent. However, this is the best option for outdoor enthusiasts. The murmur of water, the singing of birds and the riot of flowering aromas around compensate for any shortcomings of such buildings. In this case, it is appropriate to talk about their dubious protection from piercing wind, rain and insects.

Based on personal preferences and, of course, financial capabilities, you can build:

  1. A gazebo of a closed type, which is easy to glaze, insulate inside and out. In such facilities it is comfortable at any time of the year.
  2. Brick version with built-in barbecue. Natural stone and forged metal are suitable as additional raw materials. These materials are characterized by a long service life and good fire resistance.
  3. Wooden structure decorated with hanging planters.
  4. Living gazebo, woven from the trunks of deciduous trees. This is the best option for rustic landscaping.

Despite the small area of ​​u3bu3bthe gazebo XNUMX by XNUMX meters, a dining table with chairs and a folding baby sofa will freely enter here. If desired, the owners can make several entrances at once. If personal space is necessary for each family member, it is better to build two rooms. One of them should be installed a few meters from the cottage, and the other – in the garden.

As for the shape of the structure, in this case it is more profitable to choose a square. In such gazebos it is much easier to arrange standard furniture than in polyhedrons.

Video “How to make a gazebo with your own hands”

From this video you will learn how to make a roomy and beautiful gazebo with your own hands.

How to make a gazebo with your own hands

Beginning of work

Regardless of the performance characteristics of materials, it all starts with design. On the drawing, it is important to indicate the dimensions, as well as the methods of fastening the bearing supports, the upper and lower trims. The next step is to lay the foundation. In the case of light structures made of wood, a shallow type of foundation is suitable.

Having freed the site from debris and weeds, you can proceed to the main work. We are talking about the installation of harnesses and racks. At the very end, a rafter system is assembled, on which slate, roofing felt or, for example, soft tiles are subsequently laid. Finishing includes painting, and in the case of closed gazebos, insulation of structures inside and out.

Do-it-yourself gazebo 3 by 3: design drawings for a summer residence with dimensions and a choice of materials for a square building

Of the tools you will need a shovel, grinder, jigsaw and thicknesser. The latter is necessary for correcting the shapes of wooden blanks. If the gazebo is built of metal, even a professional builder cannot do without a circular saw. But as practice shows, most summer residents opt for wooden structures. Among their undeniable advantages:

  • attractive appearance;
  • good compatibility with metal and brick structures;
  • light weight buildings;
  • almost 40% savings on construction work – and all because our country is one of the three leaders in world timber reserves;
  • minimum time for exterior and interior decoration.

If it is important to build a durable gazebo, it is more profitable to choose a brick. This material absorbs noise better and practically does not absorb moisture. High fire resistance rates make it possible to install barbecues and barbecues in such structures. Buildings made of polycarbonate retain heat well, and in the summer – cool.

Markup and calculations

How much building materials will be needed? In answering this question, experienced specialists tend to stress on each element of the foundation of the building. It is equally important to take into account the increase in the strength of the foundation through high-quality raw materials. If, before the main work, a drawing of the future structure is made indicating the location of all elements of the gazebo, the possibility of unreasonable waste will not exceed 2%.

The optimal diameter of the structure is 2,9 m. In such a building, you can organize a festive table for a company of 8–10 people. Of the materials, three-meter bars with different sections, sheet pile boards, lining, cement, self-tapping screws and slats are useful.

Starting to lay out the foundation, do not forget to brush up on some knowledge of geometry. For example, we know that a square is a quadrilateral with equal sides and angles. To avoid technical errors, it is better to use a carpenter’s square. If there is no such tool, take measurements with a tape measure. Based on the Pythagorean theorem. To make sure that the length of all sides is correct, it is important to mark a distance of 3 m on one of them, and 4 m on the other. By connecting the points, you should get a 5-meter segment.

Construction erection

A square gazebo 3×3 m can be placed one and a half meters from the main building. If there are not so many trees in the front garden, it is better to build a structure surrounded by fragrant flower beds. At the same time, its distance from the border with neighbors should not be less than one meter, and from the pressure sewer – at least 5 m. If there is a barbecue in the room, there should be a wooden fence at approximately the same distance from the gazebo.

It happens that the owners do not have free space for outbuildings at all. Then the gazebo can be arranged right on the roof of the house. In the case of old buildings, which are often more than 90 years old, it is better to refuse such an idea. Otherwise, complete deformation of the foundation is possible, resulting in accidents.

Getting started with the main work, it is important:

  • transfer the drawing to a real area, this should result in a regular quadrilateral;
  • lay the foundation for greater structural strength;
  • assemble the Mauerlat and, thus, prepare the basis for quick installation of rafters;
  • install continuous and intermittent battens;
  • lay the floor;
  • make fences, and if the gazebo is intended for the elderly, then steps or even a porch with a ramp.

Foundation and bottom trim

Do-it-yourself gazebo 3 by 3: design drawings for a summer residence with dimensions and a choice of materials for a square building

To equip a columnar foundation, you will need sand, crushed stone, roofing material and about 60 clinker bricks. The exact amount of refractory materials depends on the height of the ground. For example, in the lowlands, it is acceptable to use brickwork in four layers, and on a hill, two is enough.

Since even the highest quality reinforced concrete can rust over time, waterproofing the base will be required. For this purpose, experts advise using coating, roll and plaster materials. With their help, it will be possible to increase the rigidity of any type of foundation.

For the lower strapping, you will need 4 beams, which can later be connected using the half-tree method. To do this, at the end of each product, you need to cut grooves 70 mm thick.

frame and floor

For better fastening of the racks, you should use reinforced corners. Temporary braces from the remnants of lumber will help to properly fix the curved metal structure. As for the plank logs, they can be fastened not only with corners, but also with bars. First you need to install the corner posts. Then – assemble the Mauerlat and fix the intermediate racks. Even if this stage of work seems to be the highest mathematics, use the services of experienced builders.

The optimal thickness of planed floor boards is 35 mm. If this figure is slightly less, it is important to achieve the correct distance between the lags – no more than 38 cm. The plank floor retains heat well, and with proper care, it will serve the owners from 10 to 15 years. In open-type gazebos, the natural coating will have to be treated with protective compounds every six months. If there is no time for this, it is better to use porcelain stoneware or cement-bonded particle boards.


For small-sized arbors 3×3 m, a shed roof is more suitable. In this case, slate or tiles are laid directly on the rafters. A gable roof will certainly emphasize the exquisite look of any square structure. True, the inclined elements of such a design can reduce the view of the area. As an experiment, it would be useful to offer options in the form of a tent and a circle.

In the choice of materials, it is more logical to give preference to wear-resistant polycarbonate. It tolerates low temperatures well and scatters ultraviolet rays. But since polycarbonate is highly flammable, it is better to use slate or tiles in gazebos with barbecues and even biofireplaces.


Do-it-yourself gazebo 3 by 3: design drawings for a summer residence with dimensions and a choice of materials for a square building

In buildings of a closed type 3 by 3 meters, these surfaces are four pillars connected by brickwork. Before installing the first layer, it is important to protect the foundation from excessive moisture. For this purpose, experts recommend the use of roofing material. The cement-sand mortar is mixed in a ratio of 1:3. So that the already finished building does not prompt passers-by to think about the dubious qualifications of the owner, it is better to carry out work using the building level.

The lee walls should be deaf. In other surfaces, door or window openings should be made. Terraced boards, glass, corrugated board and even geotextiles are suitable as materials.

In the future, the best place to relax with the whole family can be decorated with original crystal sconces, plastic figurines and climbing plants.

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