To get pure moonshine, home cooks usually resort to double distillation. The result is a quality product without harmful impurities, with a pleasant taste and aroma.
An even better effect is obtained by distillation in a distillation column. It allows you to get the most purified strong alcohol (94-96%) or vodka without additional flavors and odors.
At the same time, the device has practically no disadvantages, with the exception of large dimensions and the need to work hard on its manufacture. Most experienced moonshiners agree that it is better to assemble the distillation column on their own.
The design and principle of operation of the distillation column
Distillation cube
Tsarga (pipe) with filler
Alcohol selection unit
Additional refrigerator
It works as follows
The mash in the distillation tank heats up and begins to evaporate. The vapors follow up the tsarga, reach the refrigerator and the selection unit, the valve of which is closed at the initial stage.
Condensed vapors (phlegm) descend back down the pipe. In this case, heavy fractions accumulate at the bottom, and light fractions at the top. Thanks to the nozzles, the processes of condensation and evaporation occur repeatedly: vapors and liquids interact continuously.
This process of exchange is the rectification process. The lightest vapors with a high alcohol content are discharged to the refrigerator, where the final condensation takes place. As a result, pure distillate enters the receiving tank.
Calculation of parameters and selection of materials
Before proceeding with the assembly of the column, it is necessary to determine the dimensions and other characteristics of the apparatus.
Drawer height
If earlier distillation columns were multi-meter structures, today home distillers use compact options – about 1,5 meters long. The main principle that should be followed when calculating the dimensions is as follows: the height of the pipe should be approximately 50 times its diameter. Small deviations in one direction or another are allowed. However, the length of the tsarga cannot be less than 1 meter. Otherwise, part of the fusel oils will fall into the selection, and there will be difficulties with the separation of fractions. An increase in the height of the column over 1,5 meters does not significantly affect the quality of the product, but lengthens the distillation time. In addition, it will be problematic to place such a design at home. The optimal dimensions of the pipe: length – 1,3-1,4 m, diameter – 3-5 cm.
Material and wall thickness
The ideal option for the tsarga is food grade stainless steel: it does not affect the composition of drinks in any way. Copper will also work. The optimal wall thickness is in the range of 1–2 mm. More is possible, but this will make the structure heavier and increase costs without bringing much benefit. In addition, it is worth remembering that holes will have to be made in the walls.
Type and parameters of nozzles
As a contact element, it is easiest to use household stainless steel washcloths, which are used to clean dishes. To check the quality of the metal, you can soak the product in a salt solution and leave it for a day: a good product will not rust. Alternative options are glass beads, stones of certain breeds, metal shavings. The packing density is 250–270 g of the contact element per 1 liter of the column volume.
Cube volume
The distillation vessel is filled 2/3, while the amount of alcohol-containing liquid should correspond to 10–20 nozzle volumes. For a column with a diameter of 5 cm, it is optimal to use a tank of 40-80 liters, for a width of 4 cm – 30-50 liters.
Heating source
The use of a gas, electric or induction cooker is not recommended. The first option is dangerous, the rest do not allow for a uniform supply of heat. The best option is electric heating with the help of heating elements, which can be built into the cube yourself. The power of the elements depends on the volume of the cube: at least 50 kW is required for 4 liters, at least 40 kW for 3 liters, etc.
Type of thermal insulation material
It must withstand high temperatures, be chemically inert. Usually they use foam rubber 3-5 mm thick, fluoroplastic or silicone (but not rubber!) Gaskets.
Docking option
If threaded connections are used, a sealant may be required. It is better to give preference to putting the elements on top of each other.
Instructions for the manufacture of a distillation column
When creating a distillation column, every little thing matters, so all recommendations should be strictly followed. It will not be superfluous to watch the video of the assembly.
A metal pipe with the recommended parameters is cut into 2 parts of approximately equal length, the edges are cleaned, and hermetically joined using threaded connections or an adapter.
In one part, which will be at the bottom, the selected type of nozzles is poured, having previously installed a grid and a thrust washer to prevent material from falling out. If metal sponges are used (about 40 pieces are required), pre-cut them into pieces of 5 mm. The springs should be distributed evenly by tapping the pipe on a hard surface. After filling the nozzle, close the pipe with a mesh, fix it with a washer.
The resulting structure is connected to the distillation cube and insulated with heat-insulating material.
The second (upper) part of the pipe is connected to a dephlegmator using a soldering iron. The water housing should have 2 branch pipes: for water inlet and outlet. A reflux condenser can be bought or made independently from a thermos, pressure cooker, coil, copper tube (the first options are preferable). For example, like this:
The upper end of the column is closed with a stopper/lid or sealed, leaving a hole for installing an atmospheric tube. To secure it, a fitting is used, the end of the tube is lowered into the water.
Make a hole for the pipe to exit the distillate. It should be a couple of centimeters above the junction with the bottom of the pipe, a plate is installed under it to collect condensate.
A refrigerator is connected to the column using a silicone hose. You can buy it or make it yourself. To regulate the process of fluid movement, a clamp from a dropper is attached to the hose.
The cooling elements are connected to each other: the upper part of the refrigerator with the bottom of the reflux condenser, the upper part of the reflux condenser with sewerage. Thus, the water to the dephlegmator will be heated.
Optionally, you can install a water flow regulator and a thermometer (it will require an additional hole in the selection unit).
You can also divide the drawer into 3 parts: this design is considered more variable in application. A detailed assembly process of the column can be viewed here:
Relevance: 10.02.2019
Tags: Vodka, mash, moonshine, Moonshine stills and accessories