Do-it-yourself cottage lighting: street without electricity at night, from batteries and solar panels, with LED lamps –

Summer cottage lighting can be done in several ways, taking into account the following factors: the size of the site, the presence of electricity or its absence, use the combined method (we are talking about a stationary network and alternative sources of electricity). It can be outdoor (external) or internal.

In the first case, paths, gazebos, the site itself are illuminated, security lighting is organized inside the summer cottage and along its perimeter, and in the second – residential / technical premises, outbuildings.

Below we consider what requirements are imposed on the lighting of the cottage, its types and options. We will pay special attention to drawing up diagrams, types of lamps and other issues related to the topic of interest.

cottage lighting requirements

When solving the issue of lighting a summer cottage and residential / technical premises, it is necessary to take into account a number of recommendations for the performance of work.

Basic requirements:

  1. Safety of the lighting system in normal and emergency operation. In the event of a short circuit or insulation damage, the protection must timely disconnect the damaged section. It is obligatory to have RCDs and AVs that protect not only against short circuits, but also other emergency modes – current leakage and overload.
  2. Drawing up a diagram. Before performing work, it is necessary to draw up and coordinate a scheme with other workers, for example, a landscape designer. Otherwise, the risk of inconsistency is high.
  3. The right choice of cable. It is carried out taking into account the laying conditions, and when determining the cross section, the connected load is taken into account. For internal installation, a double-insulated cable is used, and for external installation, in a metal sleeve or box.
  4. Ease of management. Light sources must be capable of emergency/local shutdown. Shields with machine guns must be placed on the site and in the house. Switching on / off is recommended to be carried out through machines and sockets, which must be placed at a convenient height. The latter are selected taking into account the region where the cottage is located – resistance to dust and moisture.
  5. Separation by function. Summer cottage lighting is mounted taking into account the solution of several functional tasks: general, security, decoration, etc. This issue will be discussed below.
  6. Installing the right fixtures. To illuminate a large area, it is necessary to use light sources with low power consumption. This category includes LED / fluorescent lamps (spotlights). In this case, you can save up to 70-80% of the electricity consumed and, accordingly, the cost of lighting.
  7. Reduced voltage in open areas. In some areas where there is free access to current-carrying elements, it is recommended to install sockets with a voltage of 12 V.

Following the rules discussed above allows you to avoid or, at least, reduce the likelihood of errors when installing lighting devices in the country house inside and outside the premises.

Street lighting for summer cottages (LED lights)

The functions of street lamps include not only illumination of the territory, but also the performance of other functions. Taking into account these factors, four variants of execution are distinguished – functional, decorative, protected and marking.

Light sources can be powered by a stationary network or an autonomous source, for example, wind turbines, solar panels and others. Let’s briefly consider each of the options.

See also:


The task of functional lighting is to create sufficient visibility outside the cottage. It can be used to highlight some elements of the landscape or structures in the suburban area. Installed luminaires should have a high level of light transmission and well illuminate the space for recreation or work.

Depending on the situation, the following elements may need to be illuminated:

  • gates, gates;
  • entrance to the terrace, entrance doors;
  • entrance to the garage, garden path;
  • outbuildings;
  • garage;
  • gazebo.


Appointment of lamps for illumination (marking) of any elements in the suburban area.

Depending on the situation, the following objects may need to be highlighted:

  1. Fence. Floodlights are mounted on all sides to illuminate the area around the perimeter.
  2. Tracks. Low power lamps are used, mounted along the edges of the sidewalk. Such lighting is necessary for moving in the dark, but without high requirements for visibility.
  3. Gates, gates. The purpose of lighting is to improve the illumination of the passage (passage) and protection against injury (damage to the vehicle). When performing work, LED strips or other lamps are used.
  4. Entrance doors. For lighting, street sconces or wall lamps are used. They not only improve visibility, but also create a decorative effect.
  5. Steps. They are mounted both on the stairs and above it. When installing in the floor, it is necessary to take into account the mechanical effect on them.


The purpose of such lighting is to decorate the summer cottage, taking into account the designer’s intent. This arrangement allows you to make the site more interesting and attractive.

The following options are possible here:

  • illumination of bushes, trees and other objects;
  • facade lighting;
  • eyeliner lines of decorative elements;
  • holiday lighting;
  • installation in flower beds, etc.

Most often, such lighting is used in the garden, places for recreation in the summer cottage, near the lake or the entrance to the object, near the gazebo.

When placed on a veranda or elsewhere, point light sources are used. They create pleasant lighting. Alternatively, you can use garlands made in a classic style using incandescent lamps. If possible, you can make LED strips.


The purpose of such lighting can be judged by the name. Its functions include providing a psychological effect to prevent penetration into the territory of the object. Most often, lamps are installed near gates, garages, windows, entrances and other areas.

To increase the effect, you can use a local response system, for example, turning on the light after a command from motion sensors.

When arranging security lighting, consider the following points:

  1. Use separately located light sources with motion sensors.
  2. The installation points of the luminaires are chosen so that the sensors control the approaches to the doors.
  3. During installation, check the dead zones in the operation of the sensors (they should not be).
  4. The system should work automatically.
  5. It is allowed to combine the security and accompanying functions when the light turns on when moving around the site.


When arranging any suburban area and at home, it is necessary to draw up a diagram. With its help, you can avoid mistakes when planning the lighting of garden and main paths, avoiding an overabundance of lamps and cables.

The diagram must indicate:

  • landscape / decorative elements;
  • the buildings;
  • paths, trees, flower beds;
  • main and secondary buildings;
  • location of lighting devices.

When adding luminaires to the scheme, it is necessary to specify the height of their placement, functions and type of illumination. This can be done using special icons.

The schema generation algorithm is as follows:

  1. Draw up a plan-scheme indicating light sources, lighting areas, cable routes.
  2. Mark the places for connecting lamps and connecting electrical lines.
  3. Set outlet/switch locations (if possible). You can use walk-through switches in buildings with a large area.
  4. Specify the type, size and design of fixtures, taking into account the installation features.
  5. Coordinate the scheme with other workers who are involved in creating the lighting of your home.

The scheme must be in order to avoid problems with the maintenance of the lighting system in the future. In the absence of experience and knowledge, it is better to entrust this work to specialists.

Fixtures for lighting cottages and their types

When arranging lighting in a summer cottage and indoors, deal with a variety of lamps and their types. They are divided according to several criteria: type, shape, design, type of installation, etc.

By type of lamp there are the following types:

  1. Incandescent. Low price, low resource, light output 5-10 W / Lm, strong heating.
  2. Gas-discharge. Also cheap, light output at the level of 12-15 Lm / W, a relatively small resource.
  3. Luminescent. Problems in working in the cold, light output – 25-50 Lm / W.
  4. LED. High price, long resource, light output – 90-120 Lm / W. Learn more about lighting levels.
Gas discharge lamp
LED lamp

Also, when illuminating a summer house, rarer devices can be used – fiber optic systems, sodium lamps and solar-powered lamps. The latter are charged from the sun during the day, and then work at night. On average, a charge lasts for 8-10 hours.

By type of installation and features:

  1. Floor / ground. They can be of different heights.
  2. Wall mounted.
  3. Suspended.
  4. Embedded.
  5. Front with a reflector.
  6. Dug in (installed in the ground, path, asphalt).
  7. With motion sensor.
  8. Decorative, high-tech, modern, sculptural, etc.

The use of country lighting by zones and functionality

The greatest difficulty is in arranging functional lighting that provides an adequate level of light in all areas of the house/garden. Illumination of the following areas is allowed.

Entrance (main / to the terrace or veranda)

Here, preference is given to street sconces or wall-type lamps. They provide the necessary illumination and can perform a decorative function.

Gate, gate

Lamps for manual / automatic control are used for lighting. Lamps should be placed at a height of 2-4 m to provide coverage of a larger area.

Path through the garden / to the garage

When lighting paths, it is recommended to use poles with a height of 0,7 to 1,4 m. It is better to use gas-discharge light sources of different capacities.

When choosing the latter, the density of installation, the width of the passages and other data are taken into account.

Backlight control is possible manually or automatically with the possibility of programming by time or by means of a relay (at nightfall).


The best option is to mount the lamp on the wall with the borders of the entrance. The setting is made in such a way that the lamps light up after a motion sensor command or simultaneously with other elements.

Household buildings

To work in the country in the evening, you need to install one / two or more spotlights. To increase the area of ​​illumination, install the device on a roof or support.


To illuminate this area, a lamp in the form of a ceiling lamp or a garland is used. The optimal place for installation is the center of the ceiling.

When choosing a shade, give preference to a product with a matte finish. It makes the light soft and prevents distortion. The light control switch is mounted in the house or directly in the gazebo.

See also:

Organization of lighting in a summer house without electricity

There are situations when the dacha and the dacha are located far from power lines, which does not allow bringing light to the site. Or the owner of the house wants to reduce the cost of paying for services.

In this case, you have to use alternative options, namely high-capacity batteries, wind / solar stations, solar-powered lamps.

Garden lighting from solar power plants

The most convenient option is to illuminate the cottage and summer cottage from solar energy. To do this, you can go in two ways: assemble the power plant yourself by purchasing the necessary components, or purchase a ready-made solution.

We make do-it-yourself solar-powered garden lighting

If desired, the lighting of the dacha based on solar panels can be done independently. But for this you need to understand the main types of systems, their features and subtleties of installation.


First, decide on the type of system, there are several options:

  1. Network. Differs in reasonable price and convenience of operation. Consists of an inverter and solar panels. The voltage from the latter is converted to a voltage of 220 / 380 V. The minus of the system is the need for a backbone network, without which the system will not work. In addition, such a power plant is not very profitable. For example, if the device produces 5 kW, and the cottage consumes only 3 kW, the remaining 2 kW will go to the network, but the meters will count the energy as consumed.
  2. hybrid. The system includes solar panels and a controller, a battery and a hybrid type inverter. The main element is an inverter, which “mixes” the energy of the external network with that received from batteries. The optimal mode is when the cottage is powered by stored electricity and only if necessary switches to an external network (for example, in cloudy weather or in case of discharge). Allows you to sell excess electricity at a feed-in tariff.
  3. Autonomous. Its advantage is to provide power only from batteries without an external voltage source. The system may include an autonomous inverter, battery, solar panels / controller.

In some cases, a low-power hydroelectric power station, a generator (gasoline, gas, diesel) or a wind farm are installed additionally or separately, providing energy to the facility and charging the battery.

What is a controller?

Regardless of the type, the solar power plant is equipped with a special controller.

This device is connected in series to the electrical circuit between solar panels and batteries, and monitors the operation of the latter (the degree of charge and discharge, the voltage supplied, dynamically regulates the current supplied to the battery during charging, etc.).

The principle of operation is as follows:

  1. Solar panels provide a voltage that is a multiple of 12 V.
  2. The controller receives the voltage and converts it to the required value.
  3. A suitable voltage parameter is transmitted to the battery, inverter, converted to 220 volts and then fed into the electrical network of the suburban area. The current flow sequence depends on the type of system used (standalone, hybrid, or networked).

This is a simplified diagram, but it allows you to understand the principle of the controller.

However, they are of two types:

  1. PWM. They operate with solar panels, the voltage of which does not exceed the parameter required for batteries.
  2. MRRT. Handle even clearly overvoltage. They have a higher efficiency and, accordingly, have a higher price.

Solar panels

Pay special attention to the choice of solar panels, which come in different types.

They consist of the following elements: mono- and polycrystalline, amorphous.

The panel includes:

  • glass;
  • EVA film;
  • solar cell;
  • sealant film.

Each of the elements is selected taking into account high requirements. For example, glass must have special fittings that reduce light reflection and refract light at an angle.

The EVA film must have the necessary transparency, because the amount of energy that enters the element depends on this.

The elements themselves also differ in quality. They come in Grade, A, B, C, D types (the highest quality A-option). The finish film must be of optimal quality and hermetically seal the surface.

Solar panels vary by manufacturer. Most often it is China and the Russian Federation. When choosing a manufacturer, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that the solar panel has passed the full cycle of tests and meets the declared characteristics.

See also:

How to assemble with your own hands

Before purchasing and installing, calculate the complex in order to eliminate errors with its placement and laying of cable products.

The general algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Lay the cable between the inverter and the solar panels. If there is a large distance between the elements, it is recommended to lay the cable with a margin for thickness and current.
  2. Install the panels on the rails. As the latter, you can use aluminum corners installed using homemade mounts.
  3. Connect the panel blocks in series. Good connectors can be used for connection, guaranteeing excellent contact and tightness.
  4. Charge the battery. This can be done with a car charger.
  5. Connect the battery to the inverter. To do this, use a 25 “square” cable. Please note that a spark may be seen during the first connection. Confusion with polarity is not terrible. As for the section, it is enough for 100-110 A, which will take place when connecting a 5-kilowatt inverter.
  6. Connect the home load and the external network.
  7. Connect solar panels. The main thing here is to correctly connect the “plus” and “minus”.
  8. Turn on the inverter, and then set the battery type, operation mode, charging currents and other data.
  9. For convenience, install the utility on the PC, showing the operation of the inverter online.

Read the recommendations for installing a solar panel with your own hands.

What does the market offer?

Nowadays, there are plenty of proposals for sets of solar power plants that are suitable for dacha lighting. Let’s highlight the best option, which includes (purchased separately): TopRay Solar battery, InfiniSolar hybrid inverter, AGM Parus battery.

Solar battery TopRay Solar 280 W Mono (10 pcs.)

TopRay Solar is one of the largest green electricity producers in China. Products of this company are included in the list approved for use by the California Energy Commission.


  • type of elements – single crystal, class A;
  • number of cells – 60;
  • frame – anodized Al;
  • glass – tempered, thickness 3,2 mm;
  • cross-section / wire length – 4 sq. mm, length – 1 m;
  • connectors – MC4, junction box IP67;
  • overall dimensions – 164,8x990x4 cm;
  • operating temperature – from 40 to +85 degrees Celsius;
  • upper power threshold – 280 W;
  • voltage limit – 31,8 V;
  • short circuit current – 9,3 A;
  • XX voltage – 38,6 V;
  • Cell / module efficiency – 19,77 / 17,06 percent;
  • service life – not less than 30 years.

Hybrid inverter InfiniSolar V 5K-48

Multifunctional inverter of the 3rd level, combining the options of an autonomous and networked device.

The advantages include the option of selling electricity to the network, the use of batteries, a pure sine wave at the output, the ability to adjust charge thresholds, the option of monitoring and remote control through a mobile operator.


  • type – transformerless;
  • power – 5 kW;
  • maximum (peak power) – 10 kW (up to 5 s);
  • ports – RS232 or USB;
  • maximum battery power – 6 kW;
  • mains voltage range – from 184 to 265,5 V;
  • output current – 21,7 A;
  • input voltage / frequency / current strength – from 90 to 280 V, 50/60 Hz, 40 A;
  • battery voltage – 48 V;
  • maximum charge current / PV / AC – 120, 60, 180 A;
  • protection level – IP20;
  • temperature – from 0 to 50 degrees Celsius;
  • dimensions – 19×29,5×48,3 cm;
  • weight – 16 kg.

Battery AGM Sail AGM-12-200 (2 – 4 pieces)

The lead-acid type battery is designed for long service life, providing uninterrupted power and operating under the condition of a large number of charge and discharge cycles.

Due to the fixed position of the electrolyte, battery operation is possible in any position.


  • dimensions – 33×17,1×21,5 mm;
  • number of elements – 6;
  • voltage – 12 V;
  • capacity – 100 Ah;
  • discharge current – 900 A;
  • self-discharge – 3% of capacity in 30 days;
  • weight – 32,4 kg;
  • internal resistance of a charged battery – 5,7 mOhm;
  • service life – not less than a year.

Additionally, a fastening panel system is required. There are two options available here – buy a professional one or get by with homemade devices. The second option is convenient because it allows you to save money.

What does the kit give

Installation of a solar power plant using the equipment discussed above produces up to 5000 W of power. You can purchase the same system, install an interface module and make a three-phase network (if necessary). The inverter weighs relatively little (about 15 kg) and takes up little space.

The power of the panels according to the data sheet is 2,52 kW, but in reality it produces no more than 2,4 kW. For maximum effect, it is recommended to install panels with an angle to the horizon of 45 degrees, but you can set it to 30.

It is advisable to charge the batteries no more than half. This is enough for eight hours of work without solar energy. With the advent of the sun, the battery begins to charge, providing the house with the necessary electricity.

To guarantee full autonomy, an additional generator and battery may be required. This is due to the short daylight hours in winter.

Ready Solutions

If you do not want to assemble it yourself, you can buy ready-made solutions for giving. The market offers a large selection of products that are designed for different power, ranging from 1000 to 10 watts.

Popular models include:

  1. Dacha (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).
  2. House (1, 2, 3, 4).
  3. Cottage (1, 2).

For example, consider the option Dacha-4, which is optimal for joint use with the power grid, and for autonomous use.

Installing such a kit in the country allows you to get up to 8,4 kWh / day, as well as save electricity in batteries and supply 220 V with a power of up to 3 kW (6 kW for a short time).

It is used to power lighting installations and household equipment with a total power of up to 3000 W. The capacity of the batteries included in the kit is 4,8 kWh, which leaves a reserve of energy for the night or for the issuance of voltage in the absence of sufficient sun.

If necessary, the reserve can be increased by installing additional batteries.

Composition of consumers:

  • Light – 200 W, 5 h / day;
  • laptop / smartphone – 100 W, 5 h / day;
  • TV — 200 W, 5 h/day;
  • circulation pump – 100 W, 12 hours / day;
  • PC – 100 W, around the clock;
  • washing machine – 1 kW, 1 h / day.
  • refrigerator – 100 W, around the clock;

The average consumption per day is 7,2 kWh.


  • 330 W battery, SilaSolar, PERC 5BB — 3 pcs.;
  • inverter – Sila V 3000P (PF 1/0) – 1;
  • 6 sq. cable mm – black and red, 7 each;
  • Schottky diode MS4 at 15A – 3;
  • AKB Sun Stone Power ML 12-200 — 2;
  • MC4 connector for 30 A – 2;
  • charge balancer for 2 batteries at 12 volts – 1;
  • connector MS4 Y-3;
  • jumpers for batteries for 260/25, 1500/25 – 1 and 2;
  • SPD DC 2P – 1.
  • fuse ANL 200A and FDS-32 – 1 each;
  • fuse holder ANL 200A and FDS-32 – 1 each;

Dacha-4 parameters:

  • total weight – 229 kg;
  • total battery power – 3×330 W;
  • maximum power – 3000 W;
  • output voltage – 220 V;
  • battery resource – 10 years;
  • battery type – AGM, not serviced;
  • total capacity – 2×200 Ah;
  • panel resource – 20 years;
  • warranty – 12 months.

Other solutions

The market offers a wide range of options. For example, the Letnyaya Dacha solar power plant provides 90 kW of electricity per month. The average daily consumption is about 3 kW, and the power of the panels is 500 watts. At the same time, devices with a power of up to 1,5 kW can be connected to the system, and the amount of accumulated energy in the battery is 2 kW.

An equally interesting option is the Leto na Dacha solar power plant for 3 kW, 24 V and 460 mAh. The battery capacity is 230 mAh and 24 V. The estimated operating time is 400 W for 10 hours and 800 W for 5 hours. The number of SBs is 6×250 W.

The system is equipped with an inverter type Smart Watt ECO 3K 24 V. The kit itself can be used to power various electrical appliances in the country (lighting, TV, refrigerator, phone charger, and others).

Today, many private companies are engaged in the collection of solar power plants for cottages / houses using different elements. When choosing, it is important to pay attention to the components and their manufacturers.

The same principle applies here as when assembling a personal PC – there are many companies, and their components are from the same manufacturers (usually reliable). But there are exceptions, especially for one-day firms, so when choosing a solar power plant, it is important not to run into such firms.

To avoid mistakes, it is important to read reviews about the company, pay attention to the period of its activity and the types of additional services (delivery, installation, warranty, after-sales service). Ideally, if the company is located in your city.

See also:

Solar Street Lights

One of the options for dacha lighting is the installation of autonomous street lamps. They are solar-powered and designed for spot lighting in different areas.

The main areas requiring illumination:

  • paths to the gazebo;
  • approaches to the garden or recreation area;
  • main entrance, etc.

Read more on solar street lights.

Wind power plants for summer cottages

The topic of wind farms is very extensive and requires special attention. Such power plants are used to illuminate the dacha less often than solar panels, but this option should not be completely dismissed either. Below we will consider the main points that require attention.


The wind farm consists of the following components:

  1. Bladed rotor. It can be with two, three or more blades.
  2. Reducer. Changes the speed of rotation between the generator and the rotor.
  3. “Tail” of the windmill – directs the structure in the wind.
  4. Frame. Protects internal elements of the equipment from mechanical influences.
  5. battery. Accumulates electrical energy and gives off electricity in adverse weather conditions.
  6. inverter. Converts direct current to alternating current.


Windmills are classified according to several criteria that you need to pay attention to when choosing equipment.

In the direction of rotation of the blades:

  • horizontal;
  • vertical (more stable).

Number of blades:

  • two;
  • three;
  • multi-bladed.

By material:

  • hard;
  • sailing (they are cheaper, but have less strength).

Control type:

  • fixed pitch;
  • changing step.

Operating principle

The wind farm works according to the following principle. The wind rotates the blades fixed on a metal mast. This rotation drives the generator rotor, which generates an alternating electric current.

The latter enters the converter, where the alternating voltage is converted to direct. Wind of 4-5 meters per second is sufficient for operation.

According to the principle of operation, wind turbines can:

  1. Work in parallel with solar power plants (batteries), gasoline (diesel) generators, backup batteries.
  2. Autonomous.

Choice of size and installation location

When choosing dimensions, it is necessary to determine the amount of energy consumed. To calculate, you must use the following formula: AEO u1.64d XNUMX * D * V.

Here AEO is the amount of electricity consumed per year, D is the diameter of the rotor (m), and V is the average annual wind speed (m/s). Based on the information received, a decision can be made on the dimensions of the wind turbine.

When determining the installation location, it is important to consider the following features:

  1. There should be no trees, buildings or other objects nearby that could interfere with work.
  2. Installation is carried out on a special structure, which should be several meters above the barrier, located at a distance of at least 200 m.
  3. The distance from the “windmill” to residential facilities is about 30-40 m, in order to reduce the sound from the rotation of the blades.

Wind farms have a number of advantages. Their effectiveness does not depend on the season, and the payback is five to seven years. Parts of the device wear out slowly, so the equipment can last more than 30 years.

Of the minuses – a high mast, the need for regular maintenance and the risk of damage to equipment when weather conditions worsen.

More information about wind farms.

From a 12 V battery (autonomous)

This option is suitable for indoor lighting of cottages, houses and other objects. To work, you will need a DJW12-9.0 (12V9.0AH) battery or another with similar characteristics. Alternatively, you can use the device for 12 and 9 Ah.

To calculate the battery run time, these parameters must be multiplied, resulting in 108 Wh.

You will also need an LED and a resistor. The first consumes 10 watts, and the second 5 watts, which allows you to get a total of 15 watts in one hour of time.

To find out how long the LED can work with the resistor from the battery, you need to divide 108 by 15. It turns out that the light source will work for 7,2 hours, provided that the battery is 100% charged.

Given that the charge level rarely exceeds 90%, the battery life will be slightly lower.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of LED.


  1. Luminous flux from 800 to 900 Lm.
  2. Illumination angle 120 degrees.
  3. The voltage on the contacts is from 9 to 12 V.
  4. The color temperature is warm white.
  5. Wavelength – from 6000 to 6500 K.

Since the battery voltage is higher, a resistor or driver is required. The first option is more affordable, so it is given the main preference.

Conditions for using the LED:

  1. Passive cooling requires the use of an additional heat sink. For these purposes, a radiator is used, having an area of ​​​​300 square meters. cm.
  2. Be sure to use heat-conducting paste during installation.
  3. The top of the radiator must be level at the mounting point.
  4. It is forbidden to apply voltage to the LED without a driver.

The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Prepare the UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply). Needed only for the sake of the battery, indicated as an example.
  2. Disassemble the unit and connect the wires to the battery, taking into account the polarity.
  3. Make a small knot so the wire doesn’t pull out of the UPS.
  4. Collect the UPS.
  5. Connect the wire from the power supply (plus) to the middle leg of the switch (use soldering).
  6. Isolate the open area.
  7. Solder the resistor to the other leg (the side doesn’t matter) and insulate it.
  8. Connect the second wire (minus) to the second side of the resistor and solder it. Put on some heat shrink first.
  9. Collect the wires in one bundle and insulate them.
  10. Put the LED on the radiator and make holes with a drill.
  11. Get some PC thermal paste and smear the back of the LED for better heat dissipation.
  12. Install the LED on the heatsink (paste side down) and screw it on.
  13. Strip the wires and put heat shrink on them.
  14. Connect plus and minus with respect to polarity. It is very important. The LED should have a special designation.
  15. Insulate the wires by heating the heat shrink tubing.

The size of the radiator should be somewhere around 5,5×2,5 cm. Using a smaller device is not recommended due to the risk of burning the LED.

At the final stage, secure everything with electrical tape and make four holes in the radiator to attach the device to the chandelier.

Now check the operation of the light source by switching the switch to the on position.

Garden path lighting

When arranging the lighting of paths for giving, the emphasis is on marking functions. For connection, a stationary network or lamps powered by solar cells are used. Let’s consider each of the stages separately.

Creating a project

To begin with, think over a plan for further actions, the general algorithm is as follows:

  1. Create a lighting scheme.
  2. Select lighting devices and decide on the installation method.
  3. Decide on the cabling method.
  4. Calculate the amount of materials needed.
  5. Prepare the work area.
  6. Install wiring for connecting fixtures.
  7. Install the poles where the lights will be mounted.
  8. Plug in the lighting.
  9. Complete the system with control / monitoring devices.

Set of components for work and requirements

Before starting work, prepare everything you need.

The kit includes:

  1. Luminaires for outdoor use. Requirements – tightness, resistance to moisture, the ability to withstand temperature measurements, maintaining aesthetics throughout the entire service life. Degree of protection IP65, IP66.
  2. Control equipment. Its functions include system automation, which reduces the time spent on maintenance. This group includes various light / motion sensors, as well as rheostats that reduce power consumption.
  3. Cable products, wires and other “small” elements (corrugation, ties, terminal blocks, etc.).

Cable installation

At the next stage, you can proceed to the laying of cable products.

There are two options available here:

  1. Underground. This is the safest solution to minimize the risk of damage. This reduces the risk of negative effects of weather conditions or accidental human impact.
  2. Air. The advantage of the method is its clarity and minimal time costs. This option is suitable when the lamp is placed on the roof, or two poles are installed, mounted next to each other.

It is better to place a shield for voltage distribution inside the object, followed by wiring to the garage, shed, bathhouse, technical rooms, street lighting, including paths.

We use special paint and stones

When arranging a dacha and lighting paths, you can use special stones, luminescent paint, as well as use flower beds, small slides and other decor in design elements.

The advantages of such a solution are in a stylish appearance and safety of moving around the sites.

There are two solutions here:

  1. Purchase of ready-made designer stones.
  2. Creating your own highlight (more preferred option).

To create path lighting using stones and special paint, do the following:

  1. Find suitable stones. They can be found on your own or neighboring sites. Alternatively, use medium-sized pebbles that need to be washed and dried.
  2. Buy paint that glows at night. This is due to the phosphor, which is part of such products. This paint is easy to buy in building markets or stores that sell kits for creativity.
  3. Find a container with a trash bag in the bottom.
  4. Pour the prepared stones into the container and pour the paint.
  5. Stir the entire composition to evenly distribute the dye.

As alternative solutions, you can use a water bottle with paint (suitable for small stones) or aerosol cans with the necessary phosphor composition.

After the stones have dried, lay them out on the summer cottage along the paths, as well as taking into account the individual plan.

Optionally, you can pour stones over the entire area or highlight only the paths. As an option – the designation with the help of paint of any marks.

For this method, use only light stones that glow better. If you paint dark stones, the light from them will be very weak. But keep in mind that phosphor paints only give light for a few hours after dark.

LED lighting of vegetation near the paths

If desired, you can highlight the vegetation located near the paths.

Here you can use the following options:

  1. Classic garden lamp. Gives a stable glow and is in great demand. On sale there are models powered by batteries and electricity.
  2. String lights. Suitable for decorating trees and lighting the path. You can use light sources with white and yellow glow.
  3. Hidden lamps. Equipped with a special top cover that provides light diffusion. The use of such structures allows you to create a soft light aura.
  4. Ground lights. They have a round shape and create a feeling of the output of the sun’s stream from the earth. The problem is that the rays are directed towards the sky, which can strain your eyes. To eliminate the effect, you can use the vegetation above the lamp as a diffuser of the light flux.
  5. Candles in lanterns. They create a special chic, form a bright effect.
  6. Decorative garden lamps. They go well with tall plants and create a unique atmosphere.
  7. Candlestick lanterns. An option that will appeal to lovers of everything unusual.
  8. Paper lanterns. The placement of such lamps near the path gives special warmth to the summer cottage without violating the overall style.
  9. LED backlight. Alternatively, you can use the glow of LED lights, the light of which must be directed to the vegetation.
  10. Staircase lights. They are used to illuminate the stairs at night, they are built into the ends of the structure – they can also be used in the country.
  11. String lamps on the fence. This is a new trend that allows you to solve the issue of lighting the site in the country. The downside is that the bulbs can blind if they are at eye level. With high sensitivity to light, it is better to use milky white bulbs.
  12. Bamboo torches. This is an original way to light a path in a summer cottage, but you must be aware of the risk of open fire for children and animals. An additional disadvantage is the smell of burning oil, which can pester people with a good sense of smell.
  13. Vintage lantern. A classic-style lamp can be hung on a door or wall near the beginning of the path.
  14. Glass bottle lamps. The most popular shades are green, brown, red, yellow and purple. Glass bottles can be used as candlesticks.
  15. Color pot. Alternatively, you can use a pot with plants and a light bulb in the center near the path. In this way, it is possible to create a full-fledged lamp.

Cottage lighting with spotlights

Some manufacturers produce special spotlights that can also be used to illuminate the cottage.

They have a degree of protection IP65 and IP67, which allows you to install devices in open areas and not worry about moisture or mechanical stress.

When choosing, you need to consider a number of points:

  1. Working voltage. It is advisable to choose that the range is from 85 to 265 V. If the device operates in the range from 110 to 220 V, it is better to refuse to purchase.
  2. Spotlight power. The higher this setting, the brighter the light source. The power parameter starts at 10 and ends at 150 watts. Small power products are suitable for decorative function.
  3. operating temperatures. Here the manufacturer indicates different ranges, for example, from -30 to +50 degrees Celsius or from -40 to +55 degrees Celsius. Here you need to focus on the weather conditions in the region.
  4. Degree of protection against moisture / dust. All floodlights that are installed outdoors must be protected from IP65 and above. In this case, you can avoid installing an additional “roof”.
  5. Light flow. The higher the power, the greater the luminous flux parameter. For example, for 10 W, a parameter of 860-960 Lm is characteristic, and for 150 W – 10 Lm.
  6. Light source. Here it is possible to use SMD, discrete or COB type LEDs.
  7. Brightness. To determine the illumination, it is necessary to take into account the declared power. So, at 50 W there is 110-120 Lx, at 70 – 170-180, at 100 – 190-200, and at 150 – 400-410.
  8. Illumination area. To calculate this parameter, you need to know the scattering angle. For example, for SMD spotlights, this parameter is 120 degrees Celsius. In this case, the formula itself has the following form: S = PR2 / 360 degrees. So, with a radius of five meters, the lighting area is 26,17 square meters. m. It turns out that the optimal level of illumination within such an area is provided by spotlights of 50-60 watts.
Spotlight with solar panel

For greater clarity, you can give a table of the dependence of power, lm and lighting area.

Power, W

Illumination, Lm

Lighting area, sq. m

Distance, m





























Automatic shutdown of country lighting

For greater convenience, it is recommended to automatically turn on / off the lights in the country.

The most popular options include:

  • motion sensor – reacts to movement and controls the light;
  • microcontroller – allows you to change the on / off time, brightness, ignition sequence;
  • time relay – makes it possible to set the time for applying / removing voltage;
  • photorelay – automatically turns on the light when the light level decreases.

The above equipment can be used individually or in combination. Much depends on the purpose and location of the lighting.

See also:

LED lighting for a summer residence

When installing lighting for a summer residence, you can use lamps based on LEDs. This category includes spotlights, ribbons and various types of fixtures. The organization of such technology differs little from that discussed above.

By installation, lamps are of the following types:

  • invoices;
  • recessed;
  • suspended;
  • overhead / embedded;
  • hanging patches.

Other criteria must also be taken into account:

  1. Trademark. Today Galad, JazzWay, Good Light, Gauss and others are in demand.
  2. Power – from 9 to 35 W;
  3. Luminous flux – up to 24 lm;
  4. The presence of a dimmer.
  5. Service life – from 3 to 30 hours. Filament LED lamps last up to 000 hours.
  6. The size.
  7. Attachment included.
  8. Warranty, etc.

But there are nuances here, in particular, the system consists of the following elements:

  • voltage transformer;
  • LED lamps, spotlights and ribbons;
  • low voltage cables;
  • color controller.

Therefore, this may cause installation problems for some.

See also:

Poles for lighting for a summer residence

For the installation of fixtures, it is often necessary to install poles, which you can make yourself or buy.

They can be made from the following components:

  1. Concrete. Such designs are economical, easy to install and easy to replace.
  2. Forging. Steel, which has a decorative shape, is used as the basis. In the manufacture of cold or hot forging is used. Stylish design, high price. Made to order.
  3. Steel lamppost. Illuminate a small area, mounted near the house or in the park. Made using stainless steel or aluminium.
  4. Tree. This arrangement may be temporary or permanent. Depending on the wood, the type of impregnation and the characteristics of care, it may have a different resource.
  5. Composite. It is made from a mixture of wood and polymers. They are more durable when compared with wood, but inferior to steel or iron products.

Poles can be sold immediately with fixtures that are characterized by the following criteria:

  • power – from 3 to 100 kW;
  • base: E14, E27, GU10 and GX53;
  • lighting – from 350 to 16 lm;
  • color temperature – from 2700 to 4200 K;
  • degree of protection – from IP 20 to IP 67;
  • operating voltage – 220 V.

If it is planned to install a large number of poles at the summer cottage, it is advisable to buy them. Wholesale is cheaper.

Lighting for a summer residence, which the market offers

There are many ready-made solutions for organizing lighting in the country. The following lighting options are available for customers to choose from:

  • on stakes;
  • ground swivel;
  • beam ground;
  • rectangular ground;
  • rechargeable;
  • square ground;
  • round ground;
  • wall-mounted;
  • ground;
  • suspended, etc.

For example, the Solar solar ground lamp is rated at 4 W, has IP 65, 3000-6000 K. It has a luminous efficiency of 80 Lm / W, a service life of about 50 hours. The body is made of stainless steel, aluminum and hardened mirror. Operating temperature from -000 to +40 degrees Celsius.

Another option is the Techno 1449 street wall lamp in black. It has small dimensions and lighting area of ​​6 square meters. m. The maximum lamp power is 60 W, voltage is 220 V.

Externally, the product is made in modern and techno style, made of black metal. Designed for outdoor or wall placement. The connection is made using concealed wiring.

There are many offers on the market, just contact a specialized store.

Features of the installation of lighting in the country

Before installing the lights to illuminate the paths, prepare the base, it can be compacted earth or concrete. In the first case, a special metal tip is used (done using a metal corner).

Other recommendations:

  • prepare a project indicating the location of all light sources;
  • when connecting fluorescent lamps, do not use them at negative temperatures;
  • in country cottages, where you come only in summer, use solar-powered light sources;
  • to illuminate the building, you can use LED and halogen lamps;
  • use motion sensors to automate backlighting with lower costs;
  • for lighting paths, opt for solar-powered lights or underground cabling to protect the wires from negative influences. But the cable itself, in its pure form, is laid in the ground if it is armored of the KL brand, otherwise the laying is carried out in a double-walled HDPE corrugation, as a rule, it is red;
  • use the red signal tape that lies on top of the cable;
  • in recreation areas, try to use lamps with diffusers to make the light softer.

See also:

expert Tips

In conclusion, we give a number of useful tips that can be useful when installing garden lighting.

Expert Tips:

  1. Use solar lamps for garden paths, which are distinguished by their low price, practicality and beauty.
  2. The level of protection must be from IP43 and above.
  3. Do not use incandescent lamps, because they have little efficiency and are impractical. Give preference to LED bulbs.
  4. If possible, make a lamp with your own hands. You can find many effective schemes on the Internet.
  5. Approach with the utmost seriousness the calculation of the cable section. Seemingly minor mistakes can lead to serious consequences.
  6. If possible, install 12 V fixtures with a step-down transformer.
  7. Pay attention to the quality of the wire connection in the ground and when laying through the air. Normal twists are prohibited. It is advisable to use special terminals and couplings.
  8.  You can control the lighting in the country house by simulating presence using a GSM socket.

And most importantly – if possible, use the battery to create autonomous lighting in the country. In this case, it will be possible to illuminate the area even when the electricity is turned off.

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