Do-it-yourself constipation for swing gates of the garage and fencing

Swing gates are often used for garages and courtyards of private houses. In order to securely and quickly lock them, it is important to additionally install the main element of protection – a deadbolt for the gate. It is easy to open and holds the doors firmly in place.

Various types of locks for gates

What is a deadbolt? This is a locking mechanism that ensures reliable fixation of the gate in the closed position. Qualitatively manufactured constipation makes it possible to significantly simplify the opening / closing of the gate and make them more reliable. Most of the models are designed to be opened only from the inside without the use of keys, in other words, it will not work to open the bolt from the outside.

Varieties of bolting

There are many types of constipation, some of which are readily available in hardware stores. But recently, the owners prefer to create their own locking mechanisms using materials such as metal (rods, channels, strips) or wood.

The wooden gate valve is made for wooden entrance gates, as for the metal gate valve – it is more versatile and is installed on combined, metal, profiled or wooden gates. There are various manufacturing methods. For example, forging – products are distinguished by reliability and attractive appearance. But for this method it is important to have certain knowledge, skills and equipment. Since it is not so easy to use forging equipment, the owners prefer to use compact welding machines, grinders, drills, etc. Among the most common types of deadbolts, it is worth noting the following:

  1. Swivel – such as “barrier”, “turntable” They are distinguished by ease of manufacture, reliability and strength of holding the wings. Most often, a wooden beam is used for production. Among the shortcomings – the product does not look modern enough, besides, in some designs it is physically difficult to control the mechanism. Although not always these parameters are considered a disadvantage, since a certain design of the gate requires a more “rough” execution of the deadbolt.
  2. “Latch” also refers to rotary, but it is possible to install it only with a strong fixation of one of the halves of the gate. Mainly used on gates and doors.
    Latch lock can be installed with a strong fixation of one of the wings
  3. Horizontal sliding – “espagnolette” or strip of a simple type. The product is mounted on a frame or turnover mechanism. As in the case of the “latch”, one of the wings is additionally equipped with clamps or locks of a vertical type.
  4. Vertical sliding – are installed separately at the bottom of each gate leaf, which allows them to be securely fixed both in the open and in the closed position. If the locks are installed in the garage, then the fastening is carried out either in the upper or in the lower (subject to a reliable frame) part of the gate. If the frame is easy to bend, then it is better to install from above and below on each half.
Vertical lock for gate

According to the type of construction, 4 types are distinguished.

  1. A simple type is a deadbolt. Assembled in a short time. At the same time, they are distinguished by high strength and in case of strong gusts of wind, the gate will not open.
  2. Constipation on additional eyes. Durable steel is used for production, often mounted on garage doors.
  3. Bolt bolt – metal pipe scraps and metal rods are used. Rods from 0,5 to 1 meter long.
  4. Latch for sliding gates of a folding type – works due to 4 curved hooks and a steel plate. Wood can also be used for production. A wooden bolt can be seen not only on the gate, but also on the gate.

We make a “turntable” and a “barrier” with our own hands

Let’s start with the most common model – the “turntable”. The turntable is used to close industrial or agricultural premises, in which double-leaf swing gates are provided. This is the easiest variety to make. One of the main advantages is the ease of manufacturing on your own (without involving a pro).

The simplest device at the rotary constipation

You will have to make it yourself also for the reason that factory production simply does not exist. The product must fully fit the type and size of the gate.

Turntable production algorithm

  1. Prepare a steel strip (for example, a channel) or a wooden beam of the desired length. It is recommended to choose a length approximately 2/3 of the existing sash width so that at least 1/3 of each sash is covered to ensure maximum security. Most often it is 1 meter. If a timber beam is chosen for production, then its thickness must correspond to at least 5 millimeters, for a steel strip – a width within 50 millimeters, and a thickness – more than 5 millimeters.
  2. Prepare the sash. Step back from the edge 60 – 100 millimeters and make a hole for the M10-M12 bolt. It is important that the bolt has a wide head and the required length (capturing the thickness of the gate, beam, two washers and 2 nuts).
  3. Preparing the bolt. Its head after fastening should not stand out, and for this you first need to grind off its edges.
  4. Drill the channel and beam in the middle and put on the bolt, securing it with an additional 2 lock nuts.
  5. Fix fixed-type channels on both wings, into which the locking part will then be fixed. The slots can be made wedge-shaped so that they are easier to attract when closing.

The spinner is distinguished by high clamping capacity, reliability, durability and, most importantly, it is popular for those who like to do everything with their own hands.

The second type of constipation is the “barrier bolt”. It is also popular due to its simplicity and increased reliability.

Barrier manufacturing algorithm

  1. Pick up an iron channel or timber. At any point of the beam (but not in the middle), drill a hole for the M10-M12 bolt – optimally at a distance of 80 millimeters from the end. The calculation of the length of the beam is made, as in the previous case.
  2. Make markings on the sash, attaching the intended deadbolt. Drill a through-type hole with a diameter for the selected bolt. It is important to consider the type of bolt, since it is on it that the main load will be carried. Its cap should be as wide as possible to ensure a secure stop. Outside, the hat should be hidden.
  3. Make 3 grips on the wings. The first one on the bolt fastening sash is needed to stop when opening. The second and third on the second leaf (in the middle and closer to the end, focusing on constipation). You can additionally install eyelets for attaching a padlock – you get a mount for a padlock.

Deadbolt gate valves

Another type of bolt design is sliding. For its production, wooden or steel strips are used. For self-production, you need to have locksmith skills and a set of tools.

The thickness of the gate metal must be thick enough to prevent bending.


  1. Prepare the steel strip. Its length must be at least 40 centimeters, and its width – 5 centimeters.
  2. Since the strip will move along the guides, they must be fixed to the gate by welding. The bolt is attached to the sash through the use of self-tapping screws or the same welding.
  3. After installation, a groove is also installed on the second sash for fixing the second half of the steel strip.

Sometimes, to make a deadbolt with the ability to lock, holes are additionally drilled or special arches are mounted.

Decorative shutter looks impressive

Bolt type “espagnolette”

The espagnolette for swing gates is most often made of a metal rod with a diameter of 1 centimeter or more. Using welding, a handle is attached to it in a T-shaped way or simply bent. In addition, it is important to prepare a hollow tube (it is advisable to choose dense steel). The inner diameter of the tube should allow the rod to pass freely inside without backlash and delay.

Algorithm for performing work.

  1. Divide the tube prepared in advance into 3 parts – one long up to 10 centimeters and two short (about 5 centimeters each).
  2. A long part is attached to one sash. On the second – a short part. Attached by welding.
  3. Insert the rod into the tube, and fasten another short part within the edge. Check that the leaves open and close without obstruction.
  4. In addition, eyelets for a padlock can be mounted.

Vertical bolts

Latches of this kind are often installed as auxiliary ones, to securely fix the lower part of the gate and hold the leaves in the open position. For their manufacture, a rod made of durable metal is used, with a diameter of 1 centimeter, which is pre-bent into an L-shape. And pick up an additional tube that will match the diameter of the rod.

Vertical lock with return spring

The tube is welded to the lower part of the valves, insert a rod into it and build an additional hole in the ground (usually with the hammered part of the tube). Additionally, you can mount an additional stop on the gate so that you can fix the open leaves.

Do-it-yourself constipation of a sea container

One of the most convenient designs is the constipation with which the sea container is locked. Such a valve is manufactured according to the following algorithm.

  1. In three places on the pressing part, it is necessary to weld rings with a leg to pass a smooth pipe. The diameter of the rings should be in the range of 1,5–1,6 centimeters. The first ring is 20 centimeters from the top of the goal, the second is exactly in the middle, the third is 20 centimeters from the bottom of the goal.
  2. Prepare a metal rod with hooks on both sides.
  3. On the frames on both sides (top and bottom), attach the hook holders.
  4. When the hooks are fixed, the gate is securely locked; it is not possible to open them from the outside.

If it is not possible to make the parts yourself, then you can purchase the parts necessary for assembly in the store. A repair kit from a Gazelle car van is suitable. It remains only to add a bar to it and assemble it.

Making a garage bolt

In the country, in a garage or a country house, bolts are always relevant. A reliable deadbolt can be quickly and effortlessly made with your own hands from the simplest materials.

Additional locking mechanisms for garage doors are a must that will protect your property from break-ins. According to the principle of production, additional valves are not difficult – a metal strip is used to rigidly fix both gate leaves.

At the same time, 4 types of mechanisms for fixing and moving the strip are distinguished:

  • double-sided swivel bolt – made according to the container principle;
  • sliding – production algorithm according to the type of valve;
  • rotary – the principle of “barrier” or “turntable”;
  • double-sided crossbar – according to the principle of the “vertical” deadbolt.
Blocking of the sash with a bolt lock from above and below

And all these types are quite easy to do on your own, while ensuring reliable fixation of garage doors for more than one century. There are also spring bolts, for their manufacture you will need special skills and abilities, they are somewhat more complicated, but at the same time no less reliable in operation.

An easy way to secure a gate

There is a tricky way to lock the gates of a street fence that does not require any great expense. At the junction of the gate, a piece of profile with a recess of a special shape is installed and concreted. The sashes fall into the groove and are fixed by some object of a suitable size. This design, by the way, allows you to unload the supporting pillars.

Make it yourself or buy a valve

Latches for gates are often bought, but for gates they prefer to make their own. And there is an explanation for this.

  1. The gate is used much more often, therefore, the mechanism must be durable, work flawlessly and look aesthetically pleasing.
  2. In terms of their design and dimensions, the gates are more standard, and it is much easier to choose a locking mechanism.
  3. Gates have a greater individuality: design, materials, dimensions. At the same time, constipation for swing gates is usually of a hidden type. As a result, beauty is in the background, safety and reliability come to the fore.

It is for all these reasons that the manufacture of locking devices for gates is more demanding and is made independently, as they say, to be sure. But what type of constipation to choose – it’s up to you.

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