Do-it-yourself closed gazebo for summer cottages: options for covered frame garden pavilions, project and step-by-step execution

A closed gazebo for a summer residence with your own hands is a good way to expand your living space. Over time, such a building can be dismantled without violating the integrity of the main building. If desired, it can be equipped with garden furniture and portable equipment.

Types of closed structures

The main advantage of closed buildings is one hundred percent protection from the weather. Depending on your own preferences and financial capabilities, you can install in your summer cottage:

  1. Finnish house with an area of ​​​​10 to 18 squares. This refers to the construction of a standard form with autonomous exhaust ventilation, in which it is realistic to equip the kitchen area.
  2. Fully glazed buildings, where at any time of the year it is light and cozy. Transforming gazebos with sliding walls are especially popular.
  3. Structures of a semi-closed type with forged decorative elements and wooden crates. This is the best solution for summer and off-season.
  4. Brick extensions with external and internal wiring. They belong to capital construction projects, therefore, they need state registration.

Do-it-yourself closed gazebo for summer cottages: options for covered frame garden pavilions, project and step-by-step execution

It is important to decide on the type of roof and base at the design stage of the gazebo.

Video “Closed gazebo with a pond with your own hands”

From this video you will learn how to build a wooden gazebo with an artificial pond.

Experience in building a closed gazebo made of wood with an artificial pond, a gazebo with your own hands

What to build from

In answering this question, most experts lean towards the tree. Pine, for example, lends itself well to sanding and staining. Its unique white-pink color, combined with the loose structure of the wood, contributes to the creation of unusual decorative elements. Spruce is more suitable for gluing bulky components with your own hands. And if you need to increase the shelf life of the structure by at least 10 years, it is better to build walls from larch.

Resins predominate in the composition of this material, which sometimes makes it difficult to process raw materials with professional equipment. However, unlike pine, it has a higher resistance to warping. Larch almost does not absorb moisture and is ideal for making carved details.

Temperature fluctuations are better tolerated by yew. And if you need to implement the method of artificial aging, carpenters recommend viscous oak wood.

Most modern builders prefer metal structures. Their advantages include:

  • high strength, density and impermeability;
  • maintainability;
  • a light weight;
  • fine-grained structure, which increases the reliability of structures;
  • good resistance to mechanical damage and dynamic loads during installation;
  • long period of operation in regions with different climates.

The construction of two-story arbors of a closed type is unthinkable without brick products. Goods of the M-150 brand, suitable for building walls and laying foundations, are in particular demand. Hyper-pressed brick surpasses even silicate in strength, but unlike ceramic products, it exerts heavy loads on the supporting structures. Therefore, when choosing building materials, it is important to take into account not only their physical and chemical or, say, aesthetic properties, but also the features of the buildings themselves.

Drawing creation

First you need to draw up a detailed plan of the suburban area with the designation of the main and additional buildings. This will help you choose the best place for a gazebo, located a few meters from the house or at the most remote point of the front garden. It is better to install glazed structures equipped with barbecues 10 m from the main building and about 8 m from the border with a neighbor’s house.

When drawing up a drawing, do not forget about the foundation. For example, light metal and wooden structures will require a columnar base. The optimal distance between the vertical bars is 1800 mm. If they plan to install heaters in the gazebo or even organize an open hearth, it is important to determine the size of the furnace in advance. The ideal depth of the brazier is 800 mm, and the width is 950 mm. To avoid accidents, tables and chairs should not be placed in the immediate vicinity of the barbecue.

In the drawing, it is important to indicate not only the location of the structural elements, but also the shape of the buildings. For example, a rectangle is more suitable for a convenient arrangement of furniture. And if the building is being built for business negotiations, a circle or an octagon. Elementary lighting and ventilation schemes should be performed in isometric projection, indicating height parameters.

Construction order

Scoop shovels, a building level, a tape measure, a circular saw, hammers, pliers and self-tapping screws are useful in the work. For the foundation – sand, cement, crushed stone, beams and asbestos pipes. Getting started with the main processes, it is important:

  • make a markup of the site;
  • dig holes for pipes, and then fill them with cement-sand mortar;
  • strengthen the foundation elements with bars;
  • make waterproofing of load-bearing structures;
  • install intermediate beams and logs;
  • lay the floors and fix the upper trim of the gazebo;
  • prepare the truss system and fences;
  • fix the window frames with self-tapping screws and paint the finished structure.


Do-it-yourself closed gazebo for summer cottages: options for covered frame garden pavilions, project and step-by-step execution

If we take a columnar foundation of concrete blocks as a basis, the main thing is to choose the right site for construction. In this case, the marked place must correspond to the size of the base.

Next, we remove a 30-centimeter layer of earth, compact a soft cushion of crushed stone and install the blocks on a cement-sand mortar. In work, it is better to use the goods of the M-400 brand. It withstands heat, frost, high humidity and frequent temperature changes well. Even if you deviate a little from building technology, the likelihood of cracks will be minimal.

From above, the pillars should be treated with roofing material. This will increase the stability of structures to adverse seismic events. The grillage, which evenly distributes the load on the supporting elements of the structure, is mounted on self-tapping screws. In works in areas with unstable soils, the installation of a monolithic reinforced concrete belt will be required.

The construction of two-story gazebos with autonomous heating involves the use of a strip base. For this you need:

  • make markup;
  • dig trenches;
  • prepare a drainage cushion of sand 25–30 cm thick;
  • build a formwork;
  • mix a solution of sand, gravel and cement in a ratio of 2: 5: 1;
  • install frames if necessary.


It is better to sheathe the outer surfaces of the gazebo in the country with polycarbonate. This material is characterized by increased resistance to mechanical stress. It transmits light well, but at the same time scatters ultraviolet, which is especially important during a period of intense heat. In order to avoid technical errors, it is better to build walls according to a pre-drawn drawing. A screwdriver, a plumb bob, as well as tools for cutting metal are useful in the work.

If you need to improve the appearance of the building from the outside, it is better to use the clapboard. To do this, under the lower beam and railings, new bars or trimmings of lumber should be filled. Reinforced clamps and decorative nails will ensure reliable fixation of the lining.

Do-it-yourself closed gazebo for summer cottages: options for covered frame garden pavilions, project and step-by-step execution

The indisputable advantage of glass walls is the visual expansion of space. In such gazebos, heat is well preserved, and natural lighting allows you to work without lamps almost until the first dawn. The only disadvantage of such surfaces is the absolute visibility of the residents. But given that gazebos are installed mainly in fenced yards, this is more of an advantage than a disadvantage.

A planed board is also suitable for sheathing. In regions with a dry climate, for example in the Crimea, it is better to use breathable reed panels.


Shed roofing is a reliable option for a fully enclosed gazebo and every second frame structure. The rafter system includes elements from coniferous wood. It lends itself well to grinding and trimming. Before use, it needs pre-treatment with antifungal agents. To protect structures from high moisture, you should use basalt wool and a vapor barrier film. Depending on the operational features of roofing materials, you can choose bars with an optimal cross section for battens.

It is better to cover a large gazebo 10×12 m with soft tiles or corrugated board. The latter is famous for its high bending strength, and the low cost of the profile makes it popular among an unlimited number of consumers. The metal tile can be laid on a wooden base. Ondulin resistant to aggressive environment – on plywood.

Windows, doors

In closed extensions, products with single-chamber double-glazed windows are often used. They retain heat due to inert gas, but in frosty weather they quickly fog up and freeze. In this case, it is more profitable to use windows with double-glazed windows. In winter, such products retain up to 45% of heat, and condensate forms only at a temperature of 15–17 ° C below zero. Three-chamber double-glazed windows are held in high esteem by residents of the northern regions of the country. They are 2 times heavier than previous designs, but their level of energy saving is 37% higher.

Products with ventilation valves contribute to regular ventilation of the room. If you need to close not only window openings, but also wall openings, buy a frost-resistant film. It retains only 20% of heat, but guarantees good protection from rain and wind.

Interior finish

Do-it-yourself closed gazebo for summer cottages: options for covered frame garden pavilions, project and step-by-step execution

When choosing materials for wall cladding, it is better to prefer a block house or wooden slats with a section of 40×50 mm. Inside you can glue two-layer vinyl wallpaper. They almost do not let liquid through, and a variety of patterns contributes to the implementation of stylish design ideas. Floors should be painted with wax-based compounds. So you will be able to increase the resistance of wood to moisture and temperature extremes. If it is important to emphasize the exquisite texture of the material, it will be useful to stock up on transparent coatings.

Facing stone is suitable for decorating stove complexes and pillars: quartz slate or travertine.

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