Do-it-yourself bait recipes for roach at home

Roach – This is a small schooling fish that is found in almost all rivers and can often be found on the hooks of anglers. In order to activate fishing and make it productive, it is necessary to hold the roach at the point of biting, and for this it is best to use bait.

Purchased groundbait versus homemade mix

To prepare or select roach bait, you should be aware of several important factors.

  1. Feed color. The roach is a peaceful fish, and in order to protect itself from a predator, it needs to effectively disguise itself. With a dark bottom of the reservoir, the back of the roach has the same color. In this case, a bright spot of bait can mask the roach.
  2. Fish should not be overfed. To minimize the amount of bait in the mixture, you need to add raw clay. Its amount can reach up to 30-50% of the total bait.
  3. The smaller the size of roach specimens, the less should be in the finished mixture of components of animal origin.
  4. If you catch on the current, it is desirable to use binder ingredients. These can be PV1 components, which include brown sugar.

If we dwell on industrial baits, then you should pay attention to their versatility, which makes it possible to use them for various fishing conditions. Sometimes they are finalized, after which the mixture can be molded and thrown into balls.

Homemade bait mixtures are best used in conditions where the taste preferences of fish have been studied.

Depending on the consistency and the ingredients included in the bait, you can attract either small or large roach. For small specimens, it is necessary to create a voluminous feeding spot in the water column, and for larger specimens, a denser bait is used, which creates a feeding spot at the bottom of the reservoir.

Components of bait

Bait ingredients are selected depending on the fishing conditions. If fishing is carried out in reservoirs that are actively visited by fishermen, then it is better to introduce feed bloodworms and land taken on the shore of the reservoir into the composition of the bait. Mixtures based on sweet biscuits soaked in water give good results.

If fishing conditions suggest a fast current, then standard types of bait can be used, using breadcrumbs or grain bran. They are easily washed away in a stream of water and form a cloudy trail of bait, which certainly attracts fish. An equally important ingredient is the fragrance, which must be carefully manipulated to achieve a soft and attractive aroma. To increase the viscosity of the mixture, you can add soil taken near the reservoir to its composition, which will not scare away the roach.

Making bait for roach with your own hands

Even a novice fisherman can independently prepare bait for catching roach, just stock up on the appropriate ingredients, choose the right recipe and follow the advice.

Recipe No.1

  • Breadcrumbs – 0,3 kg.
  • Steamed rye – 0,3 kg.
  • Tolokno – 0,2 kg.
  • Ground hercules – 0,1 kg.
  • Grated garlic – 0,5 tablespoons.
  • Roasted hemp seed, crushed – 50g.
  • Filamentous algae – 50g.
  • Small maggot – 2-3 matchboxes.

Recipe No.2

  • Ground flaxseed cake – 0,2 kg.
  • Tolokno – 0,2 kg.
  • Sifted clay – 0,1 kg.
  • Fried bran – 0,3 kg.
  • Lentils – 20g.
  • Coriander – one pinch.
  • Young nettle – 50g.

Recipe No.3

  • Ground biscuit – 0,3 kg.
  • Breadcrumbs – 0,1 kg.
  • Dry clay, crushed – 0,1 kg.
  • Cumin – one pinch.
  • 2-3 matchboxes of small bloodworms and maggots.
  • Bran – 0,1 kg.

Recipe No.4

  • Fried bran – 0,2 kg.
  • Steamed wheat – 0,3 kg.
  • Breadcrumbs – 0,3 kg.
  • Ground pumpkin seeds – 0,2 kg.
  • Tubifex – 0,2 kg.
  • 2-3 pinches of thyme.
  • 2-3 drops of formic acid.

Bait for feeder fishing

For feeder fishing, you can use the widely used method, which involves mixing store-bought bait with your own bait. This option gives very good results, and such bait will cost a little cheaper. The task is only to achieve the appropriate consistency. Properly prepared and having the right consistency, bait will always work and fishing will be productive.

The following ingredients can be added to the composition of feeder baits:

  • Breadcrumbs.
  • Corn flour and cereals.
  • Biscuit.
  • Elements of animal origin.
  • Nuts.
  • Salt and sugar.
  • Flavours.
  • Clay and sand.

Flavorings for bait

To make fishing more productive, various flavors can be added to bait mixtures. Vanilla is very popular among anglers, but not culinary, but branded, which can be added to the bait mixture, at the rate of 100g per 1kg. Culinary vanillin has a bitter taste, so adding it to ready-made recipes is not recommended.

Coriander also attracts roach, due to the fact that falling into the water, its particles emerge and certainly attract fish.

Many fishermen prefer anise, which has a pleasant aroma and increases the appetite of roach.

Ready-made purchased mixtures, in addition to the above components, may also contain such aromatic additives:

  • Almond.
  • Chocolate.
  • Hemp.
  • Caramel, etc.

Flavorings should be handled with care so as not to spoil the bait. The bait should have a soft, enticing aroma, but not a heavy aromatic smell that may not attract, but scare away the fish. Therefore, flavor additives are calculated in drops, but not grams.

Ready-made mixtures are quite effective, but they are also quite expensive, so they are not available to all anglers, and, as they say, why pay extra money when you can prepare the bait yourself, and the result will be the same. An experienced fisherman will be able to catch on simple mixtures, but for an inexperienced, and purchased ones, they will not work.

Bait for roach — Video

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