Some find a lot of reasons not to start urgent work, others make a vow from Monday to go to the pool … and don’t go anywhere. According to statistics, approximately every fifth or sixth inhabitant of the Earth acquires the habit of putting off until tomorrow what can be done today.
Some find a lot of reasons not to start urgent work, others make a vow from Monday to go to the pool … and don’t go anywhere. According to statistics, approximately every fifth or sixth inhabitant of the Earth acquires the habit of putting off until tomorrow what can be done today*. Moreover, men demonstrate this type of behavior more often than women (54 out of 100), and young people more often than older people (out of four students, three put off solving pressing problems indefinitely). “Someone who is sure that he should do something immediately, but constantly puts it off, is simply not confident in himself and is afraid of failure,” says Dr. Piers Steel, a professor at the University of Calgary (Canada), who analyzed almost 700 studies. on this topic. Other causes of the problem, Dr. Steel calls a negative attitude to the upcoming work, impulsiveness, distractibility to other things and the degree of motivation of a person. According to the scientist, the habit of procrastination negatively affects the quality of our lives: we become depressed, suffer from procrastination, and gradually despondency and discontent turn into depression. It seems that there is nothing left but to educate your own willpower. “Beginning to control ourselves, we cease to be afraid of failure, and this, in turn, increases our ability to still overcome procrastination.”
See also: How self-esteem is born