Do I need to soak nuts before eating

Do I need to soak nuts before eating

Almonds, peanuts, walnuts and pine nuts are a healthy product rich in vegetable protein, valuable fats and fiber. We are increasingly being told that it is impossible to get the maximum amount of nutrients without soaking the nuts. Is it so? Let’s figure it out.

What does an unsoaked nut contain?

In nature, the walnut needs to remain “alive” for several months in order to germinate in the ground in spring in the presence of sufficient heat and moisture. The dormant state of the seed is controlled by phytic acid, or, as it is also called, phytates. They serve as the main form of storage of phosphorus in seeds, which is then used for germination of young plants.

Phytates are found only in plant foods. So, for example, in almonds (as a percentage of dry weight) it contains up to 9,5%, in Brazil nuts – up to 6,2%, in hazelnuts – 1%, in peanuts – up to 4,6%, in sesame seeds – up to 5,5%. That is, the content of phytic acid in grains varies greatly.

Phytic acid is also found in beans, lentils, corn, peas, rice, wheat and other legumes and grains.

Should I reduce the amount of phytic acid?

Biologists and nutritionists have long known that a unique natural substance – phytic acid – absorbs some minerals, but it is still beneficial for the body. It reduces the absorption of zinc, iron and potassium, but this only happens during the consumption of the nuts themselves. With other meals, phytic acid does not absorb minerals. Depending on the diet, you need to decide whether to soak your nuts or not. With a balanced diet, this is most likely not necessary. But you need to know:

  1. Soaking nuts overnight reduces phytin content.

  2. Germinating seeds destroys phytic acid.

  3. Fermentation and fermentation also reduces the percentage of phytate.

Pros of phytates

If you only occasionally snack on nuts, then no mineral deficiency in your body will occur. But phytic acid can be beneficial. Its beneficial properties are known if it is taken in moderation:

  • helps the functioning of the pancreas and insulin secretion;

  • prevents cardiovascular disease;

  • protects against the formation of kidney stones;

  • inhibits the growth of certain types of tumors;

  • has antioxidant properties.

Cons of phytates

People who are at risk of mineral deficiency need to be much more careful with acid and avoid using phytates in all meals. So, for example, it is better for vegetarians to soak nuts. And meat-eaters do not have to do this. It is also not recommended to give unsoaked nuts to children under six months.

The fact that soaking nuts is a controversial issue is confirmed by our specialist.

“Indeed, nuts are a very healthy product. They are high in protein, dietary fiber, and unsaturated fats. But as mentioned above, nuts and grains also contain phytic acid. It prevents the premature germination of nuts in nature, but has an extremely negative effect on the absorption of iron and zinc in the human body. People prone to osteoporosis should be especially wary.

In order to weaken the effect of phytic acid, it is customary to soak cereals, legumes and nuts in warm water. There are different, conflicting opinions on this score.

It makes no sense to soak the nuts for hours, since only a small amount of them is eaten. In order for phytates to show their extremely negative effect, grains and nuts must be consumed in kilograms. Such an impact should only be feared in countries where food traditions have a history of consuming a lot of cereals or legumes.

Phytic acid decomposes easily during heat treatment, and when roasted nuts and boiled cereals are on the table, there is nothing to be afraid of. Phytates are also reduced by the germination, grinding, and fermentation of nuts and legumes.

Soaking is even dangerous, because pathogenic microbes and bacteria that may be present on the surface of nuts multiply intensively in a humid environment at room temperature.

At the request of Rospotrebnadzor, it is recommended to buy peeled nuts only from sellers who have quality certificates in their hands. Preferably in industrial packaging, it is good that the nuts are pre-treated with a special gas or pasteurized before packing. Unfortunately, such products will cost more, and the manufacturer does not always indicate how the nuts were processed.

If during the purchase, mold is found on the nuts, a musty smell, they must be thrown away.

There have been studies that have proven that phytic acid may even be beneficial. For example, it has an antitumor effect, it is even supposed to be used as a food supplement.

Soaking nuts, legumes, and grains is to speed up the cooking time, but there is no point in removing phytates.

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