Do I need to drink a lot of water: why is it and will it help on a diet?

Good day, dear blog readers! We know that we are 70-80% water, that we can survive no more than three days without it, and that it is very useful. But why drink a lot of water, what exactly does this give our body? How to do it right and how much is needed? I will try to tell you about this today.

What does drinking water do?

I’ll start with the benefits of water in general for us:

  1. Provides the body with energy, so if you followed the recommendations from the article about increasing energy, but still remain lethargic, inattentive and confused, then think about dehydration?
  2. It sort of «washes» the internal organs, cleansing them of all harmful substances, removing toxins, decay products, etc. through the skin, in the form of sweat and urine. This is especially important when losing weight, otherwise this process will adversely affect health.
  3. In addition to cleansing, it is one of the sources of oxygen consumed by internal organs.
  4. Helps in the process of assimilation of vitamins, minerals …
  5. Saturates hair with moisture, and they grow healthy, shiny and smooth. Also, the skin, which becomes elastic, retains youth longer, because wrinkles just appear in dehydrated areas. And thanks to moisture, nails become stronger and less likely to break.
  6. Affects digestion.
  7. Its deficiency can lead to various diseases. For example, if your joints hurt, then first try to increase the volume of fluid consumed, the same with headaches.

How is it related to weight loss?

Do I need to drink a lot of water: why is it and will it help on a diet?

  • The most common causes of excess weight and stomach problems are a lack of water, because then little gastric juice is produced, which slows down the digestive system, not having time to process all the substances, putting off fats and carbohydrates for later. And there will be no strength to fight this excess fat.
  • When a person loses weight, toxins and all sorts of decay products are formed in him, which are excreted only with the help of liquid.
  • Lubricates joints and keeps muscles in good shape, relieving severe pain. That is why it is recommended to increase the volume of drinking during intensive training.
  • During the diet, a person needs to consume fiber, but without a large amount of water, it is almost impossible to digest it.
  • If you drink during meals, saturation will come very early, as the stomach will fill up faster and the brain will receive a signal that there is enough food and it’s time to stop.
  • It speeds up the metabolism, and, therefore, food is quickly processed, useful substances are absorbed, and harmful substances are excreted. And then even a piece of cake or another favorite, but high-calorie dish will not be terrible.
  • People who have managed to lose a very large amount of excess weight know that their difficulties do not end there, because the skin hanging down in those places where it was stretched takes a very long time to recover. But if you drink a lot, the cells will start working faster, adding elasticity to the skin and getting rid of the tightening effect.

How to correctly calculate the volume

I think why we need a large supply of moisture, you understand, now you need to calculate it. Doctors recommend 15 liters per 0,5 kilograms. For example, if your weight is 60 kg, then you should consume at least two liters per day. When playing sports, add at least one more. Just keep in mind that if you decide to drink the required amount in two approaches, this will not benefit. To maintain balance, moisture should be replenished gradually, as it is released.

It is best if during the day you measure the required amount and drink 250 ml at a time, this is how much a regular glass can hold. Just don’t torture yourself and force yourself if you don’t want to. By the way, the child must also drink enough water, for full growth and development it is simply necessary for him, given that children usually waste more energy than adults. And vegetarians can adhere to a different norm, boldly reducing the rate by 0,5 liters.

Recommendations and caveats

Do I need to drink a lot of water: why is it and will it help on a diet?

  1. Do you know that when you are sick, you need to drink plenty of fluids? Especially with fever and indigestion, because dehydration occurs, and a person loses energy in the fight against viruses and bacteria.
  2. While on a diet, just drinking and not eating will not work, as it is impossible to feel full without getting some nutrients and at least a minimal amount of calories. It is best to pour a glass of purified water just before eating for 40-50 minutes. If there is no way to eat, but you really want to, warm, or at least room temperature water will help, this trick will deceive the brain for a while, because it contains alkali and salts that reduce hunger. But before going to bed, it’s better to limit yourself, you don’t need extra awakenings at all, otherwise you won’t feel cheerful in the morning.
  3. During active physical activity, it is not recommended to drink cold water, even if it is very hot, otherwise you can catch a cold. If your workout is longer than an hour, be sure to include electrolyte-rich drinks with glucose in your diet.
  4. Unfortunately, useful substances are washed out with toxins and other harmful substances, so you should not overuse water. As a last resort, you can start taking vitamins.
  5. Tea, coffee, juices, broths and the like are considered food, so they should not be added to the amount of fluid consumed per day.
  6. If you have kidney problems, you should definitely consult a doctor, otherwise a large intake of water will increase the work for them, which they may not be able to cope with.
  7. It is also necessary to consult a doctor for urolithiasis.
  8. At first, you will often run to the toilet, do not be afraid of this, your body will rebuild, get used to it and everything will stabilize.
  9. Give up alcohol, it is he who leads to dehydration, among other destructive effects. You can see this article.
  10. Squeeze a lemon, it will give a taste to the water, acidify it and fill it with vitamin C. It is especially useful on an empty stomach, if there is no gastritis or stomach ulcer, so the body wakes up faster, starting all the necessary processes to function actively all day.
  11. Is it good to always drink plenty of water? But no, it can both speed up the digestive process and significantly slow it down. Therefore, pause, an hour after eating and at least half an hour before.
  12. Do not worry that by increasing the amount of fluid consumed, your body, and especially your face, will begin to acquire puffiness. Everything superfluous and processed will come out necessarily, usually only eating salty and spicy food, sometimes the diseases that I mentioned above, retains fluid in the body.
  13. In order not to ask myself a question like “is it necessary to increase drinking?”, I’ll say one thing — if the body lacks moisture, a person begins to experience an increased feeling of hunger, and overeating, his stomach expands, which makes it necessary to increase the portion and meals.
  14. With neurotic disorders, it is also not recommended to overdo it, since the excretion of sodium and potassium negatively affects the state of health.
  15. Experts advise resorting to this method in the warm season, best of all in summer. Since it will be easier for the body to adapt and rebuild, because the secretion through the sweat glands will be much more active, and you will not catch a cold due to wet clothes, especially in frost or in a draft.
  16. When dieting, completely give up carbonated drinks. Yes, sometimes you want to pamper yourself with them, but believe me, you will only slow down the process of getting rid of extra pounds. To diversify the taste, try squeezing a lemon again or adding honey if you are not allergic to it.
  17. To bring health benefits, you should not pour water from the tap, there is chlorine and other muck that your body absolutely does not need. Boiled water will not harm, but it will not give a positive effect either, because during cooking it becomes absolutely neutral. Mineral is not advised to use daily, although it is useful. Filtered is best.

Consequences of dehydration

Finally, I will tell you what happens to your body when there is a lack of moisture. Imagine that only breathing takes 0,5 liters per day. And if a person is still involved in sports or has physical activity, then it comes to one liter. And if he only has one liter per day? Then breathing will be complicated, his muscles will not be in good shape, the skin will be flabby, even the pressure may decrease, and the worst thing, no, not obesity, but even worse — the formation of blood clots that tend to break off, which can lead to death. The work of the liver, kidneys and heart also worsens, the efficiency of brain activity decreases, and hallucinations may even occur.


Do I need to drink a lot of water: why is it and will it help on a diet?

So, if you decide to lead a healthy lifestyle, want to restore or maintain beauty and youth, drink plenty to maintain water balance. Subscribe to the blog to keep your brain and body in good shape. I also recommend an article about a healthy lifestyle in 30 years. And that’s all for today, dear readers! Be healthy and take care of yourself!

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