It is necessary to prune phloxes not only because dry stems and inflorescences spoil the appearance of the plant and the entire plot in the autumn-winter period, but also so that they successfully overwinter and delight the eye with lush flowering next year. The main task of the gardener is to meet the deadlines for pruning and carry out the procedure in accordance with all the rules.
Do I need to prune phlox after flowering?
If you do not plan to get phlox seeds, you need to cut off the inflorescences. This will allow the plant not to waste nutrients on the formation of seeds and maintain a neat appearance of the flower bed. It must be remembered that this procedure stimulates the growth of lateral peduncles, therefore, leads to repeated flowering.
Pruning of faded phloxes, especially those that bloom closer to autumn, is undesirable in regions with a short summer, since the second wave of flowering weakens the perennial before going dormant. In this case, it is better to wait and prune in the fall in preparation for planting for winter. Also, pruning of faded phloxes is combined with a full autumn haircut in varieties with a late flowering period.
Under natural conditions, wild phloxes overwinter along with the stems, but cultivated plants need special care in order to preserve their decorative qualities as much as possible. Experienced gardeners name several reasons why it is necessary to prune phloxes after flowering for the winter:
- destruction of pathogens and pest larvae in plant residues;
- providing flowers with proper preparation for winter;
- accumulation in the roots of useful substances necessary for wintering and subsequent vegetation;
- maintaining a neat appearance of the garden in winter.
After flowering, the flower stalks are removed, leaving a stem 50–60 cm high. Many gardeners simply break off dry inflorescences to keep the flower bed looking neat. In the future, these shoots are also removed during full pre-winter pruning.
When to prune phlox in autumn
Compliance with the timing of pruning phloxes is an important condition for their decorative effect and maintaining health. Too early removal of stems after flowering prevents the formation of growth buds on the roots and stimulates vegetative processes. Late pruning deprives the roots of the supply of nutrients necessary for successful wintering of flowers.
After flowering
In summer, faded phloxes are pruned immediately after flowering. Depending on the variety, the timing can vary from early July for very early varieties to mid-September for late-flowering varieties.

After flowering, only flower stalks are removed, while the stems are left until autumn pruning.
For the winter
It is possible to prune phloxes for the winter only after flowering is complete and all vegetative processes have stopped. Usually this procedure is carried out in October, taking into account the flowering time of a particular variety and adjusted for climatic conditions. Since the process of formation of growth buds ends shortly before the onset of the first frost, pre-winter pruning of phlox should be done no earlier and no later than this time.
When to cut phloxes in the fall in the suburbs and regions
The climate and flowering period determine the timing of pruning phlox in the fall. The main thing is to have time to prune the plants after the stems begin to dry, and before the onset of the first frost.
In the Leningrad region
Phlox pruning in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region is carried out in early October. In the conditions of a short autumn in this region, it is necessary to have time to remove the stems in the first 2 weeks of the month, until the soil temperature reaches negative values.
In Siberia
In Siberia, phloxes for the winter are either not cut at all, or 10–20 cm of the aerial part is left. In this case, pruning is done in the last days of September – early October. In the conditions of severe Siberian frosts, the remains of the stems hold the snow cover, which is the best insulation for the root system of the plant. This is especially true if phloxes grow in open areas where the wind can blow away the snow cover. In addition, in this region, plants are mulched and insulated with spruce branches, corn or sunflower tops.
Some Siberian gardeners dig up flowers and place them in the basement for the winter, having previously transplanted them into containers. In the spring they are again planted in the garden in a flower bed.
In the middle lane
In the climatic conditions of the middle zone, the autumn cooling comes a little later, therefore, on its territory, in particular, in the Moscow region, it is necessary to cut phloxes for the winter in the second decade of October when the weather is suitable.
How to prune phlox in autumn
In preparation for winter, several perennial pruning options are used:
- complete removal of stems to ground level. It is allowed to leave the ground part with a height of no more than 2 cm;
- cutting off the stems at a level of 8–10 cm from the soil surface;
- cutting at 20 cm.
There is no consensus among phlox lovers as to which option to prefer. Most often, gardeners use the first method of pruning, since longer stems interfere with the preparation of plants for winter and interfere with the growth of new shoots in the spring. Incomplete pruners believe that a small above-ground part should be left, since it has growth buds, from which additional stems appear next season. However, opponents of this method notice that the shoots growing from the remains of last year’s stems are much weaker than those that grow from root buds, and therefore are of little value.

Most gardeners practice full phlox pruning.
Rules for pruning perennial phlox
To trim the stems, you will need a garden pruner, work gloves and a disinfectant.
In order for phloxes to successfully overwinter, and next summer they were pleased with abundant flowers and lush greenery, in the fall, after flowering, they must be cut according to the following scheme:
- the procedure is best done on a sunny dry day;
- just before pruning, it is necessary to treat the ground around the flowers with a fungicide;
- be sure to disinfect the secateurs with an alcohol-containing solution, concentrated potassium permanganate or by calcining the cutting surface on fire;
- cut the stems at a right angle;
- remove from the site and burn all plant debris.
Phlox care after pruning
Immediately after pruning phloxes in the fall for the winter, ash and mineral fertilizers are added under the remains of the bushes. After a week and a half, the landing sites are mulched with peat, rotted compost, humus or fallen leaves. With the onset of winter, it is advisable to cover the plants with snow.
Phloxes should not be trimmed only if the flowers are planted on the site in the fall or seed collection is planned. Also, some lovers of these flowers in Siberia prefer spring pruning. In other cases, all perennial varieties need to be removed for the winter of the aerial part. The procedure carried out in accordance with all the rules significantly increases the endurance of plants and has a positive effect on their decorative qualities.