Do I need to cover Potentilla for the winter: pruning and care in the fall, preparing the bush for frost in the Moscow region and other regions

Potentilla is a plant that often decorate summer cottages and gardens. Although most varieties are absolutely picky, in autumn the flowers require care and preparation for wintering. In addition, many species need additional shelter. From our article today, you will learn how to cover Potentilla for the winter.

Autumn preparation

How to prepare Potentilla for winter is a question that interests many gardeners. In the fall, it will be necessary to carry out a number of activities that are aimed at strengthening the immunity of the plant. This will allow the flowers to endure the winter frosts well, and bloom wildly with the advent of spring.

Do I need to cover Potentilla for the winter: pruning and care in the fall, preparing the bush for frost in the Moscow region and other regions

Among the operations that are carried out in the autumn period, pruning, cleaning the soil under the plant and treating diseases are distinguished:

  1. Pruning cinquefoil by autumn is a simple matter. There are two types of pruning that are applied during this period. The first is sanitary pruning. As they fade and wither, dried leaves and inflorescences are removed. This helps to protect the plant from diseases and pests, and also allows it to accumulate strength for growing new shoots. The second type is a rejuvenating procedure. Each shoot is shortened by ⅓. This is done so that with the advent of spring, the plant will release more new branches. If your cinquefoil is more than 7 years old, cut out ⅓ of old shoots annually so that the bush can be updated faster.
  2. Do not forget to clear the soil under the shrub from weeds and fallen leaves. Pathogenic microorganisms and insects can winter there, which, with the onset of heat, attack your flowers. For the same purpose, the soil of the near-stem zone is carefully loosened so that the insects are on the surface and die with the onset of winter.
  3. Treatment of cinquefoil diseases requires a lot of time and effort from summer residents, so it is better to take care of prevention in advance. With the advent of autumn, the plant is treated with a solution of copper sulfate to protect the flowers from fungal diseases.

Video “Pruning cinquefoil bushes”

From this video you will learn how to properly prune Potentilla bushes.

Pruning shrubs Pruning cinquefoil

What plants need to be covered

As mentioned earlier, cinquefoil refers to frost-resistant flowers. They are grown even in the middle lane and in the north of the country, where the temperature drops to the lowest levels in winter. Despite this, the flowers are able to survive frosts and remain unharmed.

Let’s talk about which varieties of cinquefoil need shelter. So, the bushes that were planted in the autumn period of the current year need it. They have not yet gained strength and are not entrenched in the ground, so low temperatures can harm them. Annual plants are also covered, since they, like seedlings, have not sufficiently adapted to winter weather conditions. Some advise focusing on the color of flowers, and are kind to species that bloom in red or pink flowers. They will need an air-dry shelter.

Adult shrubs are not afraid of cold. They calmly tolerate low temperatures, and can do without shelter in the cold season. But if you don’t want to risk it, you can at least cover them with snow to keep them warm longer.

Materials and technology

Spruce branches or any type of agrofibre are used as covering materials. Basically, it doesn’t matter which one you choose. Spunbond and agrofabric perfectly perform their functions. You can also use burlap to cover plants.

Do I need to cover Potentilla for the winter: pruning and care in the fall, preparing the bush for frost in the Moscow region and other regions

It is strictly forbidden to take plastic wrap. It does not let air into the shelter, which contributes to the appearance of condensation. This provokes the process of rotting of the root system, and with the advent of spring you will get a rotten shrub.

The technology of shelter is extremely simple. First you need to carry out the hilling of the bush. Bare stems at the very base are covered and additionally insulated with a layer of humus or peat. This helps the root system of the plant to keep warm and not freeze during severe frosts. After that, spruce branches are placed on the bush to insulate it. Instead of spruce branches, you can use burlap or other covering material that retains heat well.

The main rule is to do everything on time. This operation must not be carried out too early or too late. In the first case, the flower can rot under cover, and rot even before the onset of heat. In the second case, frosts will damage the bush, and even shelter will not improve the situation.

In the middle lane (Moscow region) and in cold regions (Urals, Siberia, etc.), it is better to play it safe and cover the cinquefoil as we indicated above. The frosts are strong there, so it’s better not to risk it. But in the south you can do without additional shelter.

Potentilla belongs to frost-resistant plants, and since the temperature in winter is not too low, it will endure the cold very well.

So, we examined the preparatory procedures that are carried out with Potentilla with the onset of autumn. We also considered the features of shrub shelter for the winter. Now you know what to do to save your garden until the new spring.

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