Do I need a third distillation of moonshine

To improve the quality of the drink, some distillers do the third distillation of moonshine, claiming that this technology allows you to get rid of almost all harmful impurities. However, in practice, the technique has both advantages and disadvantages, which we will consider further.

First, let’s define the terminology: the third distillation of moonshine is the distillation of raw alcohol obtained during the two previous distillations on the same apparatus and using the same method as the previous times. In this case, a classic distiller (a refrigerator in the form of a coil) is used as equipment, preferably without strengthening. Other cases (work with beer and distillation columns, a combination of several distillers of different types) will not be considered, because they imply a significant change in technology.

Historical origins

In Russia, reusable distillation of moonshine was popular among the nobility in the 6th-10th centuries. Many landowners had their own distilleries, where they successively distilled the drink XNUMX-XNUMX times to improve the quality and increase the strength. Subsequently, strong moonshine was used to produce ratafia, a sweet fruit tincture.

In 1868, a distillation column appeared and the need for reusable distillation disappeared. The era of rectified spirit began, as almost perfectly purified from impurities. About multiple distillation (more than two times) they started talking again only in the early 2000s, during the revival of home distillation. Since then, this topic has been haunting the minds of moonshiners.

Theory of the third distillation of moonshine

During distillation, substances with different boiling points are mixed, therefore it is impossible even theoretically to separate the mash into fractions: in the head impurities of moonshine there will always be substances from the “body” and “tails”, but in a lower concentration, and in the “body” – “heads” ” and “tails”. Qualitative separation of fractions allows only rectification, which also has many drawbacks (the main one is the loss of aroma and taste of the drink), the difference between distillation and rectification is described in a separate material.

However, each subsequent distillation (necessarily with division into “heads”, “body” and tails) reduces the concentration of harmful impurities. This is what the supporters of the third distillation of moonshine are guided by, believing that this is how they remove almost all harmful impurities. However, the problem is that along with dangerous substances, useful substances are also cut off, which give the characteristic taste and aroma of the drink. As a result, moonshine comes out a little cleaner, but poorer in organoleptic properties.

In industry, the third distillation is used only for some brands of Irish whiskey, for example, Bushmills, and for most other strong spirits (Scotch whiskey, cognacs, calvados, tequila, etc.), manufacturers are limited to two distillations.

The expediency of the third distillation

Whether it is necessary to make a third distillation of moonshine, everyone can decide for himself, we will only consider the pros and cons.


  • the drink turns out to be a little cleaner in terms of harmful impurities, but it is impossible to remove all of them even after 10 distillations;
  • if you wish, you can increase the strength of moonshine – a dubious advantage, because there are simpler options to raise the degree, for example, devices with reinforcement.


  • fruit and grain distillates lose their aroma and taste, and may become harsher;
  • additional energy costs (for heating) and time for distillation;
  • less output – part of the moonshine is lost during distillation.
Do I need a third distillation of moonshine
When looking for the difference between the second and third distillation


As a method, the third distillation has the right to exist, but it is advisable to use it only for sugar distillates or if mistakes were made during the second distillation.

I compared the quality of sugar moonshine of the second and third distillations from the same mash, but after several days of settling, I could not find any differences between the drinks, but this is a subjective opinion.

If pure alcohol is required, then rectification is needed, even 10 distillations will not help here.

How to make the third distillation of moonshine

There are no uniform standards, usually it is performed using the same technology as the second one, adjusting the number of “heads” at your discretion.


  1. Determine the amount of pure alcohol (strength in percent multiplied by the volume in liters and divided by 100). Dilute moonshine of the second distillation to a fortress of 18-20% vol. (distilling stronger liquids on a conventional moonshine still is explosive).
  2. Make a third run. Select “heads” in an amount of 5-10% of absolute alcohol or by smell (until the distillate in the stream stinks).
  3. Finish the selection of the “body” when the fortress in the jet falls below 45-50% vol.
  4. The resulting drink is diluted with water to a drinking fortress, poured into a glass container and hermetically sealed. Leave for 3-4 days to stabilize the taste after mixing with water.

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